67 %ld bytes total disk space\n%ld bytes available on disk\n\nDo you want to format another disk?
80 Network Error
83 This drive contains the Windows system files and cannot be disconnected.
91 File Manager cannot change attributes.
92 File Manager cannot create directory.
93 File Manager cannot label disk.\n\nMake sure the disk is not write-protected, is not a network drive, and that the label is valid.Labels cannot contain the following characters:\n[space] * ? / \ | . , ; : + = [ ] ( ) & ^ < > "
95 No matching files were found.
97 The contents of this drive have changed. Do you want to update the Search Results window?
98 You must be logged onto this workstation as an administrator to perform this operation on hard disks.
101 Drive %c:%c
110 Cannot Run Program
111 Unexpected error: %d.
112 Not enough memory to start the specified application.\n\nQuit one or more applications, and then try again.
113 File Manager cannot find file (or one of its components).\n\nMake sure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available.
114 The specified path is invalid.
116 No application is associated with this file.\n\nChoose Associate from the File menu to create an association.
118 File Manager cannot open or print file.\n\nStart the application used to create this file and open or print it from there.
120 Confirm Mouse Operation
121 Are you sure you want to copy the selected files or directories to %s?
122 Are you sure you want to move the selected files or directories to %s?
123 Are you sure you want to start %s using %s as the initial file?
124 File Manager
126 Directory Tree
127 Search Results:
132 Too Many Files
133 File Manager - Out of Memory
134 Unable to read entire directory. Only a partial listing will be displayed.
140 Current Directory: %s
141 Copy
143 Rename
145 Format Disk
146 Select the disk to format.
150 Creating:
151 Removing...
152 Copying:
153 Renaming...
154 Moving...
155 Deleting...
156 Printing: %s
169 Copying...
170 Removing:
180 Total %d file(s) (%s)
181 Directories read: %d
182 %c: %s free, %s total
183 %d file(s) found
185 the selected files
186 File Manager cannot disconnect network drive.\n\nFiles are open on this drive.
187 Selected %d file(s) (%s)
188 There is no disk in drive %c.\n\nInsert a disk, and then try again.
189 The disk in drive %c is not formatted.\n\nDo you want to format it now?
192 Not enough disk space to print.\n\nDelete one or more files to increase disk space, and then try again.
193 Not enough memory to print.\n\nQuit one or more applications, and then try again.
194 An error has occurred while printing.\n\nMake sure the printer is properly configured and selected.
195 Incomplete directory tree displayed
197 The destination disk is full. Please insert another disk to continue.
198 This is a system, hidden, or read-only file.
199 File Manager cannot perform a quick format.\n\nContinue with normal format?
203 An error occurred in sending the command to the application.
204 Unable to load a library required for this operation.
209 S&hared Directories...
210 Formatting will erase ALL data from your disk. Are you sure that you want to format the disk in drive %c?
211 Confirm Format Disk
212 This operation will erase ALL data from the destination disk. Are you sure you want to continue?
213 Confirm Copy Disk
214 &Close
215 Close
218 Directory %s does not exist.\n\nDo you want to create it?
224 Files with the extension %s are programs and cannot be associated with another application.
225 %s is not a program and cannot be associated with a file extension.
226 (None)
227 No files found.
228 File Manager cannot print multiple files.\n\nSelect only one file, and then try again.
230 One of the library files needed to run this application is damaged. Please reinstall this application.
231 This file is in use by some other application.
232 File Manager may not be able to access files created in the directory '%s.'\n\nDo you want to continue?
233 Create Directory
234 %ld bytes
235 %s bytes
236 File manager cannot copy multiple files or directories to the Clipboard.\n\nSelect a single file, and then try again.
237 %s - %s
238 Drive:
239 %s,
240 Connect network drive
241 Disconnect network drive
242 Network connections
243 Share directory
244 Stop sharing directory
245 View all file details
246 View name only
247 Sort by name
248 Sort by type
249 Sort by size
250 Sort by date
251 New window
252 Copy files
253 Move files
254 &Directory Name:
256 Network drive is not available.
259 Shared as %s
260 Not shared
261 Delete files
263 Copying files to %s
264 Moving files to %s
265 Running files with %s
266 %s bytes
267 %sKB
268 %sMB
269 %sGB
270 %sTB
280 You do not have permission to access this directory.
281 You do not have permission to access this file.
283 Drive %c: is busy and cannot be accessed.\nFile Manager is performing a disk copy.
284 Drive %c: is busy and cannot be accessed.\nFile Manager is formatting this disk.
285 Operation not fully completed
286 Unable to finish operation on all files and directories.
287 Cannot read directory
288 Directory does not exist.
289 Cannot connect network drive
290 The network name cannot be found.
292 'Yes to all' affects all files, including system, hidden, read-only.
294 Open
295 Print
298 Add Extension
299 The extension '%s' is currently associated with '%s.' Continue and overwrite this association?
300 File Association Editor
301 Unable to associate extension.
302 Unable to delete extension.
303 Unable to add File Type.
304 Unable to delete File Type.
305 Unable to read File Type.
306 The File Type description cannot be empty. Please type in a new File Type.
307 Unable to generate unique identifier based on your File Type. Please type in a new File Type.
308 Delete File Type
309 This will delete the File Type and all associated extensions. Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?
312 The File Type must have a command for at least one of its Actions. Please type in an application in the command field.
320 New File Type
321 Copying Disk
322 Searching...
324 File Manager is currently formatting a disk. Exiting File Manager will abort this operation.
325 File Manager is currently copying a disk. Exiting File Manager will abort this operation.
326 Percent Complete
353 360K
354 1%s2 MB
355 720K
356 1%s44 MB
357 2%s88 MB
358 Drive Capacity
359 File manager cannot obtain disk information.\n\nMake sure the disk is in the drive.
360 20%s8 MB
361 Unknown Disk Type
362 Unknown Disk Type
363 The type of disk in drive %s can not be formatted with the File Manager. Please use the Disk Administrator to format this disk.
400 Incompatible file system.
401 Access denied.
402 The disk is write-protected.
403 File Manager cannot lock volume.
404 File Manager cannot quick format disk.\n\nMake sure the disk is the correct density rating.
405 IO error on the source disk.
406 IO error on the destination disk.
407 IO error on both the source and destination disks.
408 An IO error has occurred.
411 File Manager cannot format disk.\n\nMake sure the disk is in the drive and not write-protected, damaged, or of wrong density rating.
412 File Manager cannot label the disk.\n\nThe specified label is invalid. Make sure the label does not contain any of the following characters\n[space] * ? / \ | . , ; : + = [ ] ( ) & ^ < > "
420 Opening...
421 Closing...
422 Too many directory windows are open.\n\nClose one or more windows, and then try again.
423 Quick Formatting...
424 Unable to initialize background update support. File Manager will exit.
425 File Manager Initialization
426 Reading directory, please wait...
427 Do you want to Compress all of the files and sub-directories in %s also?
428 Do you want to Uncompress all of the files and sub-directories in %s also?
429 File Manager cannot change compress attributes for %s.
430 The file %s will not be compressed. Compressing this file may render your system unbootable.
431 File Manager is currently in the process of compressing/uncompressing files.\nYou must wait until this is complete before attempting to compress/uncompress additional files.
501 Company Name
502 File Description
503 Internal Name
504 Legal Trademarks
505 Original Filename
506 Private Build Description
507 Product Name
508 Product Version
509 Special Build Description
510 Language
511 Languages
800 Connect &Network Drive...
801 &Disconnect Network Drive...
802 &Network Connections...
803 Share &As...
804 S&top Sharing...
805 View S&hared Directories...
806 &Undelete...
807 &Open New Window on Connect
1001 Error Moving File
1002 Error Copying File
1003 Error Deleting File
1004 Error Renaming File
1005 Error Selecting Drive
1006 Error Reading Directory
1007 Error Labeling Disk
1011 File Manager cannot move %s: %s
1012 File Manager cannot copy %s: %s
1013 File Manager cannot delete %s: %s
1014 File Manager cannot rename %s: %s
1021 File Manager cannot create directory %s: %s
1022 File Manager cannot remove directory %s: %s
1030 File Manager cannot create or replace %s: %s
1101 Source and destination are the same.
1102 Select only one file to rename, or use wildcards (for example, *.TXT) to rename a group of files with similar names.
1103 Cannot rename to a different directory or disk.\nUse the File Move command instead.
1104 You cannot rename the root directory.
1105 The destination directory is a subdirectory of the source.
1106 File in use by Windows.
1107 Specify only one file or directory in the To box. Or, if you want to specify a group of files, use wildcards (for example, *.TXT).
1108 A file or directory by this name already exists. Within a directory, file and directory names must be unique.
1109 Make sure the correct path and filename are specified.
1110 Make sure the correct path is specified.
1111 Quit one or more applications, and then try again. Or, use the Systems option in Control Panel to increase your virtual memory.
1113 Disable the write-protection on this disk or use another disk, and then try again.
1114 Be sure you have the correct network permissions to perform this operation.
1115 Delete one or more files to increase disk space, and then try again.
1116 No data detected on this medium.
1117 The directory already exists.
1118 The specified name is already used by a file.
1150 The wrong disk is in the drive.
1151 The application cannot be run in Windows NT mode.
1152 The operating system cannot run this component.
1153 The component cannot be run in Windows NT mode.
1154 This program is not a valid Windows NT application.
1155 An error occurred. There is no message text for this error.
2000 ÆRÆsü[R│(&F):
2001 ÆRÆsü[ɵ(&T):
2002 R│ ╠ ╝ O(&F):
2003 ÉV ╡ ó ╝ O(&T):
2004 ÆRÆsü[ɵ:
2005 ▒ ╠ÆtÆHÆ Æg ≡Äg p ╖ Θ ╞`┐Äa ╠" ª ¬\n ┼ ½ ╚ ¡ ╚ Φ ▄ ╖üB
3984 Commands for working with files
3985 Commands for working with disks
3986 Commands for working in the tree window
3987 Commands for determining how information is displayed
3988 Commands for setting options
3989 Commands for manipulating file and directory security
4000 Commands for arranging windows
4001 Commands for displaying File Manager Help
4030 Searches for a topic in File Manager Help
4101 Opens selected item
4102 Prints a document
4103 Associates a file with an application
4104 Searches for files and directories
4105 Starts or opens an application or document
4106 Moves selected item
4107 Copies files and directories
4108 Deletes files and directories
4109 Renames a file or directory
4110 Sets file attributes and displays properties
4111 Creates a directory
4115 Quits File Manager
4116 Selects files and directories
4117 Retrieves previously deleted files
4118 Copies a file to the clipboard
4119 Compresses a file or directory
4120 Uncompresses a file or directory
4201 Copies the contents of a floppy disk
4202 Assigns or changes a disk's volume label
4203 Formats a floppy disk
4205 Connects to a network drive
4206 Disconnects from a network drive
4251 Selects a different drive
4254 Shares a directory
4255 Stops sharing a directory
4301 Displays another level of a directory
4302 Displays all levels of a directory
4303 Displays all levels of all directories
4304 Collapses all directories of a selected directory
4401 Shows filenames only
4402 Shows all file details
4403 Shows partial file details
4404 Sorts files by name
4405 Sorts files by type
4406 Sorts files by size
4407 Sorts files by date
4409 Shows files of a specified type
4411 Displays the directory tree
4412 Displays the contents of the current directory
4413 Displays the directory tree and the contents of the current directory
4414 Splits a directory window or moves the split bar
4501 Controls confirmation messages
4503 Displays or hides the status bar
4504 Reduces File Manager to an icon at startup
4505 Indicates directories that have subdirectories
4507 Displays or hides the drivebar
4508 Displays or hides the toolbar
4509 Opens a new window when you connect
4510 Changes the File Manager font
4511 Saves settings when you quit File Manager
4512 Customizes the toolbar
4605 View or set permission information on the selected item(s)
4606 View or set auditing information on the selected item(s)
4607 View or take ownership of the selected item(s)