Hello guys and gals at Interactive Entertainment, I just received your Issue 16 in the mail and as usual I was very pleased with the CD. I've been meaning to write for a while, especially when I read those negative letters you get once in a while about the style of your reviews. Well, I like the lighthearted, funny, yet "tell it like it is" reviews. Please don't change this, I couldn't sit and listen to the reviews and stay awake unless they were entertaining! I have tried out several different game mags/CDs and yours it one of the few I have found I like consistently and agree with 99% of the time. I tried Nautilus CD - too boring for me (not enough games) - Canceled! I tried CGW - I don't like their reviews and very often disagree with their ratings. It seems they are more forgiving of the big companies foibles than they are the smaller game companies (can you say advertising?). And they review very few adventure/rpgs, which I love. And they sometimes give so much away, you may as well not bother playing the game. So I don't plan to renew my CGW subscription, I gave them a year and that's it - Canceled! I tried CGR and what can I say. I've had it the longest, almost two years and they have just gone so far downhill in the last year. They have changed the format so much (and I don't like the new one), and the reviews are not well done (new reviewers just so-so), and I have about a 50-50 agreement on their ratings. In their September issue, they reviewed a game (SQ6) and included a walkthru for the first part of the game - with no warning. They said you would need it to get going. Well I didn't. So, again, what can I say but - Canceled! I have a PC Gamer subscription - like a lot of people I guess, from what I read on the net. Anyway, I like their magazine a lot and the CD is great with all those demos. (Name not enclosed - probably the moron magazine editor lost the Internet header. Sorry!) ==================================================================== Dear Editor, First and foremost, I'd like to applaud the spectacular job you've all been doing at IE. I was truly incensed on your behalf by that rude letter in episode 15, "Splitting Heirs. Again." I'd like to see the author of that letter run a better interactive magazine than yours. Your response to him was well deserved, and kudos to you for not letting him/her get away with such a crudely written waste of paper and/or hard disk space. But I digress. Your magazine is superb! I have every episode since six, and I subscribed after episode nine. Your reviews are hilarious. I love the repartee between reviewers. In fact, I enjoy the bad reviews more than the good. They are usually right on the mark with my tastes, and when they're not, they're still entertaining. Your previews leave me salivating for months, but it's a hopeful, good drool. Congratulations on your success, and may you continue to flourish. L.S. Bloomfield, NJ (via fax)