Labels:text | screenshot | font | logo OCR: VrE Online Issue 17 March 1996 VrEonline This issue may be distributed only in it's entirety, and may not be sold for profit without the express written consent of VrE Online. Free distribution via bbs and online service is permitted. Disk versions of VrE Online may be obtained for $5.00 per copy. Send Check or money order You can also get each issue FREE on the 1st to : of each month by visiting our World Wide Web site at - VrE Online 3600 Rockwell Ln Lincoln, Ca 95648 All products and company names are property of their respective owners and may not be used with out prior written consent. VrE Online and it's creators have made every attempt to make sure that this program is free from any virus and is in complete working order. VrE Online and it's creators can not be held liable for