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$Title{Where Does Hepatitis C Come From?}
$Subject{hepatitis c virus non-a non-b acute vomiting fever abdominal pain
fatigue weakness headache infection infected infections viruses viral
digestive system digestion rare disease diseases liver headaches}
Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Where Does Hepatitis C Come From?
QUESTION: My brother was recently diagnosed as having a condition called
"hepatitis C". I had never heard of this disease, and find little in my
reading to increase my knowledge. Can you help? Can you tell me where this
disease come from, and what it might mean to the future well being of my
brother. He would appreciate this information as well.
ANSWER: It is not surprising that you have not heard much about this type of
hepatitis as it is the least well known type of hepatitis. It is caused by a
virus, and affects about 170,000 Americans each year. It was formerly known
as Hepatitis Non-A, Non-B, until testing techniques were developed that could
distinguish this particular disease form.
It can strike as both an acute hepatitis, or develop into a long lasting,
serious chronic form. Symptoms are very variable, from no symptoms what so
ever to those who experience vomiting, fever, abdominal pain. Many patients
experience varying amounts of fatigue, weakness and headache. Although seen
in people who are considered high risk; IV drug abusers, sexual partners of
infected individuals, and those who have received transfusions or blood
products, many cases occur in people with no clear risk factor. It is never a
disease to be dealt with lightly and close medical supervision and treatment
is required, but in many cases disappears by itself after about 6 months.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace
the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your
doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical