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$Title{What Can I Do About Blackheads?}
$Subject{blackheads face pop oily skin pores follicle sebum pore benzyl
peroxide blemishes retin-a blackhead facial oil pimple pimples zit zits
follicles acne papule blemishes oils comedone comedones}
ACNE: Blackheads and Whiteheads*0001101.scf}
Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
What Can I Do About Blackheads?
QUESTION: I have a bad case of blackheads, mostly on my face. Though I know
you are not supposed to, I "pop" them from time to time because I can't stand
the dirty look it gives me. But what should I do? I wash as carefully as I
can, several times a day. Please help me, if you can.
ANSWER: Blackheads are not a sign of dirt, nor of oily skin, as commonly
assumed. So your soap and water treatment is to no avail. The blackheads
form in the pores of the skin, the opening of a skin follicle. The follicle
produces a waxy substance called "sebum," which makes it way along the narrow
channel to the surface of the skin. Along the way it picks up dead skin
cells, shed by the lining of the follicle. This can form a sticky clump that
can clog the opening of the pore. Oxygen in the air turns this mass black (a
process called "oxidation"), forming the blackhead you see.
Any over the counter containing benzyl peroxide may be sufficient to
control a mild case of these unsightly blemishes. Ask your pharmacist to
suggest one for you. In more serious cases a prescription medication
(Retin-A) can be used. The treatment may take a few months to become totally
affective and so will require a bit more patience on your part. The Retin-A
can cause dry skin and some peeling, so it is important that you use this
medication under the supervision of your physician. Follow instructions
carefully, as doubling up on doses or applying the cream more frequently than
indicated will not speed up your recovery, but will increase your chances of
having unwanted side effects.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical