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$Title{AIDS Transmission Risks}
$Subject{sex AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIV human
immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 seropositive seronegative catch caught contract
contracts contracted contracting transmit transmitted transmitting
transmission risk risks danger dangers gay lesbian homosexual woman women
female females answer answers abstain abstaining touch touching hug hugging
problem problems monogamous relationship relationships infect infects infected
infection infections infectious kiss kisses kissed kissing masturbate
masturbated masturbating masturbation Oral mouth heterosexual vagina vaginal
penis man men male males partner partners Anal butt intercourse rectum viruses
semen blood condom condoms protecting protection sexual AIDS-transmission}
AIDS is not Spread by Casual Contact*0001004.scf
AIDS is Sexually Transmitted*0001005.scf
AIDS is Transmitted by Sharing Infected Needles*0001007.scf
How to Avoid AIDS*0001006.scf
Symptoms of AIDS*0001008.scf
Who Gets AIDS*0001002.scf}
Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
AIDS Transmission Risks
QUESTION: I am a high school senior and discussions about sex go on every day
at my school. It seems everyone has a different idea about AIDS, and how you
can catch it. One of my friends says that there is no danger if you aren't
gay, another claims you can't get it from a woman. I don't think they are
right, but I am not sure about the answers either. Is there any clear
thinking on this subject that you could provide me with? Sometimes it is very
hard to find good sources for information you can trust, and I hope you will
provide this information for me.
ANSWER: I am pleased that you would consider me a "good source of information
you can trust" and I work hard to deserve that compliment. To start with,
both the opinions of your friends are incorrect, so please share this material
with them. A recent report by the Health Department in New York State tried
to put this very question into a clearer perspective, and so I will use their
classification to help you. You can always be sure you are running no risk by
abstaining from sex, and touching and hugging offer no problems. Only in a
monogamous relationship, where both partners remain ABSOLUTELY faithful and
where neither is infected, is sex absolutely safe. The acts carrying the
lowest risks of infection are deep kissing and mutual masturbation. Oral sex
is also a low risk. But even in heterosexual sex, with vaginal sex, an
infected woman can pass on the infection to the male partner, and is
considered a moderate to high risk act. When the man is the infected partner,
the chances he can infect the woman by the vaginal route is considered to be
of high risk. Anal intercourse is defined as the act with the highest risk
factors. That's because the soft tissue lining of the rectum can be easily
torn during the act, allowing the virus present in the semen of an infected
person to pass into the blood stream of his partner. While condoms provide a
measure of protection, they are reported to break as often as 1 out of 4 times
during anal sex.
Though I have tried to provide you with the answer you sought, mentioning
these acts does not mean I either approve or disapprove of such relationships.
The answer seeks to provide information, not sexual counseling, which is the
responsibility of your parents, clergy and teachers. However, it is obvious
that the further you move from traditional guidelines, the greater is the risk
you must accept.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical