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$Title{Pregnancy and Lifestyle}
$Subject{pregnancy medicines sex diet Pregnancies Pregnant Childbirth Child
birth lifestyle lifestyles Alcohol tobacco miscarriage premature births
stillbirth sudden death syndrome infant Drugs medications douching douche
exercise diet medicine medication}
Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Pregnancy and Lifestyle
QUESTION: I'm pregnant and thought it would be fun, but everyone tells me
I'll have to change my whole lifestyle. What makes sense? What should I be
ANSWER: First of all, let me say that being pregnant should be a very
exciting time, and though there are clearly things to be aware of to maintain
a sane and comfortable pregnancy, you should be able to continue the lifestyle
you're accustomed to. Some things should be avoided, however, and strenuous
activities such as exercising should not be done to excess. Here are a few
things to keep in mind.
Alcohol consumption and tobacco use should be avoided throughout your
pregnancy. There is no conclusive evidence on exactly what drinking levels
are safe, and smoking has serious proven risks including possible miscarriage,
premature births or stillbirth, low birth weight, sudden death syndrome, and
infant respiratory infections.
Drugs and medications should also be avoided, or at least until the 15th
week when all your baby's organs and structures are well along in their
formation (with the nervous system lagging along behind). Aspirin, because of
its anticoagulant properties, is not recommended either. A daily multivitamin
with iron is frequently prescribed since most women do not store sufficient
levels in their bodies to meet iron needs after pregnancy. If any vitamin
should cause nausea, though, consult your doctor. Too many vitamins can be as
harmful as not taking any.
Swimming and bathing are totally permissible, though douching (especially
with douche kits) is not advisable because the pressure of the douche solution
increases the risk for rupturing membranes. Most infections can be treated
with alternate methods.
Work and travel can be maintained throughout pregnancy unless
complications arise, or if your job involves intense physical labor or
exposure to toxic or dangerous materials. Just keep in mind that you will
fatigue more easily later in the pregnancy, so allow yourself time to rest.
Feel free to engage in sexual intercourse until it becomes uncomfortable.
The same holds true for exercise. Just use your good judgement. Don't
overtax your body and if you did not exercise before, pregnancy is not the
time to start a rigorous regime.
A 24-pound weight gain is suggested for an average-sized woman, but up to
40 pounds is normal depending on your physical makeup. Keep in mind that
pregnancy is not the time to diet, but neither should you "eat for two."
Don't drink too much milk. Your calcium requirements can be met in other ways
and milk can cause unnecessary weight gain.
Bearing these things in mind, relax and enjoy your pregnancy. It can be
fun, just as you thought.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical