Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | display | software | multimedia software | operating system | font OCR: A File Requester Replacement Is Here! A NEW FILE REQUESTER Yes you could say good bye to the give away file requester that you used to be stuck with in AMOS. This requester is still in development but it does work. The only thing missing is a button to list all volumes available so at the moment you have to just type it into the path edit zone. The requester only !!!! :- ( coded in AMOS Professionals Interface language so as you guessed it's Pro When I get round to finishing this requester it'll be on a future issue of Sauce 'N' Code so stay peeled !! INDEX LINE -UP START COLOUR MUSIC HELP + LINE DN END PRINT TV:NTSC CPU:68020 CHIPSET: CHIP:01506 FAST:00000 TIMER: 08:38