0 The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
1 Internal error in NTVDM procedure.
2 NTVDM does not support a ROM BASIC.
3 Failure to allocate the requested number of Expanded Memory pages.
4 A continuous RESET state has been entered.
5 The CMOS file cmos.ram could not be created.
6 The CMOS file cmos.ram could not be updated.
7 The memory resources needed by NTVDM could not be allocated.
9 An installation file required by NTVDM is missing, execution must terminate.
18 PIF file not found or bad file format.
19 Invalid startup directory, please check your pif file.
20 Invalid program file name, please check your pif file.
21 Command line too long.
22 Please input parameters for the application:
23 Error while setting up environment for the application.
24 Insufficient memory resources.
25 The NTVDM CPU has encountered an unsupported 386 instruction.
300 An application has attempted to %s, which cannot be supported. This may cause the application to function incorrectly.
301 directly access an incompatible diskette format
302 directly access the hard disk
303 load a 16-bit Dos device driver
305 perform an unknown internal 'BOP' opcode
306 allocate Expanded Memory
307 use a third party mouse driver
333 Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
334 16 bit Windows Subsystem
336 The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.
337 Memory error during intialization.
338 A temporary file needed for initialization could not be created or could not be written to. Make sure that the directory path exists, and disk space is available.
339 The video device failed to initialize for fullscreen mode.
340 Insufficient memory to load installable Virtual Device Drivers.
341 Virtual Device Driver format in the registry is invalid.
342 An installable Virtual Device Driver failed Dll initialization.
343 Unable to lock for exclusive access. Another application may be using the drive. When the other application has finished using the drive you may retry the operation.
344 Drive %c:
500 &Hide Mouse Pointer
501 &Display Mouse Pointer
502 - FROZEN
503 Inactive
1001 Function failed
1002 NTVDM has encountered a System Error
1003 Driver does not support selected Baud Rate
1004 The system cannot open %s port requested by the application.