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- /* REXX script for rexxbgui.library: AWeb modes */
- if ~show('l','rexxbgui.library') then do
- if ~addlib('rexxbgui.library',0,-30) then do
- exit(20)
- end
- else nop
- end
- else nop
- options results
- if substr(address(),1,5)~='AWEB.' then do
- ports = show('P')
- parse var ports dummy 'AWEB.' portnr .
- address value 'AWEB.' || portnr
- address value result
- end
- else nop
- 'JAVASCRIPT SOURCE "window.status=*"Opening window...*""'
- parse arg '"' pubscrname '"'
- if pubscrname='' then do
- 'GET SCREEN VAR pubscrname'
- end
- else nop
- call bguiopen('AWebModes') /* causes error 12 if it did not work */
- /* supply a second argument for a '0' return code instead of an ARexx
- error */
- signal on syntax /* important: bguiclose() MUST be called */
- signal on halt
- signal on break_c
- esc='1B'x
- lf='0A'x
- cr='0D'x
- grspace.narrow=-1
- grspace.normal=-2
- grspace.wide=-3
- FixMinSize=bguilayout(LGO_FixMinWidth,1,LGO_FixMinHeight,1)
- /* using ARexx feature: ,<newline> is translated to nothing */
- /* the || are essential - any added space will cause trouble */
- /* redefining the same ID makes previous buttons unaccessible */
- /* do not redefine winclose etc. */
- g=bguivgroup(,
- bguivgroup(,
- bguicheckbox('gframes','HTML _frames usage',0)FixMinSize||,
- bguicheckbox('gnframe','_Nominal (fixed) frame size',0)FixMinSize||,
- bguicheckbox('gjs','_Javascript usage',0)FixMinSize||,
- bguicheckbox('ganon','_Browse anonymously (no HTTP referrer header)',0)FixMinSize||,
- bguicheckbox('gmime','_Ignore server MIME type',0)FixMinSize||,
- '',-2,'F')||bguilayout(LGO_FixMinHeight,1)||,
- bguihgroup(,
- bguihgroup(,
- bguivarspace(50)||,
- bguimx('ghtml',,bguilist('hmtx','_0 Strict','_1 Tolerant','_2 Compatible'),'R')||FixMinSize||,
- bguivarspace(50),
- ,,'F','HTML zm-zode')||,
- bguihgroup(,
- bguivarspace(50)||,
- bguimx('gspoof',,bguilist('snames','(AWeb)','MSIE/4.0','Mozilla/3.0','Mozilla/4.0'),'R')||FixMinSize||,
- bguivarspace(50),
- ,,'F','zS-zpoof as')||bguilayout(LGO_FixMinHeight,1),
- )||bguilayout(LGO_FixMinHeight,1)||,
- bguihgroup(,
- bguibutton('ok',esc'bOK_'cr)||,
- bguibutton('apply','_Apply')||,
- bguibutton('update','_Get')||,
- bguibutton('cancel','_Cancel'),
- )||bguilayout(LGO_FixMinHeight,1),
- ,grspace.normal,grspace.normal)
- drop hmtx.
- call bguiset(obj.ghtml,,BT_Key,'m')
- call bguiset(obj.gspoof,,BT_Key,'s')
- call bguiaddcondit(obj.gframes,obj.gnframe,GA_Selected,0,GA_Disabled,1,GA_Disabled,0)
- winobj=bguiwindow('AWeb v'result 'modes',g,'-','-',,pubscrname,'M')
- call getsettings()
- if bguiwinopen(winobj)=0 then bguierror(12)
- 'JAVASCRIPT SOURCE "window.status=*"*""'
- id=0
- do while bguiwinwaitevent(winobj,'ID')~=id.winclose
- select
- when id=id.winactive then nop
- when id=id.wininactive then nop
- when id=id.update then call getsettings()
- when id=id.cancel then leave
- when id=id.ok then do; call setsettings(); leave; end
- when id=id.apply then call setsettings()
- when id=id.winclose then nop
- otherwise nop
- end
- end
- rc=0
- syntax:
- if rc~=0 then say '+++ ['rc']' errortext(rc) 'at line' sigl
- call bguiclose()
- exit 0
- break_c:
- halt:
- rc=0
- say '+++ Break at line' sigl
- signal syntax
- getsettings:
- 'GetCFG HTMLMODE'; call bguiset(obj.ghtml,winobj,MX_Active,result)
- 'GetCFG FRAMES'; call bguiset(obj.gframes,winobj,GA_Selected,result)
- 'GetCFG NOMINALFRAME'; call bguiset(obj.gnframe,winobj,GA_Selected,result)
- 'GetCFG JAVASCRIPT'; call bguiset(obj.gjs,winobj,GA_Selected,result)
- 'GetCFG ANONYMOUS'; call bguiset(obj.ganon,winobj,GA_Selected,result)
- 'GetCFG IGNOREMIME'; call bguiset(obj.gmime,winobj,GA_Selected,result)
- select
- when result='MSIE/4.0' then n=1
- when result='Mozilla/3.0' then n=2
- when result='Mozilla/4.0' then n=3
- otherwise n=0
- end
- call bguiset(obj.gspoof,winobj,MX_Active,n)
- return 1
- setsettings:
- call bguiwinbusy(winobj)
- i=1
- NEWCFG.i.ITEM=HTMLMODE; NEWCFG.i.VALUE=bguiget(obj.ghtml,MX_Active); i=i+1
- NEWCFG.i.ITEM=FRAMES; NEWCFG.i.VALUE=bguiget(obj.gframes,GA_Selected); i=i+1
- NEWCFG.i.ITEM=NOMINALFRAME; NEWCFG.i.VALUE=bguiget(obj.gnframe,GA_Selected); i=i+1
- NEWCFG.i.ITEM=JAVASCRIPT; NEWCFG.i.VALUE=bguiget(obj.gjs,GA_Selected); i=i+1
- NEWCFG.i.ITEM=ANONYMOUS; NEWCFG.i.VALUE=bguiget(obj.ganon,GA_Selected); i=i+1
- NEWCFG.i.ITEM=IGNOREMIME; NEWCFG.i.VALUE=bguiget(obj.gmime,GA_Selected); i=i+1
- n=bguiget(obj.gspoof,MX_Active)
- if n=0 then NEWCFG.i.VALUE=''; else NEWCFG.i.VALUE=snames.n
- i=i+1
- NEWCFG.0=i-1
- 'GetCFG HTMLMODE' /* wait */
- call bguiwinready(winobj)
- return 1