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- rexxbgui.library version 1.1
- Date: April 23, 1999
- Copyright © Jilles Tjoelker 1999
- New in V1.1:
- * New functions: bguiwinbusy(), bguiwinready(), bguipages(), bguimx(),
- bguiactivategadget(), bguilist(), bguiaddcondit(), bguilistvaddentry(),
- bguilistvcommand(), bguilistvreplacesel()
- * New argument for bgui[hv]group(), equal, to force equal width or height
- of the objects in the group
- * New argument for bguiwindow(), pos, to open the window at a different
- place than centred on the screen.
- * Some nonfunctional tags removed
- * New tags: BT_#?, PAGE_#?, MX_#?, TAG_IGNORE
- * Better documentation
- * Bug fixed: the library could be flushed from memory when a bguiopen() was
- still outstanding.
- * A control-C break is now accepted immediately in bguiwinwaitevent() and
- bguiwait() and passed to ARexx.
- * Bug fixed: BGUI 41.10 took the command name, which is always equal to "",
- for the prefs filename. Fixed by temporarily setting the pr_Cli pointer to
- zero.
- Look in the example scripts for more information.
- General ARexx limitation: functions can only have up to 15 arguments.
- Escape sequences can be used in most texts, including labels, frame titles
- info object contents and listview entries. Frame titles may have shadow.
- Listview entries and labels within objects can be text on background or
- filltext on fill; when you change the colours it cannot be restored.
- ESC='1b'x or just use the Esc key to put it in a string constant.
- ESC||ESC no operation; used to separate sequences ending in a digit
- from normal digits.
- ESC'u' underlined on
- ESC'b' bold on
- ESC'i' italics on
- ESC'n' normal text
- ESC'd'n set DrawInfo pen #n (2=text, 3=shine, 4=shadow, 5=selected-gadget
- fill, 6=text on fill, 7=background, 8=important text)
- ESC'p'n set colour #n
- ESC'D'n set DrawInfo pen #n as background
- ESC'P'n set colour #n as background
- ESC's' shadow on (additionally use ESC'd3')
- ESC'-'ch turn something off (ch=u/b/i/s)
- ESC'c' centre this and the following lines
- ESC'r' right-justify this and the following lines
- ESC'l' left-justify this and the following lines
- '0a'x new line. This does not work for listview entries and frame titles.
- success=bguiopen([taskname],[noerrorifopenfail])
- This function opens bgui.library. Version 41 is required.
- taskname indicates the name of the prefs file, default "ARexx".
- If this function has not yet been called, all functions starting with
- 'bgui' cause "Error return from function".
- x=bguiwait()
- Wait for most events; Control-C is passed trough to ARexx
- (signal on break_c).
- id=bguiwinevent(winobj,[destvar])
- This function does not wait for events.
- id=bguiwaitwinevent(winobj,[destvar])
- This function is much more efficient than the bguiwinevent()/bguiwait()
- combination.
- success=bguiwinopen(winobj)
- This function must be used to open a window. When a window object is created,
- it does not open automatically, unlike some other GUI engines' behaviour.
- This enables you to do things like bguiwintabcycleorder() in time.
- x=bguiwinclose(winobj)
- success=bguiwinbusy(winobj)
- Use this function to set a busy pointer and zero-size requester that blocks
- input on a window. It nests, i.e. the window will not be unblocked until
- one bguiwinready() has been done for each bguiwinbusy() executed.
- success=bguiwinready(winobj)
- obj=bguiwindow(title,mastergroup,[scalew],[scaleh],[refwin],[scrname],[pos])
- scale[wh]: 0% = minimum size, 100% = full screen
- Precede scalew and/or scaleh with a minus sign to lock the dimension.
- Locking both removes the size gadget.
- refwin: the new window object will open on the same screen as refwin
- pos 'S' centre on screen
- 'M' centre on mouse pointer
- 'T' top-left of the screen
- 'W' centre on window
- 'B' l t w h position in screen (pixel) coordinates
- 'R' l t w h centre window on this box
- info=bguilayout(tag,value,[tag],[value],...)
- Concatenate the return value of this to an object. It does not work for
- VarSpace members.
- info=bguivarspace(weight)
- A weight controlled spacing in a group; 1<weight<1023
- bguilayout() cannot be used on this.
- obj=bgui[hv]group(objects,[spacing],[offset],[title],[equal])
- Double use of objects or forgotten '||' is caught -> error 12.
- spacing/offset -1 narrow
- -2 normal
- -3 wide
- offset 'F' frame (required for a title)
- equal 'W' all objects the same width
- 'H' all objects the same height
- 'S' all objects the same width and height
- obj=bguipages(name,objects)
- This function only creates OBJ.name, not ID.name.
- Do not set PAGE_Active values which are out of range!
- The usage of pages increases the number of objects that can be in a window
- and therefore object creation time. The BGUI prefs program is an example of
- this!
- obj=bguibutton(name,label)
- As other "real" gadget creation functions, this one sets both ID.name
- (compare with bguiwinevent() or bguiwinwaitevent() result) and OBJ.name (for
- bguiget() and similar functions).
- Prefix the keyboard shortcut with '_' in label. This also applies to other
- gadgets.
- obj=bguitoggle(name,label,[state])
- obj=bguicheckbox(name,[label],[state])
- obj=bguiinfo(name,[label],contents)
- Non-clickable information object.
- obj=bguistring(name,[label],[contents],maxchars)
- obj=bguiinteger(name,[label],[contents],[maxchars],[min],[max])
- It is not guaranteed, that min<=bguiget(int,STRINGA_LongVal)<=max.
- obj=bguilistview(name,[label],[stem],[type],[ncolumns])
- type 'R' read-only
- 'S' select (default)
- 'D' drag'n'drop
- In multi-column listview entries, the columns are separated by a tab
- character. Attributes set with escape sequences do not continue from
- one column to the next.
- Optionally, you can append column weights to ncolumns, e.g. '3 10 45 45' to
- create one small column and two wider ones.
- obj=bguimx(name,[label],stem,[type])
- type 'R' radio buttons (default)
- 'T' tabs
- 'U' upside down tabs
- res=bguiget(obj,attr)
- Error descriptions here:
- "Invalid keyword" if you supplied an attribute that RexxBGUI does not know -
- see "tags" further on in this file for which attributes are available.
- "Error return from function" if the obj parameter was not OK or if the
- object did not understand the attribute, for example an attribute of another
- gadget class or one that is not gettable;
- "Wrong number of arguments" if rm->rm_Action & 0xF is not 2 or if
- rm_Args[1] or rm_Args[2] is equal to zero.
- x=bguiset(obj,[refwin],tag,value,[tag],[value],...)
- refwin: window object in which the gadget is located; necessary if you want
- visual updating. Specifying another window causes strange results...
- If you need to set more than 6 tags, split it out over multiple calls and
- omit refwin in all possibly except the last. Put at least one attribute
- causing visual update in the last call, if you want any update.
- gad=bguireq(text,gadgets,[title],[refwin],[scrname])
- RequestChoice/rtEZRequest() like requester. Use '|' to separate the gadgets.
- An asterisk adds return as a shortcut for the button it stands before and
- escape for the last one. Underscores can be used to prefix keyboard shortcuts.
- The window specified by refwin will automatically get a busypointer.
- Title defaults to refwin's title, or "BGUI Request" or its localized
- equivalent if wndobj is not given.
- Scrname does not work.
- gad: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc. and 0 for the last gadget.
- success=bguiaddmap(srcobj,dstobj,sattr,dattr)
- This function connects two objects so srcobj will update dstobj's dattr
- when its sattr changes. This happens even without bguiwinevent().
- Example usages:
- Listview with connected string gadget:
- call bguiaddmap(obj.listv,obj.str,LISTV_Entry,STRINGA_TextVal)
- Listview to select a page (#of listview entries must be #of pages!!!):
- call bguiaddmap(obj.listv,obj.pages,LISTV_EntryNumber,PAGE_Active)
- The number of attributes that can cause notification (sattr) or be updated
- (dattr) is more limited than the number that can be used with bguiget() or
- bguiset(). If notification does not work, you'll have to fall back to the
- latter mechanism.
- There is no "initial" notification.
- Notification of LGO attributes may cause a crash. Using bguiset() is safer.
- success=bguiaddcondit(srcobj,dstobj,iftag,ifval,thtag,thval,eltag,elval)
- This function connects two objects so srcobj will update dstobj depending
- on its ifattr. This is more or less equivalent to doing this when srcobj's
- iftag changes:
- IF bguiget(srcobj,iftag)=ifval THEN CALL bguiset(dstobj,thtag,thval),
- ELSE CALL bguiset(dstobj,eltag,elval)
- This happens even without bguiwinevent(). See also bguiaddmap().
- Integer tags only.
- Always test boolean tags for 0 and never for 1.
- Example usage:
- Yes/No setting that makes a choice impossible:
- call bguiaddcondit(obj.check,obj.mx,GA_Selected,0,MX_EnableButton,0,
- ,MX_DisableButton,0)
- MX_DisableButton,n will never change MX_Active. You have to check separately
- if the selection is still possible.
- If you init the checkbox to on, the first MX button will not be enabled
- initially. If you init the checkbox to off and set it to on after this call,
- it will be OK.
- count=bguilistvgetentries(listvobj,stemname,[type])
- type 'A' all
- 'S' selected only
- success=bguilistvaddentry(listvobj,[refwin],entry,[where],[flags])
- where 'H' head
- 'T' tail
- 'S' sorted
- number add before entry n
- flags 'S' select
- 'M' multiselect
- '+' make visible by scrolling list if necessary
- '-' do not make visible
- 'S' or 'M' makes visible automatically unless disabled with '-'
- rc=bguilistvcommand(listvobj,[refwin],command)
- command 'clear' delete all entries
- 'refresh' refresh listview and scroller
- 'sort'
- 'redraw' redraw all entries only
- 'remselected' single-select only; also selects new entry
- success=bguilistvreplacesel(listvobj,[refwin],new)
- Use this function to replace the first selected entry of a listview by another.
- If no entry is selected, a new one is added and selected.
- success=bguiwintabcycleorder(winobj,objects)
- RexxBGUI can only check the validity of the objects array to a limited
- extent: if a multiple of four spaces is intermixed wrong object pointers
- are used and a crash can be expected if tab is pressed in the first gadget.
- success=bguiactivategadget(gadget,refwin)
- This call may fail, although that's usually not a severe problem...
- RexxBGUI can only check the validity of the objects to a limited extent.
- x=bguiclose()
- This must be called before exiting the script.
- success=bguireadentries(filename,stemname)
- When using READLN(), EOF cannot be distinguished from an empty line.
- Therefore this function is present. It reads lines from a file to a stem
- in a format suitable for the listview gadget.
- stemname=bguilist(stemname,entry0,[entry1],...)
- This function allows you to place small lists (<=14 entries) for listviews
- directly in the gadget creation function, a bit like in E [e0,e1,...].
- It sets stemname.COUNT and stemname.x (0<=x<stemname.COUNT)
- Example:
- ...
- bguilistview('switcher',,bguilist('pnames','Single-Select','Multi-Select'))||,
- ...
- drop pnames. /* not really necessary */
- x=bguierror(code)
- This function causes an ARexx error, e.g. bguierror(12) causes "Error return
- from function".
- TAGS: General information
- Types:
- INT=integer, may be boolean (0 means false, anything else means true)
- STRING=string
- OBJECT=4-byte pointer
- Applicability: ISGNU
- I=Init (not applicable for RexxBGUI)
- S=Set (bguiset())
- G=Get (bguiget())
- N=Notify (bguiaddmap() sattr/bguiaddcondit() ifattr)
- U=Update (bguiaddmap() dattr/bguiaddcondit() thattr/elattr)
- -=not possible
- ?=not known to me, try it
- WINDOW_Window OBJECT --G--
- INFO_TextFormat STRING IS--U
- INFO_MinLines INT
- INFO_FixTextWidth INT
- STRINGA_TextVal STRING ISGNU makes string gadget
- STRINGA_LongVal INT ISGNU makes integer gadget
- STRINGA_MaxChars INT I-?--
- STRINGA_BufferPos INT IS??? cursor position
- STRINGA_DispPos INT IS??? first char visible
- LGO_FixWidth INT
- LGO_FixHeight INT
- LGO_Weight INT
- LGO_FixMinWidth INT
- LGO_FixMinHeight INT
- LGO_Align INT
- LGO_NoAlign INT
- LGO_FixAspect INT
- LGO_Visible INT
- LISTV_ReadOnly INT ISG?? S/U will not change frame
- LISTV_MultiSelect INT IS?-U
- LISTV_Select INT -S--U
- LISTV_MakeVisible INT -S--U
- LISTV_Entry STRING ---N-
- LISTV_EntryNumber INT ---N-
- LISTV_LastClicked STRING --G--
- LISTV_LastClickedNum INT --G--
- LISTV_NewPosition INT ---N-
- LISTV_NumEntries INT --G--
- LISTV_MinEntriesShown INT ISG??
- LISTV_SelectMulti INT -S--U
- LISTV_SelectNotVisible INT -S--U
- LISTV_SelectMultiNotVisible INT -S--U
- LISTV_MultiSelectNoShift INT IS--U
- LISTV_Deselect INT -S--U
- LISTV_DropSpot INT --G--
- LISTV_ShowDropSpot INT IS---
- LISTV_Columns INT I-G--
- LISTV_DragColumns INT ISG-U
- LISTV_Titles STRING I-G-U 41.8 Enforcer hits
- LISTV_Titles! OBJECT ISG-U static string problem
- LISTV_PreClear INT ISG--
- LISTV_LastColumn INT --G--
- GA_#? TAGS
- GA_Disabled INT IS?-U
- GA_Selected INT ISGNU toggles/checkboxes only
- BT_#? TAGS
- BT_LabelClick INT IS---
- BT_DragObject INT ISG--
- BT_DropObject INT ISG--
- BT_Key STRING ISG-- set after creating window object only
- BT_RawKey INT ISG-- set after creating window object only
- BT_Qualifier INT ISG-- set after creating window object only
- MX_#? TAGS
- MX_DisableButton INT IS--U
- MX_EnableButton INT IS--U
- TAG_IGNORE INT IS--U does nothing!