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- On 11-Apr-98, Paul Burkey wrote:
- >Hi Dave,
- >> Now that's all fine, I can do most of the TCP/IP stuff pretty
- >> easily, but I have some other problems. Does anyone know of the best
- >way
- >> to do 8 seperate players playing on the same game over the internet.
- >Like
- >> how would you linkup 8 players...all to one player, or all in a
- chain.
- >With more than 4 players I'd avoid the chain idea. That is unless you
- >can deal with large amounts of lag and you don't need to be fully
- >synchronised. The 1 server many clients idea is the safest and easiest
- >system to deal with but ALWAYS the best way.
- First check out Paul's netpage:
- <http://www.sneech.demon.co.uk/netlink.html>
- It's got some links to pages with the problems you're likely to come
- up against. I've been researching this for the last 6 or so months (with
- some help from Paul), because I want to put multiplayer internet support
- into a similar type of game as yours- a fast reaction arcade game. The
- big problem as far as I can see is the lag you get from when one
- computer sends a move, and the other machine receives it. This is worse
- on a 2D game because you'll see if something's a few pixels out- on a 3D
- game you'll never really notice anything is out, unless the lag is
- terrible. You have to do everything to cut down the lag time
- >> it depends on how much data I'm gonna have to send to every player.
- >> And that's the second problem, do I just send co-ordinates of
- >> every player, and say ever players bullets, and any objects
- >> they pick up, or do I send just the players action, and work out the
- >> outcome of that action and then reply with a message to say that it
- >worked
- >> okay.
- >As always it's not easy to give any firm directions with this kind of
- >stuff. You may have good reasons why you need to keep things
- >synchronised
- >or you may have a design that can cope with large amounts of lag. It
- >depends on the gameplay really. I'd probably suggest using the I/O
- >method where instead of sending coordinates or players, bullets
- >and whatever else. You just send the players inputs. So if player 1
- >moves forwards you send this. If he doesn't move anywhere then you
- >don't send anything.
- Yes, I think this is the only way you could have it work for lots of
- players- otherwise you'd physically run out of bandwidth (you wouldn't
- be able to get enough information through the modem in a given time).
- Instead of sending out each new pixel position of an object, you just
- send out differences in speed, acceleration and direction with a
- time-stamp. As all machines are time-synced at the start you can then
- adjust the Avatar (copy of your player etc on another machine) to the
- exact position the original is on-screen (using simple physics), because
- you know what speed and direction it was traveling at a certain point in
- time. Your characters actually are in sync more than the position method
- which would always be behind by whatever the lag was. This is how
- Quake/XWing etc do it.
- So if a monsta is traveling down a corridor, you can ignore it until
- it goes down a different angled corridor, then you send this info out to
- the other machines. You just have to have one machine only, responsible
- for each object onscreen- so I was thinking of using the Server to say
- which machine is responsible for which monsta etc (even though I'm using
- peer-to-peer, I've got a Server to log in to), and other objects like
- bombs, doors, etc could be controlled this way as well. This solves your
- problem about having two players in one space, as only one machine makes
- the decisions for each object. You might get visual glitches like
- shooting a player and it misses them when it should have hit, because
- the actual player was really a few pixels off, but if the lag times can
- be kept down this shouldn't be much of a problem.
- A point raised on one of the web pages, was the problem that could be
- caused by lag. Say for example, a monsta has AI that makes it chase a
- player on line-of-sight. If a player changes direction just before an
- intersection say, and a monsta is in line-of-sight of that intersection
- eg:
- -------------+-+--------------
- P-> P- player
- -------------+ +--------------
- | |
- | |
- -------------+ +--------------
- M-> M- monsta
- -------------+-+--------------
- If the lag to one machine is greater than another, you could get the
- situation of the monsta going in two different directions on the two
- machines. On the machine with the faster connection the Avatar has
- turned back (as the human player has), so the monsta carries on along
- the way it was going; on the machine with the slightly slower connection
- the Avatar goes a few pixels into the corridor before turning back, and
- the monsta sees it and changes direction and chases it down the
- corridor. Once the monsta changes course on one machine, the courses of
- the two monstas will continue to diverge :-/ (sort of like that old (I
- think it was H.G Wells') sci-fi story about the guy who goes back in
- time and accidentally kills a butterfly :)
- If you have the one machine only making decisions for an object, it
- solves this problem.
- >> Like if 4 players each tried to enter the same square, and only 1
- >> could...which one would it be, and how would I tell all the others
- >which
- >> one it was. I hope that hasn't confused everyone...cos it's confused
- >me.
- >This is where the 'one server many clients' idea can make life very
- >easy. The following is just a rough plan, I'm making most of it up
- >as I go along so feel free to pick the ideas appart until we can
- >agree on a solution. Also lets understand that this idea would work
- >for some gams and not for others...
- >Lets imagine you have 20 players. Each player would have a unique
- >number eg 1,2,3..20. Now imagine that each player has to send
- >commands to the server and wait for the command to arive back before
- >the command can be executed. A command may be something like 'shoot',
- >'move forwards', 'move backwards' or whatever. Any commands player
- >1 sends to the server will be mirrored to all other players as well
- >as himself. Now lets imagine that the server is setup so that it
- >will take incomming commands for 1/10 of a second and then send
- >them all out. If no commands are taken then the server will send a
- >'no commands' message to everyone. The game would be setup to
- >gather these commands and sort them into order. So all player 1
- >commands would be executed first, then player 2 and so on. A better
- >solution would be for the server to attach a timestamp to each
- >command as it arives. Then a batch of commands are sent out and
- >these can then be sorted into the same order as thy arived on
- >the server.
- >Some extra error checking should be used in this example but theres
- >no need to go into too much detail here.
- >To get back to your question.. Each player would move towards
- >this same square at the same time. So the 'move to square'
- >command is sent to the server and then the server sends these
- >commands to the players. All players will attempt to execute
- >the commands in the same order so player 1 will be first and
- >then player 2. Player 2 can't move into the square because
- >player 1 beat him to it.
- This is ok as long as it runs fast enough for your game- for an
- arcade type game I think it might run too slow (as you have to send the
- message to the Server and then back to the Client (which could double
- lag times). I'm using Peer-to-Peer (every machine sends its messages to
- all machines), which by-passes the Server.
- In Quake, I think they have a max of 8 players peer-to-peer, and up
- to 16 going through a dedicated Server (as in Paul's way, but only to
- pass messages on, not to do any logic). But these Servers are rather
- powerful with a fast direct net connections.
- This is all theory at the moment as I haven't had time to put the
- code into a small test game to see what works :-/
- Also am using UDP instead of TCP which is much faster but has no
- error checking. I've done a little chat program using UDP which checks
- wether packets have arrived at their target or not, and has a basic
- log-in Server- but all messages are still sent direct to all machines,
- that are logged on.
- I'll put it on Aminet, but I need to tidy up the docs first- I can
- send it to you if you want.
- On 14-Apr-98, Dave Newton wrote:
- >>>With more than 4 players I'd avoid the chain idea. That is unless you
- >>>can deal with large amounts of lag and you don't need to be fully
- >>>synchronised. The 1 server many clients idea is the safest and
- easiest
- >>>system to deal with but ALWAYS the best way.
- >> I've been researching this for the last 6 or so months (with
- >>some help from Paul), because I want to put multiplayer internet
- >support
- >>into a similar type of game as yours- a fast reaction arcade game. The
- >>big problem as far as I can see is the lag you get from when one
- >>computer sends a move, and the other machine receives it. This is
- worse
- >>on a 2D game because you'll see if something's a few pixels out- on a
- >3D
- >>game you'll never really notice anything is out, unless the lag is
- >>terrible. You have to do everything to cut down the lag time
- > Well, I had almost made my mind up on server->clients way of doing it.
- >Let
- >me explain more about the game, so you know why I thought this would
- >work
- >for me. Basically, it's a blockbased game, you move from one square to
- >another, and it takes so many frames to get to the new block. All I
- >really
- >need (or atleast all I think I need) is someway of keeping track of all
- >the players. I need to make sure they don't walk into eachothers
- >squares,
- >and make sure that I know who's picked up what object, and whether they
- >have fired there gun. Now, I'm thinking for the monsters, that if I
- keep
- >all the players in sync, then each machine will be able to use the same
- >monster routine to keep all the monsters in the correct place, without
- >sending any messages about them. Because I keep track of the players,
- >then
- >say monster1 will always attack the closest player, and if they need to
- >do
- >any random stuff, I'm going to generate a seed, and send it to all
- >players
- >before the game starts, so when you do rnd(10) on everyones machine,
- >everyone gets the same number back :).
- The problem is with this, is that if the delays (lags) from the Server
- to the players are different, the commands will end up being executed
- at different times and that means that the monstas could react
- differently on different machines, as in the diagram in my last post.
- One way around this could be to put on a delay for when the move is to
- be executed- if this delay is less than the max allowed lag, say one or
- two seconds, then everything will run as above. It sounds like your game
- might be able to handle a delay like that- only playtesting would tell
- you.
- > I think the limit for this game is 8 players, and all I need to do is
- >send
- >a single byte for each player to the server from each client, then wait
- >for a 8 byte answer, which includes my next move, and all the other 7
- >players next move. Now because it's square based (ie, there not roaming
- >free on the game), I don't need to send stuff every frame, as say it
- >takes
- >8 frames to get from one square to another, then I'd have about 8
- frames
- >to
- >use for the wait (lag - both ways).....correct?? Though this may seem a
- >lil
- >slow to the player, as he may have to wait 8 frames before his
- character
- >moves on the screen.
- This might make the game horrible to play- you'd have to do some
- testing to see.
- > Now, assumming that works...I have some other queries. If I'm on a pal
- >screen, and my opponent is on a ntsc screen, I'll have to do some fancy
- >sync
- >keeping/checking, so that my oppenent isn't ahead of me, as if it takes
- >8 frames for my character to move, he'll see me at the square I'm
- moving
- >too before I get there. I was thinking, If I wait for the server to
- >reply
- >everytime, before doing anything else, then I supposed the sync could
- >be the server return, as then everyone would move about, and then send
- >their
- >next move, and wait for the server to send the new moves. This would
- >mean
- >that ntsc users wait longer than pal users....but I don't mind that :).
- You could just drop frames in your NTSC game (10 every second), or
- have a timer and drop frames, and sync everthing from that timer- I was
- going to do that for my game, as I haven't got any CIA timings working.
- I worked out you drop your counter (50 per second), one number every 6
- frames= 10 frames dropped every second, and then your PAL just runs one
- count per frame- I was going to use the vertical blank interupt, instead
- of just a counter in the main loop in case the game slowed down (say by
- another program multi-tasking), so every game always was synced.
- Although if some-one changed from NTSC to PAl in the middle of the game
- it would stuff up though- so a CIA timer would be preferable.
- > Now what's the best way of getting people to find other players??? I
- >assume you would need a server that registers people who have this game
- >and are currently online, and you can request a list, to see who's on,
- >then ask them if they want a game. Now to register, you would have to
- >run a special program that puts your hostname into a database, and
- >then when you disconnect from the net, you'd have to send a offline
- >message
- >to this database. The server would need to be on 24hrs so I was
- >wondering
- >if you could say write a cgi script, then use a specially written
- >program
- >to act like a web browser and pass your information on to the cgi kept
- >database...or would you have to beg someone with a permanent connection
- >to
- >run a script or daemon for you.
- There's a program on Aminet called AmiComSysMUI.lha, which does just
- that- it has a permanent Server, and when you go online it logs into the
- Server- you can put whatever message you like on the Server- ie: hosting
- such-and-such game. You can start programs from AmiComSys and send them
- arguments like the IP address of the person acting as game Server, so to
- join a game you just click on a button in AmiComSys. You could do it by
- sending the IP address to your game through Arexx as well if you wanted.
- Also you can chat to others online with an external program that comes
- with it.
- Another similar program is QamiTrax which does a similar thing, but
- can't launch programs yet. Also look out for the port of ICQ (some
- people are attempting to do it- but having a bit of problem with the
- original authors). It is a very sophisticated program currently on the
- > Now the other thing is that would be
- >fine
- >for just two player games, but not for 8 player games, as how would you
- >know when to start, how long would you wait for players to join?? Well,
- >you could fix a time limit, and when you connect to the data base, it
- >just
- >time stamps it, and when someone access the list, it'll tell you how
- >long
- >before the next game starts (unless you've missed it). In this way,
- it'd
- >mean that you don't go need to register when you log onto the net, you
- >only need to register once, when your ready to play the game in 10
- >minutes,
- >and the database will delete entries that have already started. After
- >that you could have a daemon on your computer that when someone has
- >found
- >you from the server database, it asks you if you want them to join in,
- >and
- >adds the host and alias to the game connect list, and then when the
- >timer
- >has run out, the game starts and connects to all the people on the
- list.
- >Good idea????
- Yes indeed :-) If you want ideas, check out the way Quake on the
- PC/MAC does things, and also the game-launcher/chat program Kali (also
- on PC/MAC). They do some of your ideas above. A simple way to start off
- is what I've done, is just have one machine as log-in Server, and each
- player logs into that. The level, environment etc is set by the Server
- (ie: the person hosting the game). A group of people chat together on
- IRC, or AmiComSys and agree to join together in a game, then they log
- into the Server and the Server auto-starts the game when they all have
- logged in, or maybe the person running the game starts it manually if
- someone doesn't log in.
- Another way is like Descent, and the game is started by the Server,
- and people can join in at any time- but your game has to be set up to
- allow this.
- The Server needs to put it's IP address out for people to
- log into as it usually changes every time you log in- I've written a
- little procedure to get this on your own machine.
- > I don't suppose theres some way of 'broadcasting' to all clients just
- >using
- >a single port...I assume the server has to have a port to each client,
- >and
- >then send the same 8 bytes to all the ports....(correct???). And how
- >much
- >better is UDP???
- Well, you can with UDP, as each UDP packet you send out has it's own
- address, so you only need one port (you can send out, and receive
- everthing from this one port). With TCP you have one port for every
- player, you can do this with UDP if you wanted.
- There is `IP MultiCasting' for large numbers of players, but I don't
- know a lot about it- some of those pages mention it.
- UDP is better for speed (much smaller lag times)- Quake etc use it.
- But TCP is much easier to use- I'd try it first and see if it works for
- your game.
- > I have already started writing a test for my square based tcp/ip game,
- >and I may have a go at a non square based tcp/ip game just to see if
- >it's
- >possible. If I do, I'll upload the test source for that somewhere, and
- >let
- >everyone know :).
- I've got a small game I wrote, that uses Paul's TCP Client-Server
- routines, if you want an example.
- On 16-Apr-98, Paul Burkey scribbled:
- >> If your game can handle a slight lag, you could put out a timestamp
- >> with your commands, and all the commands are delayed a couple of
- >> seconds, to make sure that they all get executed at exactly the same
- >> frame on each machine- then you could have the AI being executed on
- >each
- >> machine. But with a fast action game this wouldn't be practical.
- >okay, heres the "closer to original" idea... The server would gather up
- >the commands for 10th of a second or whatever delay you wanted to use.
- >The server may have 10 commands from different players. It would post
- >these commands to all of the players and the players would read them
- in,
- >sort them and excecute them. The players would also get an extra packet
- >telling them how many commands they should expect. In this case 10. So
- >they stay in a loop until all 10 commands have arived. This would force
- >some kind of "time sync" every 10th second where all players will
- accept
- >incomming commands and execute them. This means the environment is
- >kept in perfect sync so even the cpu AI will be using the same data
- >on each machine. This verion has the drawback of forcing a delay until
- >the packets have arived but with carefull choice of 'delay time' the
- >lag could be beaten. While I recomended the server would be running
- >with some kind of time delay (10th of a second or whatever) the games
- >would be running in "frames" so if a game is running at 20fps it
- >would read incomming commands every 2 frames. Carefull thought would
- >be needed to avoid the case where the server and the games are running
- >at the wrong speeds :)
- Hmm, yes that would work. The only problem I see here is with your
- monstas running around- if the delays from the server are different they
- might change direction at different times on different machines, as the
- frame might get executed at different times on the different machines.
- The internal AI is executed the same, as all the commands are executed
- in same frame in each machine. As long as it doesn't really matter to
- the gameplay, and they're just a visual clue, it should work ok,
- - especially as you have many peasants wandering around, there normally
- should be enough to get the idea across.
- Also, more importantly, I assume all their movements are
- pre-calculated (ie: go to point x,y) in each frame so they'd all wander
- around identically.
- Your system is then synced by frame, rather than by all running the
- same synced time. As your system has some time between frames, it would
- allow your computer to `catch up' so to speak with the other machines,
- if your machine got behind because of a slow lag time time, or being
- slowed by multi-tasking (assuming that the multi-tasking wasn't taking
- too much CPU time for too long :-/
- The 1/10th of a second delay of the Server (100ms) would be too much
- of an overhead for a speed game I would think, but wouldn't
- be noticed in your game :-)
- On 18-Apr-98, Paul Burkey wrote:
- >> - especially as you have many peasants wandering around, there
- >normally
- >> should be enough to get the idea across.
- >> Also, more importantly, I assume all their movements are
- >> pre-calculated (ie: go to point x,y) in each frame so they'd all
- >wander
- >> around identically.
- >No, the people calculate their routes as they walk. This avoids the
- >case where a building is placed in the middle of a pre-calculated path
- >causing him to walk through it. It also allows him to escape or
- >attack any enemy characters who could also cross his path. Then maybe
- >he is following another character who is moving about. These are
- >just a few simple reasons why the routes should be caulculated in
- >real-time. This doesn't affect the TCP commands system because of the
- >way it is synced up on a 'frame by frame' basis.
- Yes, all commands are started at the same frame on each machine, so
- any characters would start off on a journey (say) on the same frame, and
- would wander around the same way, as the AI is being executed
- identically on each machine.
- >> The 1/10th of a second delay of the Server (100ms) would be too
- >much
- >> of an overhead for a speed game I would think, but wouldn't be
- noticed
- >> in your game :-)
- >The time lag only affects the "control" of the game. So the time when
- >you'd notice a large amount of lag would be when you issue a command
- >and it doesn't actually take effect for a second or two.
- Yeah, that's what I meant, not actual CPU time :)
- ---------
- Anton Reinauer <anton@ww.co.nz>