CICA 1993 November
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File List
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CICA MS Windows CDROM. December 93. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Turbo Pascal Programming
path: \win3\programr\tp
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== ========================
ARRAYS.ZIP 1513 02-07-92 Implement Huge (64k+) Data Arrays
CALUNIT.ZIP 5015 09-17-90 Objects for Creating a Simple Calendar
CHKWIN.ZIP 2189 03-20-91 Code to Check if Windows is Running
COLDEM.ZIP 6296 06-29-92 Borland demo routines for colordialogs
CTL3DPAS.ZIP 24587 10-04-93 TP Module to let you use CTL3D.DLL from
| Microsoft
CUSTOM.ZIP 10689 07-24-91 Custom Bitmap Buttons for TPW
DLLMAKER.ZIP 10405 01-29-92 Assemble Turbo Pascal for Windows Units into
| a DLL.
DND.ZIP 19588 05-05-92 Two Drag & Drop demo programs
DOCDEM.ZIP 4883 04-09-91 Illust use of Icons, Strings, Menus and
| Dialog Resrcs
DPRIN101.ZIP 13430 05-17-92 TP Routines to access installed printers
DROVTB.ZIP 16650 03-17-92 Drover Toolbox: Input validation routines for
FOYEH201.ZIP 31492 10-04-93 DLL of Turbo Pascal commonly used routines
HUGECOLL.PAS 16913 07-24-92 Implement Huge Collection in TurboPascal for
| Windows
JANUSW.ZIP 25281 07-26-92 Two Dialoge Routines
MODEM.ZIP 7710 08-22-91 TP Modem Routines
ORNTDLL.ZIP 13644 08-27-92 TP DLL for Changing Printer Orientation
| (port/land)
OWNRDRAW.ZIP 1148 10-10-91 TP OwnerDrawDemo
PCHART.ZIP 32155 05-05-91 TPW Charting Program
PERCNT.ZIP 24218 11-12-91 TP Routines for Control Windows in Dialog
| Boxes
PLIFE.ZIP 20668 05-02-91 TPW Implementation of the Game of Life
PRINTBMP.ZIP 98241 10-29-91 BitMap Printing Routines
PRINTIT.ZIP 5524 10-10-91 Windows Print Routines
RIBBON.ZIP 2148 08-05-92 Setup non-MDI Child Window in MDI Window
RUBBER.ZIP 1072 10-10-91 Rubberband Demo
SPLASH.ZIP 5733 10-10-91 Splash Demo
SYCOLOR.ZIP 16852 05-20-91 Set System Colors
TOOLPA.ZIP 12466 04-22-92 PowerCode: Extensible Code Generator Sample
TPU2TPS.ZIP 7274 07-23-91 Extracts SYSTEM.TPS from TP6.0/TPW1.0 Runtime
| Library
TPW_MMEX.ZIP 18246 12-18-91 TP4WIN Multimedia Extensions DLL-Link Units
TPWFORT.ZIP 25460 06-12-92 Combine TP for Windows Program into Fortran
| Subrtns
TPWIN31.ZIP 90024 04-06-92 Updated files for TP for use with Windows 3.1
TPWMI2.ZIP 77978 08-12-92 Samples of useful source code files for TPW
TPWPXENG.ZIP 32286 07-22-91 Paradox Engine 2.0 under Turbo Pascal For
| Windows
TSTRINGS.ZIP 8463 12-10-91 Implement Null Terminated Strings
UPCONV22.ZIP 68583 09-06-91 Turbo Pascal Case Converter Version 2.2
WINT_T.ZIP 277836 08-14-92 Tips and Techniques for TP for Windows
WSOUND.ZIP 671 11-26-91 Turbo Pascal Sound Routine
WTCH11.ZIP 15585 04-30-92 Update Time/Date Stamps on Files (w/TP src)