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$Title{How Serious is an Infected Prostate?}
$Subject{prostatitis Genitourinary Infections inflammation prostate
gland bacterial urination low back pain fever chills antibiotics bed rest
liquids Chronic recurring urinary tract infection ejaculation blood semen
antibiotics Nonbacterial dull pain pelvic area anti-inflammatory prostatodynia
urethral sphincter spasms emotional stress muscle relaxants}
Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System*0006001.scf
Types of Urinary Tract Infections*0007101.scf
Predisposing Factors for Urinary Tract Infections*0007102.scf}
Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
How Serious is an Infected Prostate?
QUESTION: My doctors thinks I may have an infected prostate, and wants to
conduct a series of tests on me. He used a term I didn't understand to
describe the exact condition he suspects. How serious is an infected prostate
and what condition do you think he was referring to?
ANSWER: A variety of conditions fall under the overall diagnosis of
"prostatitis", which refers to an inflammation of the prostate gland. While
as many as 50% of the male population develops symptoms of the disorder at one
time or another, doctors estimate that it actually occurs in only one out of
every 20 to 25 men.
The tests your doctor wants to conduct will help him determine the exact
form of prostatitis you may be suffering from. The condition usually begins
as an inflammation on the outer, or peripheral zone of the prostate, and in
severe cases can expand into its inner, or periurethral zone. While it is not
known precisely how the condition originates, researchers theorize that
bacteria may travel up the urethra (the canal that carries urine from the
bladder through the penis) to the prostate either on its own or via a
catheter. Other theories hold that the bacteria may originate in infected
urine, blood, or even the rectum (traveling through the lymphatic system to
reach the prostate).
Since the symptoms associated with prostatitis are often vague and
nonspecific, it is necessary for your doctor to take a series of urine samples
and prostatic secretions in order to pinpoint the precise condition you may
have. Prostatitis can be classified into four distinct clinical types,
detailed below.
Acute bacterial prostatitis involves frequent, painful, or
sleep-interrupting urination; low back pain, fever and chills may also be
present, while the prostate itself is unusually tense and tender. The
condition is treated with antibiotics, bed rest, plenty of liquids and
hospitalization if necessary.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis is usually the result of a recurring
urinary tract infection (triggered by the same microorganism); its symptoms
may include painful ejaculation in orgasm, or blood present in the semen.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis is treated similar to the acute condition, but
with a lower rate of success due to the elusiveness of the bacteria
responsible. Often, the symptoms can be controlled with a specific regimen of
Nonbacterial prostatitis is marked by a dull pain in the pelvic area, and
shares symptoms of urinary pain with the bacterial forms of the disease. Its
cause or causes are open to debate, with cystitis and carcinoma originating in
the bladder suspected. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are
administered, while patients have found that cutting back on alcohol,
caffeine, and spicy foods often alleviates symptoms.
The symptoms of prostatodynia (it means "painful prostate"), the fourth
type of prostatitis, vary widely from case to case. The condition may be the
result of a neuromuscular abnormality (such as unusual spasms of the urethral
sphincter), or it may have its roots in emotional stress. While antibiotics
are ineffective, a variety of medications have been used to treat it,
including muscle relaxants such as diazepam.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical