CD-ROM Today (BR) Volume 3 #4
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Eradicator Retail Demo (1996)
1 Place the Eradicator compact disc in your CD-ROM drive with the
label side up.
2 At the DOS prompt, type the letter of your CD-ROM drive, followed by a
colon, and press <Enter>.
(Example -> "D:" and press <Enter>).
3 Make sure you are in the "ERAD" directory
(Example -> "cd erad" and press <Enter>).
4 Type: "INSTALL" and press <Enter>.
After starting Windows, open to your CD folder, go into the ERAD
folder, and double click on the Install icon.
After starting Windows 95, open to your CD folder, go into the ERAD
folder, and double click on the Install icon.
[NOTE: The application SETSOUND should run automatically after the
install process. If you have sound or music problems during the
game you should run SETSOUND from the ERAD directory.]
Game play & controls help
a. Walk-thru to start game
b. Getting around the Main Menu
c. Running a net game
a. Objectives
b. In-game help
c. Story thus far
d. Backstory
a. What the options mean
b. Key configuration
c. The PIP
a. Walk-thru of D1
b. Secrets
a. Weapons available
b. Power-ups available
c. Enemies
a. Technical problems running demo
b. Known bugs
a. Web site and internet address
[NOTE: More technical help text re: sound card problems and installing
difficulties can be found in the HELP.ME text file included with the
Eradicator CD.]
[NOTE: The help text below assumes you've installed Eradicator
to the default c:\ERAD directory. In the event you have installed it
elsewhere, please make the appropriate drive letter and path name
changes where applicable.]
C: <Enter>
CD \ERAD <Enter>
ERAD <Enter>
In a few moments, the opening cinematic will load and begin to play.
You can bypass this cinematic by pressing <ESC>. When the cinematic
is complete, you should see the the ERADICATOR title screen
followed by the ACCOLADE logo screen. The music, if configured, will
start playing here. Now you will go to the MAIN MENU.
You may just hit <Enter> to use the default option, NEW GAME. You can
change your selection using the up/dn arrow keys and then pressing
<Enter> on the item of your choice.
We recommend you access the OPTIONS section where you can adjust
many aspects of the game. Furthermore, we suggest you checkout the
CONFIGURE KEYS selection on this sub-menu which will display all
of the key commands available to you in Eradicator at their default
Follow the on-screen instructions to alter the key setup. <ESC> will
pop the cursor to DONE; then <ENTER> to save your changes or move
the cursor to CANCEL and hit <ENTER> to not save your changes.
From the MAIN MENU, when you select NEW GAME, you will be taken to the
character selection screen. Only KAMCHAK and DAN BLAZE are available
for this version, so select your character with the arrow keys and
hit <Enter> again to start the game.
At this point, you're in the game. You can use F1 to view the
help screen which lists some useful tidbits of information.
Have fun!
You can use the arrow keys to move the cursor to whatever choice
you wish to select and <Enter> to select that item. Starting a NEW
GAME is the default option.
The MAIN MENU has several options that can vary depending on
whether or not you have an active game running or you are just
starting a new game.
HELP - takes you to the in-game help screen which offers some useful
information and hints on playing Eradicator.
NEW GAME - goes to the character selection screen where you can
see the 3 characters that will be available in the
final release. (Only DAN BLAZE and KAMCHAK are available
in this release.)
LOAD GAME - (Not available in this demo.)
SAVE GAME - (Not available in this demo.)
NET PLAY - allows you to start or join a network game (more
information on this below).
OPTIONS - goes to the options menu (described below).
QUIT - prompts you for verification then drops you to your OS.
RESUME GAME - available when accessing the main menu from within
the regular game; simply returns you to currently
active game.
c. Running a net game
You can either start or join a network game.
1) To start a network game:
A) Select "Net Game" from the main menu
B) Select "Start New Game" from the net game menu
C) Select character, number of players, and level
D) Select "Start Game" to begin
E) Wait for others to join; then have fun!
2) To join a network game:
A) Select "Net Game" from the main menu
B) Select the game you wish to join from the menu
C) Select the character you wish to use
D) Select "Start Game"
NOTE: Eradicator requires your computer to already be connected
to a LAN (local area network) before starting the game if you
wish to play a network game.
Whever the MASTER (person who started the net game) leaves the game
by quitting the game will be stopped and all players will exit to
Eradicator does not support modem or serial link compatibility
in this demo.
a. Objectives -
Every level has a specific list of objectives that must be met.
These objectives are listed in your in-game PDA (Personal
Data Assistant) which is accessible via the <TAB> key during
game play.
To win a level, complete all of the objectives listed in the PDA
and then find the animated red arrow which serves as an
indicator to the exit of your current level and the entrance to the
next section.
To win the game, complete the three, progressively difficult
sections of the Ioxian Defense Base.
b. In-game help -
By pressing <F1> while playing, a help screen will
appear displaying some useful tidbits of information on how to get
around in the world of Eradicator. Once at this screen, <F1> will
toggle it off and return you to game play.
Again, the <TAB> key will bring up the PDA (automap) and show you
your current mission objectives (see II., a. above).
c. Story thus far -
An ancient, alien power rooted in the bowels of the planet Ioxia
has sprung back to life, halting all mining of Ioxia's three moons -
the only known sources of the precious element Mazrium.
Mazrium is the basis for all current technologies and power sources,
and also has life giving properties. It is vital to the survival
of the inhabitants of this galaxy.
Two days ago, an energy surge was detected by one of the orbiting
mining vessels. It originated from within the only remaining
Ioxian Citadel (left from the "Great Uprising" two centuries ago).
A squad of Cyrops mercenaries was sent in to investigate.
The satellite feed that was received indicated something has
risen from the ashes and is attempting to regain control of
the Mazrium.
Moments after their insertion, the Cyrops mercs were destroyed. The
Citadel from ages past had snapped to life - reinstating the ion
shield that prevents access to the three Mazrium moons and sending
the entire galaxy into chaos.
No Armada can penetrate the shield; no weapons can disable the
Citadel. Strategists believe a single soldier could slip past the
defenses which were designed for large scale assaults and shutdown
the shield's power source from within. The Mazrium must be mined; it
is the lifeblood of the galaxy.
The Union of Galactic Merchants has called upon the services of their
most ambitious mercenary, Eleena Brynstaarl. In this desperate hour,
they are more than willing to meet her demanded price.
The planet of Treydan has selected their most impressive warrior to be
sent in search of a solution to the dilemma facing the galaxy. Kamchak
possesses both the strength and the sheer will that such a mission
will require. A hero of the galaxy is in the making.
Trapped on one of the Mazrium moons when the Ioxian Citadel
kicked on, Dan Blaze wasn't looking for anything but his next load
of Mazrium to mine. Now that all his fellow cybernetic miners are
dead, he must find a way off of this lifeless world. The only
solution seems to be deeper exploration of the strange Citadel
controlling the field.
d. Backstory -
Centuries past, an ancient race of warriors claimed
the planet Ioxia as their home. The three orbiting moons, Grxmit,
Drasssh, and Cthau are the only remaining sites where the
precious element Mazrium can be mined.
The Ioxians hoarded the Mazrium and sold small rations to the
neighboring solar systems - demanding outrageous fees and
services in return. Eventually, after suffering under this
extortion, the native races of the nearest worlds attempted an
assault on the planet. Thus began the "Great Uprising."
Unfortunately, the Armada met with an impenetrable field of
ion energy that encompassed the moons and Ioxia. Furthermore, the
Ioxians had superior bio-mech weaponry which managed to cripple the
Armada in the first few sorties of missiles and ionic pulses.
During this assault, something or someone disabled the forcefield
long enough to allow the remains of the Armada to sweep across the
planet's surface and wreak havoc on the Ioxian strongholds known
as Citadels. Warriors on the planet Treydan claim the unknown aid
came from one of their clan...a trained spy named Brakk.
This claim was never substantiated.
In the end, the Ioxians released "Last Strike" - a terrifying wave
of energy and isotopic Mazrium particles that swept across the
planet's surface, obliterating ninety percent of the native fauna and
flora, leaving a wasteland encased in a noxious cloud that would last
for centuries.
Only one Citadel remained standing in ruins.
The Alliance, as the collected races who conquered the Ioxians
came to be know, signed a treatise to share the Mazrium moons. Peace
has prospered for centuries. Until now...
a. What the options mean -
The options menu has several player configurable items:
SCREEN SIZE - the highest setting permits the largest total viewing
space - the entire screen. A few notches down from
that you will get a partial 'status bar'; a few more
notches a full status bar, and finally, the play
window will begin to shrink.
MOUSE SENSITIVITY - HORIZ = horizontal sensitivity (turning).
VERT = vertical sensitivity (aim up/dn).
MOUSE AIMING - ON means forward/reverse movements of the mouse
result in the camera view being pitched down or
up respectively.
CROSS HAIR ON OFF - this allows you to disable the visible
targeting reticule (cross hair) that can be
useful when aiming at specific targets.
SOUND FX ON OFF - Whether or not you want the sound FX to play.
MUSIC ON OFF - Whether or not you want the music to play.
AUTO AIM - Auto aim allows you to be somewhat less
accurate with your aiming and able to hit more
targets as a result.
LOOSE CAMERA - permits some 'play' in the 3rd person POV view so
the camera appears more elastic and trails behind
the character's movements.
CONFIGURE CONTROLS - This will bring up a screen filled with all
current keyboard commands and their assigned
keys. You may alter any key to any other key
you wish. Simply follow the on-screen
RESET DEFAULTS - sets all controls and options switch to default
RESET TO COOL GUY SETTINGS - automatically sets controller
key assignments and options in this list to permit
control of the aiming (look up/dn) and turning to
the mouse and makes movement controls for the left
hand (<a> = forward, <z> = reverse, <left_shift> =
strafe left, <x> = strafe right, <s> = jump).
Hit <ESC> when done setting your options to return to the
b. Key configuration -
All possible commands are listed under the CONTROL CONFIGURATION
under the main OPTIONS menu.
Use your arrow keys to move the pointer to a command you wish to
assign a key to. Then, hit <DEL> to remove all key assignments for
that command or <ENTER> to assign a new key or mouse button.
We recommend choosing the RESET TO COOL GUY SETTINGS from the main
options menu first, then assigning any movment keys in here. The
COOL GUY settings allow the mouse to control aiming and turning
as well as firing and swapping to your PIP.
The movement keys for forward, revers, strafe left/right, and jump
are assigned as <a>, <z>, <left_shift>, <x>, and <s>, accordingly.
We feel this gives the greatest viewing dynamic in first or
third person mode and allows a more immersive view of the
PLEASE NOTE: It is curretly possible to assign the same key
to multiple commands (for example, fire and use may both be
the <CTRL> key). This will cause both actions to happen when that
key is pressed. Please be check the key assignments closely.
Also, it is possible that while using the keyboard the character may
get stuck rotating (turning in a circle). If this happens, please
press the correct turning key that matches the direction the
character is turning (turning left, push left turn key). If this
still does not fix the problem, you will need to quit the game
and restart.
c. The PIP -
One of the most unique features in Eradicator is the
picture-in-picture (PIP) technology. When a remote camera is
activated or when using the Arachnicator, missiles, or proximity
mine, a small window showing the weapon's or camera's view will
appear in the upper left corner of the screen.
You may swap to this view at which point the player view becomes
the PIP and the main view is whatever was in the PIP. In this way,
you can move the camera at any angle for a better view, or if
it's a weapon, guide the weapon like a remote controlled device.
In later missions, you may find control stations for the Citadel's
own soldiers and defenses...
a. Walk-thru of D1 -
You start inside of an abandoned arm of the Ioxian defense base
power system. The ventilation shaft in front of you will permit you to
breach the defense base's wall. You must destroy the grating on the
inside of the shaft so you can gain access to the courtyard within.
Once in the courtyard, you'll notice anti-personnel weaponry mounted
on steel posts as well as the ravages of war in the forms of pits and
holes in the structure. A few Land Security Droids patrol this
desolate place; beware.
A few Mazrium platforms (null-grav transport platforms) float
harmlessly by above you. Eventually, you may find a way to ride one of
these platforms to a yet to be discovered part of the base.
From the courtyard, you need to gain entrance inside the base. The
huge doors on the perimeter wall and again on the base entrance are
inactive from years of neglect. However, you may be able to find
another entrance similar to the one you started at...
Now that you're inside the base, you'll notice the wear and tear
that has happened. There are huge rips in the ceiling and piles of
rubble and general neglect. Watch for enemies searching for
A security door sits deeper inside this staging area; but as the
dark strips on either side indicate, the door is currently powered
down. You must find the nearby switch that can bring it to life
and allow you to progress.
Also in this area is the rapidly moving conveyor belt. More for
show now, as there's not much machinery working at this high level
of the base. The belt descends into another cargo transport area
where other dangers and pathways await.
This should be sufficient to get you started. Don't forget to
refer to your PDA (<TAB> key) for your mission objectives. If you
get stuck, try finding your way through passages you haven't
explored and looking for switches in all sorts of places.
b. Secrets -
Secrets (also known as Easter Eggs) abound in this
game. Some contain advanced weaponry that can make your task
a great deal easier while others are more for pure enjoyment.
There are at least three secret areas available here; one of
which is quite well hidden while being right out in the open...
a. Weapons available in demo: Both Dan Blaze and Kamchak are armed
with a Cynetics model XG9101 Multi-cannon; with some personal
modifications unique to each character. For example, Dan's is designed
to fire energy pulses at its default setting while Kamchak's whips
out high speed ripper discs on its default setting.
The XG9101 is designed to fire a myriad of projectiles of almost any
shape or size. It is equipped with a neural-circuitry that learns how
to best use many ammo types it is exposed to; and, can be upgraded to
increase the firing potential and lethality. Aside from the various
ammo types available, a microchip upgrade can be located to make
many of these projectiles more dynamic.
Also, Dan Blaze and Kamchak are outfitted with the four known
Ioxian made weapons:
1) Sonic Shock - a lethal device that uses high energy photon
shells to produce audio bursts that are
instant in effect and move at the speed of
2) Death Darter - an Ioxian crossbow that rapidly fires razor
sharp darts that shatter on impact.
3) Missile Cannon- large, self-contained missile launcher.
4) Thermal blaster - this is actually a deviced that is fitted onto
the multi-cannon and can convert condensed,
liquid fuel canisters into powerful jets of
flame or toxic gas.
1) Axe attack - close range attack
2) Laser bolt - standard energy pulse
3) Sonic Shock - powerful, nearly instant concussion of death
4) Death Darts - rapidly propelled pneumatic darts
5) MarkV Missile - standard issue missiles
6) Pellet Wall - grenade-like explosive pellets with area effect
7) Ion Sphere - electro-pulse projectile with static charge
8) Proximity mine- a droppable, remotely destroyable mine
9) Arachnicator - a remotely controllable drone capable of
running, jumping, & detonating
10) Thermal Fuel - Flamethrower 02 burner
1) Claw punch - close range attack
2) Ripper Disc - standard compressed titanium-alloy disc
3) Sonic Shock - powerful, close range killer
4) Death Darts - rapidly propelled pneumatic darts
5) MarkV Missile - standard issue missiles
6) Cluster Bomb - grenade-like explosive device with area effect
7) Nitrobomb - napalm styled grenade
8) Demo pack - proximity mine - placeable and lethal
9) Arachnicator - a remotely controllable drone capable of
running, jumping, & detonating
10) Nitrofogger - Toxic, gaseous flame thrower
b. Power-ups available in demo: There are two different types of
alien health units (spherical pulses of energy in a metallic
frame) as well as the microchip for your XG9101 multi-cannon
which will enhance your weapon abilities.
c. Enemies you will encounter: There are many different enemies
you will encounter in the game. Here is a taste of some of the
opposition you will face:
Gun Enplacement: These fixed turrets are lethal at any distance.
they can fire at any range and track via heat so they can
always see you.
HSD (Hover Security Droid): This nasty will attack you
relentlessly from the air. Try to keep up a heavy
barrage of firepower to keep him from returning fire.
LSD (Land Security Droid): These fellows are in generous supply
and are almost completely brainless. Have fun wasting
these low threats.
Patrol Eyes: Just one of these can cause a lot of trouble. If it
sees you, it will set off an alarm alerting everyone
of your presence and closing off areas of the level.
Try to waste it before it sees you. There are three types of
these guardians - you must learn how they operate and
defend against them.
Repair Droid: Don't mess with these guys. They just calmly
(but efficiently) repair damage you inflict on equipment,
But if you shoot at it enough, it will start to hammer
you with a constant stream of missiles. Watch out!
There are a few other potential enemies you're likely to run into...
a. Technical problems running demo: if you don't get any sound,
you should be sure and run the SETSOUND.EXE program found in
your C:\ERAD directory and configure your sound card. (Please
refer to the HELP.ME file on the CD for more on this).
b. BUGS - as with any software, there are always bugs - small, or
sometimes 'large', problems or flaws that can ruin the
experience or disrupt game. We've attempted to fix/remove
all of the ones we could before needing to release this game,
but we know of a few and would be delighted to hear your
comments on any you may find during the course of playing this
game (see our email address later in this document).
Known bugs:
-During an intense netplay game you receive an "OUT OF SYNC"
message in the lower corner. This is generally caused by
a glitch in the PIP swapping (when using a proximity mine
for example). You should quit the current game and restart.
-Sometimes when there are multiple explosions (ten or more)
happening at the same time the sound fx will acquire a grainy
background noise. There's no immedidate fix, though starting
a NEW GAME generally solves this problem.
-On certain machines we've found a problem with hitting the
<ESC> and <ENTER> keys too quickly when the doors for the
MAIN MENU screens are opening and closing.
-On slower machines it is possible to accidentally fall through
parts of the playfield (for example, the overhanging bridges
in some maps).
-Sound fx can degrade after extended play period. You will have
to quit out of game entirely and re-run;
worst case, you may have to reboot.
-Using certain 'cheat codes' (they're in there) can lead to
crashes / spurious results. As these are cheat codes
we're not too worried about them but welcome the feedback.
Cheat codes are engaged by using the "\" key. This key should
NOT be remapped to any game actions.
-Need more fine tuning on auto-aim.
-Playing in WIN95, there's a potential for locking up while
rotating. This occurs when using the windows key on the
Microsoft keyboards.
That's most of the 'biggies'. Most of these can be overcome by
simply quitting and restarting. However, if you ever find
yourself stuck somehow, you can type in "\tunnel" (no quotes)
which will enable you to pass freely through the walls of the
map at will.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. Enjoy the demo!
Executive Producer Steve Ackrich
Producer Matt Powers
Assistant Producer Jeff Gregg
Lead Programmer Jim Mazrimas
Lead Designer Scot Amos
Lead Artist Phillip Trumbo
3D Engine Programmer Randy Stevenson
AI Programmer Bob Morrison
Designer Rich Waters
Designer Alisa Schaefbauer
Music/SFX Rick Kelly
3D Character modeler and
animator Jeff Wilcox
Artist Steve Graziano
Artist Heather Merrill
Artist John Xu
Splash Screens & 3D menus Jeff Rianda
Lead Tester Kraig Horigan
Tester Don Sierra
a. Web site and email addresses
America Online: Keyword: "Accolade", go to "Message Boards".
E-mail address: "Accolade"
Compuserve: "Game Publishers A Forum" (GO GAMAPUB), go to
E-Mail address: "76004,2132"
Internet: accolade@netcom.com
World Wide Web: http://www.accolade.com
Mail: Accolade Customer Support
5300 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 500
San Jose, California 95129
Telephone: (408) 296-8400 (Mon-Fri, 8am to 5pm Pacific)
Fax: (408) 246-0231