Labels:text | screenshot | software | display | font | number OCR: TECHNOCRATIC TIMES #3 Zeitgeist v0.3 By Skywize OPTO ELECTRONIC RELAY PROCYON OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY R 6 560 IN MOC3040 OR C2260 392 MAX 2 MOC3041 10n 1750VA 4 400V 3309 LOAD IF YOU USE MOC3040 THEN R IS 120S2. IF YOU USE MOC3041 THEN R IS 220S2. With this little circuit connected to one of the databits on the Amigas parallellport is it easy to use the Amiga to switch on or off rather high voltage. For example can you make the Amiga to turn off itself. The current through the relay must not be higher than 8 ampere, but it will be enough for the most applications, The IC is rather cheap, around $3 for MOC 3041 and $2 for MOC3040. These IC:s from Motorola have an optothyristor on the output instead of an optotransistor, therefor is it possible to use a thyristor in the relay. If you are going to push the relay rather hard, is smart to cool the thyristor, by mount it on a cooler, If you build this circuit, make sure that the input is isolated from the output, or you will kill your Amiga, and do not touch the circuit while it is connected to the mains, or you will kill yourself ,++