18102 %1\n\nDo you want to select another domain or server to administer?
18103 %1\n\nDo you want to select another server to administer?
18104 %1\n\nDo you want to select another domain to administer?
18105 LAN Manager
18112 Close
18113 This operation will quit the application. Do you want to continue?
18114 Local Machine
18116 H
18117 L
22001 Remote Access Admin
22002 Remote Access Servers
22003 Remote Access Admin
22004 rasadmin.hlp
22010 Comment
22011 Ports In Use
22012 Server
22013 Total Ports
22014 Condition
22100 Grant Remote Access permissions to all %1 users?
22101 The callback number is too long. You can reduce the storage size by removing (, ), -, and space characters.
22102 Invalid callback number. Only the characters 0 to 9, T, P, W, (, ), -, @, and space are allowed in the number.
22103 Number set by caller
22104 Number preset by admininstrator
22105 No callback
22106 Remote Access Servers in %1 Domain
22107 Remote Access Server - %1
22108 Usage: RASADMIN [focus]\n\nwhere 'focus' is a domain name or a UNC server name.
22109 Disconnecting remote user %1.
22110 The message text is empty. Send anyway?
22111 Choose <OK> to continue trying other users, or <Cancel> to skip the rest of the users.
22112 Choose <OK> to continue trying other servers, or <Cancel> to skip the rest of the servers.
22113 Choose <OK> to set focus to another domain or server, or <Cancel> to exit the application.
22114 %1.\n\nError %2: %3
22115 %1.\n\nError %2: %3\n\n%4
22117 ---
22118 Never
22119 When an account is set for Preset-To callback, you must enter a callback phone number. Enter a number or set the account to Set-By-Caller or No-Call-Back.
22120 You are not logged on. You must be logged as an admin to administer Remote Access servers.
22121 Cannot add %1 to list
22122 Cannot validate logon information
22123 Cannot disconnect %2 from server %1
22124 Cannot construct dialog
22125 Error locating domain controller with user account information
22126 Cannot send message to user %2, who is connected to server %1 from computer %3
22127 Cannot clear port statistics on server %1
22128 Cannot enumerate ports on server %1
22129 Cannot get port information from server %1
22130 Cannot enumerate servers on focus domain
22131 Cannot get information from server %1
22132 Error stopping Remote Access Server Service on %1
22133 Cannot enumerate users on focus domain or server
22134 Cannot get account information for user %1
22136 Cannot set account information for user %1
22137 Cannot validate your admin privilege on the focus
22138 Active
22139 Inactive
22140 ADMIN
22141 GUEST
22142 Unknown
22143 USER
22144 Revoke Remote Access permissions of all %1 users?
22145 %1 at computer %2
22146 All Remote Access users in %1 domain
22147 All Remote Access users on %1
22148 The following users have connections to the network through %1:
22149 Stopping the Remote Access Service on %1 will disconnect these users. Do you wish to stop the service?
22150 Stop Remote Access Service on %1?
22151 Unknown error
22152 Unknown
22153 Paused
22154 Running
22155 Unknown
22156 Error starting Remote Access Server Service on %1.\nCheck the Event log on %1 for details
22157 Error pausing Remote Access Server Service on %1
22158 Error continuing Remote Access Server Service on %1
22159 Starting
22160 Stopping
22161 Pausing
22162 Continuing
22163 Cannot enumerate users on focus domain - %1
22164 Cannot enumerate users on focus server - %1
22165 Attempting to start Remote Access Server Service on %1.
22166 Line disconnected
22167 Calling user back
22168 Waiting for call
22169 Connected, authenticating user
22170 Connected, user authenticated
22171 Line non-operational
22172 Normal
22173 Incorrect modem response
22174 Hardware failure
22175 Modem not responding
22176 Initializing modem
22177 %1 has a replicant user account database. User permissions will be obtained from the master user account database on %2.
22178 No Remote Access servers were found.
22179 Working...
22180 The port is probably being used for dialing out or is not a Remote Access port.
22181 The Remote Access Server encountered an internal error.
22182 Cannot get account information for user %1. Please make sure you have entered the correct name.
22183 0
22184 0
22185 0
22186 0
22187 0
22188 Cannot send message to user %1 because the messenger service is not started on the remote computer or the remote computer is not capable of receiving messages.
22189 Cannot send message to user %1 because the messenger service is not started on the remote computer or the remote computer is not capable of receiving messages. %2
22190 All the configured Remote Access ports are being used for dialing out. Please try this operation later.
22191 Attempting to stop Remote Access Server Service on %1.
22192 Attempting to pause Remote Access Server Service on %1.
22193 Attempting to continue Remote Access Server Service on %1.
22195 Remote Access Service is not started on the selected server.
22196 No Remote Access Servers were found in the selected domain.
22197 The connection to the remote computer is busy. Try this operation later.
22198 Insufficient memory to complete this operation.