Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Testimony of the Ancients [ ASGORATH'S DRAGONiC COOKERY BOOK ICOT COT COT COT COT COT Wellcome to Asgorath's Dragonic cookery book :OT COT COT COT COT How to cook Balrog's and other lower beings OT I COT COT COT COT intro: This is a cooking book for the average dragon. It tells you about how to DT cook lower beings. To understand this cooking book you must have read Lord of the rings and know some AD&D. COT Recepy 1: Cooking Balrogs To cook a Balrog first find one. This isn't very hard because a Balrog is big and ugly. If you see the balrog capture it. This wil take about 1 min, I suggest using an aardappelschilmesje, this will be good enough. If you might encounter the high commander of the balrogs called: Gothmog. Take about 5 min to capture it. This is because Gothmog wil be running away DT [MAIN] [NEXT PAGE] [PREVIOUS PAGE] [QUIT]