GameSDKPrompt1=This game requires the Microsoft Game SDK.
GameSDKPrompt2=It will now be installed automatically.
WinDiskSpaceWarnTitle=Insufficient Space
WinDiskSpaceWarnText1=Running Thexder requires the Game SDK be installed in your Windows directory, which currently does not have enough space (5 Megs).
WinDiskSpaceWarnText2=Please free up some space on your Windows drive and run Setup again.
Installation Complete=Installation Complete
AllDone=Installation Complete
AllDoneText=Thexder has been installed successfully
ReadmeTitle=Thexder - Read This First
InstallTitle=Install Help
GameRequiresWin95=Thexder requires Win95
GameRequiresWin95Text=To install and play Thexder, you must be running Windows 95
ReadMe=View README
ReadMePrompt1=Do you want to view additional documentation?
RegisterPrompt1=Do you want to register this product?
RegisterTitle=Register Thexder
RemindPrompt=Don't forget to restart Windows before running Thexder
RestartTitle=Restart Windows
RestartPrompt1=It is recommended you restart Windows before playing Thexder. Do you want to restart Windows now?