2day9550.zip3,476,665 04-01-96 WIN95: VISUAL DAY PLANNER 5.0 for 95 <ASP> This PC MAGAZINE AWARD WINNING PROGRAM + MANY OTHERS features Workgroup-Enabled Network Version - Calendar as Wallpaper - Recurring Events - Drag and Drop text - and more.
abook451.zip 221,362 05-19-96 WIN3: Address Book for Winword 6.0 - address book program
adbook22.zip 133,640 03-25-96 WIN3: Adr_Book v2.2 - address book with mailing labels, reports, and phone dialer
addr15.zip 748,165 05-17-96 WIN95: The Address Book v1.5 is an address book -contact manager for Windows 95 -NT.
adrb212u.zip 128,256 12-04-95 WIN3: Adr_Book v2.12 - address book program
adweb11.zip 114,291 04-17-96 WIN3: Adr_html v1.1 - address book program for the web
albw210.zip 856,819 02-19-96 WIN3: Album Master v2.10 - album library manager
am_bb41.zip 274,698 12-09-95 WIN3: Bank Book for Windows - bank book program
am_bc41.zip 259,836 12-09-95 WIN3: Book Catalog for Windows - book cataloger
am_ca42.zip 434,027 12-09-95 WIN3: Car Book Plus for Windows - car data organizer address book
am_cc41.zip 262,335 12-09-95 WIN3: Coin Catalog for Windows - coin cataloger
phoneb21.zip 115,423 04-17-96 WIN3: PhoneBase v2.1 Phone and address index with auto-dialer
pim95.zip 126,164 01-11-96 WIN95: Imports all databases and spreadsheets - & logs calls! Integrated with Word 7.0. Create FULL-COLOR reports - and business letters. Dial the phone.
ppg3210a.zip1,298,958 04-13-96 WIN95: Personal Investments Management. DISK 1 OF 2.
ppg3210b.zip1,012,697 04-13-96 WIN95: Personal Investments Management. DISK 2 OF 2.
psacr27.zip 1,113,657 04-13-96 WIN3: PSA Cards v2.7 Address and phone book
tpp152.zip 851,601 12-20-95 WIN3: Tasks, Projects, and People Organizer v1.52: PIM program
vidw230.zip 1,048,281 05-13-96 WIN3: VideoMaster v2.3 - Video cataloger and label maker
vlt32.zip 365,266 01-08-96 WIN95: Vault stores your information as an outline. Vault organizes your information into categories and sub-categories that you specify.
wd160103.zip3,110,514 04-02-96 WIN3: Windress Network address book for windows 95
wpim51.zip 1,306,474 01-11-96 WIN95: This PIM is perhaps the easiest one you will ever use. A full drag and drop interface is included with a perpetual calendar & planner to the year 9000. Store up to 30 -000 entries in the Rolodex Style Phonebook. Dial - Fax Documents - Create business letters - schedule appointments - Edit - save - & print text files - Create beautiful reports of all.
xpnsrptr.zip 451,222 02-05-96 WIN3: Lloyd's Expense reporter for Windows - keeps track of expenses