Labels:audio cd | bulletin board | cd rom | clock | door | mirror | person OCR: The Ultimate Collection Shareware cica. for Windows' 95&3.1 DISC August 1997 In Windous UeRUN fron thPorre To cxou Walnut Creel CDROM drive lette CDROM Suite 260 1547 Palos Verdes Mall Walnu Crecl CA 94596 USA SO 660 Sales +1-510-674-0783 Technica support: -510-603. 1234 info@cdrom .COm Shareware rouuire payment author found useful Copyright 1997 Walnut Creel CDROM Made in the USA UeRU Creek 9660 Horms DISC2 RUNfrom theProcrn Manager menuSean neeu sner Windowy cxecuteD oetum where yourCDROMdme te260 Format Technical Creck