12th rib,The ribs are 12 pairs of thin bones that arch from the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum and they comprise a protective "rib cage" around the heart and lungs. The first seven ribs are called the "true ribs" for they connect as described above. However, the last five are called "false ribs" because ribs 8, 9, and 10 connect to rib 7 instead of to the sternum, and the last two are called "floating ribs" because they do not connect at the ends. Collectively the ribs are called the costae bones, os costae, os costale, and costal bones.
1st rib,The ribs are 12 pairs of thin bones that arch from the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum and they comprise a protective "rib cage" around the heart and lungs. The first seven ribs are called the "true ribs" for they connect as described above. However, the last five are called "false ribs" because ribs 8, 9, and 10 connect to rib 7 instead of to the sternum, and the last two are called "floating ribs" because they do not connect at the ends. Collectively the ribs are called the costae bones, os costae, os costale, and costal bones.
abductor longus,The abductor longus is a muscle of the upper inner thigh.
abductor pollicis,The abductor pollicis brevis is a muscle of the thumb that controls its motion.
abductor pollicis brevis,The abductor pollicis brevis is a muscle of the thumb that controls its motion.
abductor pollicis longus,The abductor pollicis longus is a muscle of the wrist that flexes the thumb side of the hand.
achilles,The achilles is a tendon of the calf. It connects the gastrocnemius muscle to the calcaneus (heel) bone. Thus it is also called the calcaneal tendon as well as tendo calcaneus.
achilles tendon,The achilles tendon is a tendon of the calf. It connects the gastrocnemius muscle to the calcaneus (heel) bone. Thus it is also called the calcaneal tendon as well as tendo calcaneus.
alaeque nasi,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
anconeus,The anconeus is a muscle of the elbow that extends the forearm.
anterior tibial,The anterior tibial, also called the tibialis anterior muscle, is a muscle of the foreleg that helps extend the foreleg.
aponeurosis of biceps,The aponeurosis of biceps is a tendon of the inner elbow that connects the biceps of the arm to the radius and ulna of the forearm.
biceps,The biceps of the arm, also called the biceps brachii muscle, is a muscle of the upper arm that splits into two parts and flexes the arm and forearm.
biceps of the arm,The biceps of the arm, also called the biceps brachii muscle, is a muscle of the upper arm that splits into two parts and flexes the arm and forearm.
biceps of the leg,The biceps of the leg, also called the biceps femoris muscle, is a muscle of the back of the leg that splits into two parts and extends the upper leg and flexes the foreleg.
bones,Bones are the 206 dense, mostly rigid connective organs that form the skeleton, the support structure of the body. Bones are made of osseous that surrounds spongy tissue containing blood vessels and nerves. Long bones contain yellow marrow in the long spaces and red marrow in the ends near the joints. However, short bones, flat bones, bones of the skull, the breastbone (sternum), the ribs, and the backbones (vertebrae) contain just red marrow. This red marrow is where red blood cells are formed.
brachialis,The brachialis, also called the brachial muscle, is a muscle of the arm that helps flex the forearm.
brachioradialis,The brachioradialis, aslo called the brachioradial muscle, is a muscle of the arm that helps flex the forearm.
calcaneus,The calcaneus, also known as the heel bone, is the largest of the tarsals. The tarsals are seven bones of the ankle that connect to the tibia, fibula, and metatarsal bones. The seven tarsal bones are divided into two groups, the proximal group which attaches to the metatarsals, and the distal group which attaches to the tibia and fibula. The distal group is composed of the talus, calcaneus, and navicular. The proximal group is made up of the cuboid and the three cuneiforms: the lateral, the intermediate, and medial. These bones are also called the tarsus, tarsus osseus, and ossa tarsi.
cardiac muscle,The cardiac muscle is the muscle tissue of the heart with microscopic spacing between the fibers. Cardiac muscle performs long-term rhythmic contractions as needed for the heart to pump blood.
carpals,The carpals are 8 bones of each wrist arranged in two rows, that connect the radius and ulna bones to the metacarpal bones. Collectively these bones are called the carpus, ossa carpi, and ossa carpalia. The individual carpal bones are called (from thumb to little finger) trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate, and (from radius to ulna) scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, and pisiform.
carpals (carpus),The carpals (carpus) are 8 bones of each wrist arranged in two rows, that connect the radius and ulna bones to the metacarpal bones. Collectively these bones are called the carpus, ossa carpi, and ossa carpalia. The individual carpal bones are called (from thumb to little finger) trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate, and (from radius to ulna) scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, and pisiform.
cervical vertebrae,The cervical vertebrae, also called the vertebrae cervicales, are the first seven bones of the spinal column containing the beginning of the spinal cord. These are bones of the neck that connect the skull to the thoracic vertebrae and to the rest of the body.
clavicle,The clavicle, also called the clavicula bone but commonly called the collar bone, stretches from the top of the sternum to the shoulder joint and forms the front of the shoulder girdle.
coccyx,The coccyx, also called the os cocygis and coccygeal bone but commonly called the tail bone, is a small triangular bone at the very end of the spine fused to the sacrum bone. The coccyx is actually three to five vertebrae fused together and its name is derived from the cuckoo bird whose bill the coccyx resembles.
deltoid,The deltoid, also called the deltoideus muscle, is a muscle of the shoulder joint that controls the motion of the arm away from the torso.
depressor anguli oris,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
depressor labii inf.,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
dorsal interosseous,The dorsal interosseous, also called the interossei dorsales manus muscles, are four muscles of the hand that flex the phalangeal bones of the hand.
ear,The ears are complex hollow organs that provide the senses of hearing and balance as they are sensitive to both sound and air pressure. Sound vibrations in the air vibrate the eardrum in the outer ear, and that vibration is amplified by the tiny bones of the middle ear called malleus, incus, and stapes. This vibration then travels through the cochlea of the inner ear, a seashell-shaped organ that contains hairlike receptors which in turn vibrate and stimulate the auditory nerves that send impulses to the brain to be interpreted as sound.
extensor carpi radialis brevis,The extensor carpi radialis brevis is a muscle of the forearm that extends the hand.
extensor carpi radialis longus,The extensor carpi radialis longus is a muscle of the forearm that extends and flexes the hand toward the thumb.
extensor carpi ulnaris,The extensor carpi ulnaris, also called the ulnar extensor muscle, is a muscle of the forearm that moves the wrist back.
extensor digitorum longus,The extensor digitorum longus, also called the long extensor muscle of the toes, is a muscle of the foot that lifts the toes.
extensor digitorum,The extensor digitorum is a muscle of the forearm that flexes the wrist and the fingers.
extensor hallucis longus,The extensor hallucis longus is the muscle of the lower leg that flexes the big toe up.
extensor pollicis (tendon), The extensor pollicis is a tendon of the forearm that connects to the wrist.
extensor retinaculum of ankle,The extensor retinaculum of the ankle also called retinaculum extensorum pedis, is a thick band of fiber-like sheets that wrap the flexing muscles and tendons of the foreleg.
extensor retinaculum of wrist,The extensor retinaculum of the wrist also called retinaculum extensorum manus, is a thick band of fiber-like sheets that wrap the flexing muscles and tendons of the forearm.
external oblique,The external oblique, also called the obliquus externus abdominis muscle, is a muscle on the side of the abdomen that helps to hold the contents of the digestive tract. It is also used in urination, defecation, vomiting, forced exhalation, and childbirth. This muscle also flexes the spinal column from side to side.
eye,The eyes are the two sensory organs that are sensitive to light allowing us the ability of sight. Light travels through the cornea, the outer transparent window of the eye toward the iris. But then, only light that the iris allows to pass through, as it can dilate or contract to allow more or less light, travels through to the lens. The lens then focuses the light on the retina at the back of the eye. The retina has rod and cone shaped sensors that are sensitive to low intensity light and color respectively. These rods and cones stimulate the optic nerves that send impulses to the brain to be interpreted as vision.
facial muscles,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
false rib,The ribs are 12 pairs of thin bones that arch from the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum and they comprise a protective "rib cage" around the heart and lungs. The first seven ribs are called the "true ribs" for they connect as described above. However, the last five are called "false ribs" because ribs 8, 9, and 10 connect to rib 7 instead of to the sternum, and the last two are called "floating ribs" because they do not connect at the ends. Collectively the ribs are called the costae bones, os costae, os costale, and costal bones.
false ribs,The ribs are 12 pairs of thin bones that arch from the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum and they comprise a protective "rib cage" around the heart and lungs. The first seven ribs are called the "true ribs" for they connect as described above. However, the last five are called "false ribs" because ribs 8, 9, and 10 connect to rib 7 instead of to the sternum, and the last two are called "floating ribs" because they do not connect at the ends. Collectively the ribs are called the costae bones, os costae, os costale, and costal bones.
femur,The femur, also called the femoral bone and os femorale but commonly called the thigh bone, is the largest and longest bone of the body. The femur has a ball shaped end that fits into the socket of the pubis bone at the hip joint and it connects to the tibia bone and the patella at the knee.
fibula,The fibula, also called the fibular bone, is the thin outer bone of the foreleg that connects to the tibia bone at the knee and connects to the tibia and tarsal bones at the ankle.
flexor carpi radialis,The flexor carpi radialis, also called the radial flexor muscle of the wrist, is a muscle of the forearm that flexes the wrist.
flexor carpi ulnaris,The flexor carpi ulnaris, also called the ulnar flexor muscle of the wrist, is a muscle of the forearm that moves the wrist.
floating rib,The ribs are 12 pairs of thin bones that arch from the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum and they comprise a protective "rib cage" around the heart and lungs. The first seven ribs are called the "true ribs" for they connect as described above. However, the last five are called "false ribs" because ribs 8, 9, and 10 connect to rib 7 instead of to the sternum, and the last two are called "floating ribs" because they do not connect at the ends. Collectively the ribs are called the costae bones, os costae, os costale, and costal bones.
frontal,The frontal, also called the os frontale bone, is a large membrane bone made of two fused bones of the skull that form the forehead.
frontalis,The frontalis is the muscle covering the forehand. It connects to the galea aponeurotica and to the upper facial muscles.
galea aponeurotica,The galea aponeurotica, also called the epicranial aponeurosis is a fiber-like membrane that covers the skull betweeen the muscles on top of the scalp.
gastrocnemius,The gastrocnemius is the two-part muscle of the calf that connects from the back of the knee to the achilles tendon.
gluteus maximus,The gluteus maximus, also called the gluteal muscle, is the largest muscle of the buttocks that rotates the thigh.
gluteus medius,The gluteus medius, also called the middle gluteal muscle, is a muscle of the hip that controls motion of the thigh.
gracilis,The gracilis is a muscle of the thigh that flexes the leg and knee.
humerus,The humerus is the bone of the upper arm. It connects the scapula bone of the shoulder to the radius and ulna bones of the forearm. Also called the humeral bone.
iliopsoas,The iliopsoas is a small muscle of the upper thigh.
iliotibial tract,The iliotibial tract is a tendon on the side of the leg that connects the tensor faciae latae and lower gluteus maximus to the knee.
ilium,The ilium, also called the os ilii and iliac bone, is the largest bone of the pelvis that connects to the sacrum bone and to the pubis bone which all cradle the small intestine and colon.
inferior extensor retinaculum,The inferior extensor retinaculum is a tendon of the front of the ankle that wraps around the extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum longus tendons of the toes.
inferior orbital fissure,The inferior orbital fissure is a groove in the wall of the eye socket. It contains nerves and vessels that connect to the eye.
infraorbital foramen, The infraorbital foramen is a hole in the maxilla under the eye socket.
ischium,The ischium, also called the os ischii and ischial bone, is one of the two curved lower bones of the pelvis that connect to the pubis bones and connect to each other with a thick cartilage joint called the symphysis pubis. The obturator nerves pass through the loops made by the ischium bones called obturator foramens.
lateral malleolus,The lateral malleolus is the tendon of the outside ankle that wraps around the outer tarsals.
latissimus dorsi,The latissimus dorsi is a muscle of the back under the arm that aids in motion of the upper arm relative to the torso and counteracts the pectoralis major muscle.
lesser zygomatic,The zygomatic, also called the os zygomaticum, is the cheekbone that supports the cavity of the eye.
lev. labii superioris,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
linea alba,The linea alba is a tendon that runs along the middle line of the abdomen. It extends from the sternum to the pubic area and contains the navel.
lumbar vertebrae,The lumbar vertebrae, also called the vertebrae lumbales, are five bones that comprise the largest and heaviest bones of the spinal column. They connect from the lowest thoracic vertebra to the sacrum bone, and they support the weight of all the bones above the pelvis.
lumbo dorsal fascia,The lumbo dorsal fascia is the connective tissue between the latissimus dorsi and the gluteus maximus.
mandible,The mandible, also called the inferior maxillary and the mandibula bone, is the hinged lower jaw bone used for chewing and speaking.
masseter,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
maxilla,The maxilla, also called the superior maxillary bone, is the central facial bone of the skull that forms the upper jaw.
metacarpals,The metacarpals, also called the ossa metacarpi and alternatively ossa metacarpalia, are five bones of each hand, collectively called the metacarpus, that connect the carpal bones to the phalangeal bones of the hands.
metacarpals (metacarpus),The metacarpals (metacarpus), also called the ossa metacarpi and alternatively ossa metacarpalia, are five bones of each hand, collectively called the metacarpus, that connect the carpal bones to the phalangeal bones of the hands.
metatarsals,The metatarsals, also called the ossa metatarsi and alternatively ossa metatarsalia, are five bones of each foot that connect the tarsal bones to the phalangeal bones of the feet.
metatarsals (metatarsus),The metatarsals (metatarsus), also called the ossa metatarsi and alternatively ossa metatarsalia, are five bones of each foot that connect the tarsal bones to the phalangeal bones of the feet.
muscles,The muscles are connective organs made of fibrous tissue that can contract in order to cause motion of bones, blood, and various organs. There are three types of muscle tissue: cardiac, smooth, and striated muscle. All muscles may be alternatively called musculus ...(regular muscle name). Example: musculus rectus abdominis instead of rectus abdominis muscle.
musculoskeletal system,The musculoskeletal system is all the muscles, bones, joints, tendons and other related structures that move parts and organs of the body.
nasal cavity,The nasal cavities are two openings behind the face that connect the nose to the throat (pharynx) and trachea. Air that travels through the cavities is warmed by the mucus membranes that line the cavities. Smell receptors are located at the top of these cavities.
nasalis,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
occipital,The occipital, also called the os occipitale bone, is the lower back bone of the skull connected to the parietal and temporal bones.
occipitalis,The occipitalis, also called the venter occipitalis muscle, is a muscle of the back of the skull that connects to the galea aponeurotica and the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
omohyoid,The omohyoid is a thin muscle of the neck that lies under the sternohyoid.
optic foramen,The optic foramen is a hole in the upper part of the eye socket.
orbicularis oculi,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
orbicularis oris,The facial muscles are muscles of the face that include the orbicularis oculi of the eyes, the nasalis of the nose, the greater zygomatic of the cheek bones, the orbicularis oris of the mouth, the masseter of the cheek, the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferior of the chin, the platysma of the jaw, the lev. labii superioris, alaeque nasi, and the lesser zygomatic.
palmaris longus,The palmaris longus is a long thin muscle of the forearm that flexes the hand.
parietal,The parietal, also called the os parietale bone, is a membrane bone of the skull between the frontal and occipital bones.
patella,The patella, commonly called the kneecap, is a roundish triangular bone situated at the front of the knee and connects to the femur and tibia bones.
patellar ligament,The patellar ligament is a ligament that stretches over the knee. It connects the quadriceps femoris of the foreleg to the tibia bone.
pectineus,The pectineus is an upper thigh (femoral) muscle that turns the thigh towards the middle of the body.
pectoralis major,The pectoralis major is a muscle of the chest that controls motion of the arm toward the torso.
peroneus brevis,The peroneus brevis is a short muscle on the outside front of the foreleg.
peroneus longus,The peroneus longus, also called the long peroneal muscle, is a muscle of the foreleg that flexes the outstep of the foot.
phalanges of the feet,The phalanges of the feet are 14 bones of the toes, three in each toe except the big toes, that originally connect to the metatarsal bones. Singularly these bones are called phalanx and collectively they are called the phalanges and ossa digitorum pedis. The names of these bones may be confused with the various names of the phalangeal bones of the hands.
phalanges of the foot,The phalanges of the foot are 14 bones of the toes, three in each toe except the big toes, that originally connect to the metatarsal bones. Singularly these bones are called phalanx and collectively they are called the phalanges and ossa digitorum pedis. The names of these bones may be confused with the various names of the phalangeal bones of the hands.
phalanges of the hand,The phalanges of the hand are 14 bones of the fingers in each hand, three in each proper finger and two in each thumb, that originally connect to the metacarpal bones. Singularly these bones are called phalanx, collectively they are called the phalanges and ossa digitorum manus. The names of these bones may be confused with the names of the phalangeal bones of the feet.
phalanges of the hands,The phalanges of the hands are 14 bones of the fingers in each hand, three in each proper finger and two in each thumb, that originally connect to the metacarpal bones. Singularly these bones are called phalanx, collectively they are called the phalanges and ossa digitorum manus. The names of these bones may be confused with the names of the phalangeal bones of the feet.
plantar,The plantar, also called the plantaris muscle, starts at the back of the knee and is used to flex the foot.
pronator teres,The pronator teres is a muscle of the forearm that turns the hand backward and downward.
pubis,The pubis, also called the os pubis and pubic bone, is a bone that forms a ridge at the front and center of the ilium and the ischium bones, and it has a socket for the ball end of the femur bone.
radius,The radius, also called the radial bone, is a bone of the thumb side of the forearm that connects from the humerus bone at the elbow to the carpal bones of the wrist.
rectus abdominis,The rectus abdominis is a muscle of the length of the abdomen that flexes the spinal column, tenses the stomach and small intestine, and helps compress contents of the digestive tract.
rectus femoris,The rectus femoris is a muscle of the thigh that follows the femur bone and is used in flexing the thigh.
rib,The ribs are 12 pairs of thin bones that arch from the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum and they comprise a protective "rib cage" around the heart and lungs. The first seven ribs are called the "true ribs" for they connect as described above. However, the last five are called "false ribs" because ribs 8, 9, and 10 connect to rib 7 instead of to the sternum, and the last two are called "floating ribs" because they do not connect at the ends. Collectively the ribs are called the costae bones, os costae, os costale, and costal bones.
ribs,The ribs are 12 pairs of thin bones that arch from the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum and they comprise a protective "rib cage" around the heart and lungs. The first seven ribs are called the "true ribs" for they connect as described above. However, the last five are called "false ribs" because ribs 8, 9, and 10 connect to rib 7 instead of to the sternum, and the last two are called "floating ribs" because they do not connect at the ends. Collectively the ribs are called the costae bones, os costae, os costale, and costal bones.
sacrum,The sacrum is a triangular-shaped bone that supports the lumbar vertebrae and connects to the ilium bones and the coccyx bone. The sacrum is actually five fused vertebrae that make up the last of the spinal column. The sacrum is also called the os sacrum, vertebrae sacrales, sacral vertebrae, and sacral bone.
sartorius,The sartorius, longest muscle of the body, is a muscle of the leg that moves the leg up and out, principally used in walking.
scapula,The scapula, also called the scapular bone, but commonly called the shoulder blade, is a flat, triangular-shaped bone that is located at the back of the shoulder and it forms the back part of the shoulder girdle. The scapula has a socket shape on the end for the ball end of the humerus bone.
semimembranosus,The semimembranosus is a muscle of the back of the leg that extends the upper leg and flexes the foreleg.
semitendinosus,The semitendinosus is one of the back thigh muscles that help move the leg.
serratus anterior,The serratus anterior is a muscle that stretches from the ribs under the arm to the scapula bone, this muscle is used to raise the shoulder and arm.
smooth muscle,Smooth muscle is the tissue of involuntary muscles (not under conscious control) as found in the stomach, the small intestine, and the bladder.
soleus,The soleus is a muscle of the calves that flexes the instep of the foot.
splenius capitis,The splenius capitis is a deep back muscle that turns and bends the head.
sternocleidomastoid,The sternocleidomastoid, also called the sterocleidomastoideus muscle, is a muscle of the neck that rotates the head.
sternohyoid,The sternohyoid is a muscle of the neck near the clavicle. It is used for swallowing and speaking.
sternum,The sternum, also called the xiphoid bone but commonly called the breastbone, is a flat vertical bone of the center chest that anchors the clavicle bones and the first seven ribs. The sternum has three portions called (from top to bottom) the manubrium, the body, and the xiphoid process.
striated muscle,Striated muscle is standard voluntary muscle tissue made of semiseparated fibers with alternating light and dark bands.
superciliary ridge,The superciliary ridge is the slight bulge at the lower end of the frontal bone. It sits above the eye sockets underneath the eyebrows.
superior extensor retinaculum,The superior extensor retinaculum is a tendon that wraps around the front upper ankle.
superior orbital fissure,The superior orbital fissure is a hole in the upper inner part of the eye socket that provides passage of nerves and vessels to the eye.
tarsals,The tarsals are seven bones of the ankle that connect to the tibia, fibula, and metatarsal bones. The seven tarsal bones are divided into two groups, the proximal group which attaches to the metatarsals, and the distal group which attaches to the tibia and fibula. The distal group is composed of the talus, calcaneus, and navicular. The proximal group is made up of the cuboid and the three cuneiforms: the lateral, the intermediate, and medial. These bones are also called the tarsus, tarsus osseus, and ossa tarsi.
tarsals (tarsus),The tarsals (tarsus) are seven bones of the ankle that connect to the tibia, fibula, and metatarsal bones. The seven tarsal bones are divided into two groups, the proximal group which attaches to the metatarsals, and the distal group which attaches to the tibia and fibula. The distal group is composed of the talus, calcaneus, and navicular. The proximal group is made up of the cuboid and the three cuneiforms: the lateral, the intermediate, and medial. These bones are also called the tarsus, tarsus osseus, and ossa tarsi.
temporal,The temporal, also called the os temporale, is a bone of the side of the skull that is located around the ear. It connects to all other bones of the skull and provides a hinge for the mandible bone.
temporalis,The temporalis, also called the temporal muscle, is a muscle on the side of the skull. It is used to close the jaw, especially when chewing.
tensor fasciae latae,The tensor fasciae latae is a muscle of the hip that flexes the thigh.
teres major,The teres major is a thick, flat muscle of the shoulder. It pulls forward, extends, and rotates the arm to the middle.
thoracic vertebrae,The thoracic vertebrae, also called the vertebrae thoracicae and vertebrae thoracales, are 12 bones of the spinal column to which the ribs are attached. Thoracic vertebrae are composed of broad, thick plates called lamina, an angled spinous process, and articular facets providing flexibility to the upper back. The vertebrae become thicker and larger as they descend from the first to the twelfth and are separated by intervertebral disks.
tibia,The tibia, commonly called the shin bone, is the main bone of the foreleg that connects to the femur, patella, and fibula bones at the knee, and connects to the fibula and tarsal bones at the ankle.
trapezius,The trapezius is a muscle of the neck and back that controls torsion of the head.
triceps,The triceps, also called the triceps brachii muscle, is a muscle of the arm that splits into three parts and extends the forearm and moves the arm closer to the torso.
ulna,The ulna, also called the ulnar bone, is the larger bone of the forearm, opposite thumb side, that connects from the humerus bone of the elbow to the carpal bones of the wrist.
vastus lateralis,The vastus lateralis is the largest of the quadraceps femoris muscle located on the outside of the thigh. It is used to extend the leg.
vastus medialis,The vastus medialis is one of the quadraceps femoris muscles located on the inside of the thigh. It is used to extend the leg.
zygomatic,The zygomatic, also called the os zygomaticum, is the cheekbone that supports the cavity of the eye.