CD-ROM Today - The Disc! 6
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Trouble shooting with Star Crusader
RUN SETUP.EXE to configure your system.
1.) Insure you have the correct amount of memory available for the demo
(This is included in the setup utlity)
2.) If the game does not go into the actual space flight scene (IE locks
up just before you take off) Then you have either configured your
sound card incorrectly or the Star Crusader DEMO does not support your
sound card. Please re run setup and choose the correct sound settings and
INSURE that you have SAVED them by clicking on the SAVE icon.
Star Crusader Preview
Quick Start
The Game
The game starts at the Main Hall. Left click on the red jewel at the
bottom of the screen. This will take you to the Mission Briefing room.
Here you see the mission briefing screen and the mission tactical map.
You can scroll through the mission using the up and down arrows.
You can also click on a ship on the tactical map to get a ship
description. Just left click to get back to the tactical map.
If you click on the door on the right side of the screen it will take you
to the computer room. This is where you configure your squadron.
The three buttons on the right side of the computer screen will let you
set up your squadron. If you are flying a solo mission go to the
Combat Resources menu and choose a ship that you want to fly.
If you are leading a fighter wing you will need to pick other pilots to
fly with you. When finished you can assign pilots to the ships you chose.
If you move the cursor to the right of the screen you can go fly the
mission. There will be a cinematic take off scene here. For now you will
just go into flight. The first thing you should know is the "P" key pause
the game.
Cockpit Controls
Thrust(keyboard controls)
0 - no power - decrease power by one
1 - 1/3 power = increase power by one
2 - 2/3 power #2 joystick button while depressed up/back - thrust
3 - full power
4 - match target speed
Combat Controls
W - toggles through weapons L - targets ship in cross-hairs
T - toggles through targets <spacebar> fires active weapon
Alt T - previous target #1 joystick button fires active weapon
A - toggles through allies #2 joystick button while depressed left/right - roll
Alt A - previous ally
Cockpit Systems
alt + 1 - toggles left monitor on/off shift + 1 - changes function of left monitor
alt + 2 - toggles center monitor on/off shift + 2 - changes function of center monitor
alt + 3 - toggles right monitor on/off shift + 3 - changes function of right monitor
Monitor functions (type shift + monitor number, then the function number
you want the monitor to be)
1 - radar 5 - target's shields
2 - trackcam 6 - ship's damage
3 - targeting sight
4 - ship's shields
7- Toggles through monitor 1
8- Toggles through monitor 2
9- Toggles through monitor 3
Navigational Controls
N - brings up the navigational controls
Type number of navigational function or use mouse.
Views Options
F1 - main cockpit view F10 - toggle gouraud shading
F2 - front view (no cockpit) F11 - toggle texmaps
F3 - rear view F12 - toggle lightsource shading
F4 - external view from ship to target , - decreases zoom level
F5 - external view from target to ship . - increases zoom level
F6 - side view (not implemented)
F7 - torpedo camera
F8 - external view over ship
Special Keys
Esc - game options menu Alt E - eject
P - pauses game R - tractor beam
TAB - hits Turbo Alt Q - quit to DOS
Ctrl R - resupplies ship
J- hyperjump back to base (from stationary position)