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- #ifndef _AWINAWIN_H
- #define _AWINAWIN_H
- /* awin.h
- defines, structures and prototypes for awin
- IMPORTANT: everything is subject to change!
- Do NOT rely on old object files!
- Always recompile files #including awin.h if awin.h
- has changed!
- All structure entries should be at longword aligned
- position for maximum speed and compatibility (68k<->ppc).
- */
- #include <exec/exec.h>
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- #include <graphics/gfx.h>
- #include <graphics/text.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/rdargs.h>
- #include <workbench/icon.h>
- #include <workbench/workbench.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- typedef ULONG(*AWIDCMPHOOK_PTR)(struct IntuiMessage *);
- typedef enum awports {
- AW_NUMPORTS} awports;
- typedef enum awdebugl {
- AWD_DEBUG} awdebugl;
- typedef enum awidha {
- AWIDHA_NOP=0} awidha;
- #define AW_VPRINT(a) if (display->debug) printf(a);
- #define AW_VPRINT1(a,x) if (display->debug) printf(a,x);
- #define AW_DPRINT(a) if (display->debug>=AWD_DEBUG) printf(a);
- #define AW_DPRINT1(a,x) if (display->debug>=AWD_DEBUG) printf(a,x);
- /* rrrrrggg gggbbbbb 565 -> rrrgggbb 332 */
- #define awrgb16to332(x) ( (((x)>>8)&(7<<5)) | (((x)>>6)&(7<<2)) | (((x)>>3)&3) )
- /* rrrrrggg gggbbbbb 565 -> 00000000rrrrr000gggggg00bbbbb000 0888 */
- #define awrgb16to0888(x) ( (((x)&0xf800)<<8) | (((x)&0x7e0)<<5) | (((x)&0x1f)<<3) )
- #if defined(AW_PPC)
- # define sub64p(a,b) \
- { ((ULONG *)(a))[0]=((ULONG *)(b))[0]-((ULONG *)(a))[0] \
- -(((ULONG *)(b))[1]<((ULONG *)(a))[1]?1:0); \
- ((ULONG *)(a))[1]=((ULONG *)(b))[1]-((ULONG *)(a))[1]; }
- # if defined(__SASC)
- # define ppcgettimerobject(a,b,c) \
- (PPCGetTimerObject((a),(b),(ULONG *)(c)))
- # define ppcsettimerobject(a,b,c) \
- (PPCSetTimerObject((a),(b),(ULONG *)(c)))
- # define ppcneg64p(a) \
- (PPCNeg64p((int *)(a)))
- # define ppcmuls64p(a,b) \
- (PPCMuls64p((int *)(a),(int *)(b)))
- # define ppcmulu64p(a,b) \
- (PPCMulu64p((int *)(a),(int *)(b)))
- # define ppcdivu64p(a,b) \
- (PPCDivu64p((int *)(a),(int *)(b)))
- # else
- # if defined(__GNUC__)
- # define ppcgettimerobject(a,b,c) \
- (PPCGetTimerObject((a),(b),(long long *)(c)))
- # define ppcsettimerobject(a,b,c) \
- (PPCSetTimerObject((a),(b),(long long *)(c)))
- # define ppcneg64p(a) \
- (*((long long *)(a))=PPCNeg64(*((long long *)(a))))
- # define ppcmuls64p(a,b) \
- (*((long long *)(a))=PPCMuls64(*((long long *)(a)),*((long long *)(b))))
- # define ppcmulu64p(a,b) \
- (*((long long *)(a))= \
- PPCMulu64(*((long long *)(a)),*((long long *)(b))))
- # define ppcdivu64p(a,b) \
- (*((long long *)(a))= \
- PPCDivu64(*((long long *)(a)),*((long long *)(b))))
- # else
- # error unknown compiler
- # endif
- # endif
- #endif
- /* struct awodargs flags */
- #define AWODAF_INITWINDOW 0x00000001 /* initially open as window */
- #define AWODAF_DONTUPDATEINA 0x00000002 /* don't update if inactive */
- #define AWODAF_NODBUFFER 0x00000004 /* don't do double buffering */
- #define AWODAF_FORCENATIVE 0x00000008 /* force native mode */
- #define AWODAF_DIRECTDRAW 0x00000010 /* use directdraw with CGFX */
- #define AWODAF_USEHAM 0x00000020 /* use ham for 16bit if applicable, if
- not defined uses 256col emulation */
- #define AWODAF_WAITSWAP 0x00000040 /* wait dbuffer safetoswap, this limits
- fps to hz/2 */
- #define AWODAF_USECGXVIDEO 0x00000080 /* use cgxvideo.library if possible */
- #define AWODAF_ABSPOS 0x00000100 /* use absolute window positioning */
- #define AWODAF_USEARGB16 0x00000200 /* use ARGB for depth 16 */
- */
- /* this structure is used to handle awin settings,
- all public rw:
- */
- struct awodargs {
- ULONG version; /* 0 for now */
- ULONG flags; /* initial flags, see defines above */
- ULONG modeid8; /* explicit modeid to use for 8bit screen
- mode, 0 means find best mode */
- ULONG modeid16; /* explicit modeid to use for 16bit screen
- mode, 0 means find best mode */
- ULONG width,height; /* initial display width and height
- also always screen dimension */
- LONG x,y; /* relative window displacement on pubscreen,
- normally window is centered to
- middle of visible part of a pubscreen.
- use these offsets to move it relative
- to that position. if AWODAF_ABSPOS is set
- indicates absolute window left & top. */
- const char *title; /* optional window title */
- const char *pubscreen;
- /* optional pubscreen name to open window to,
- NULL to open on default pubscreen */
- ULONG unused0; /* this should be NULL for now */
- };
- /* returned by awreadargs,
- all private:
- */
- struct awrdargs {
- struct Library *DOSBase;
- LONG *array;
- struct RDArgs *rda; /* has two meanings really */
- ULONG wb;
- };
- /* used by awin awreadargs wb tooltypes wrapper
- if awreadargs is called from WB started app, rda
- points to struct awwbrdargs instead of struct RDArgs.
- all private:
- */
- struct awwbrdargs {
- struct Library *IconBase;
- struct DiskObject *dobj;
- ULONG num;
- char *tlate;
- char **name;
- LONG *type;
- };
- /* returned by awcreatetimer
- all private:
- */
- struct awtimer {
- #if defined(AW_PPC)
- void *timerobject;
- ULONG tickspersec[2];
- ULONG start[2];
- #else
- struct Library *timerbase;
- ULONG tickspersec;
- struct EClockVal start;
- #endif
- };
- /* returned by awloadfile
- */
- struct awfile {
- ULONG size; /* public r */
- void *data; /* public r */
- ULONG buflen;
- void *memory;
- };
- /* returned by awinitchunkystruct/awallocchunky
- */
- struct awchunky {
- ULONG width,width_align,height; /* public r */
- ULONG depth; /* public r */
- UBYTE *framebuffer; /* public rw */
- void *memory;
- };
- /* sucks a bit here, should have better system.. :) */
- #define awscreensum(sc) (((ULONG)(sc))+((sc)->Width<<16)+(sc)->Height)
- /* this struture is returned by awcreatedisplay,
- all private:
- */
- struct awdisplay {
- struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct Library *UtilityBase;
- struct Library *TimerBase;
- struct Library *CyberGfxBase;
- struct Library *CGXVideoBase;
- struct Library *DOSBase;
- struct Screen *screen;
- struct Window *window;
- struct MsgPort *sbports[AW_NUMPORTS];
- struct ScreenBuffer *sbuf[2];
- struct BitMap *fblitptrbm,*tempbm;
- APTR pointerobject;
- void *memory;
- UBYTE *framebuffer;
- void *c2pplanes[2];
- UBYTE *remap332;
- AWIDCMPHOOK_PTR idcmphook;
- ULONG left,top; /* window position */
- ULONG width,width_align,
- pixperrow,scrwidth; /* width */
- ULONG height; /* height */
- ULONG origw,origh;
- ULONG prevwidth,prevheight; /* old window dimensions */
- ULONG widthaligner;
- ULONG modeid8,modeid16;
- LONG xdisp,ydisp;
- ULONG native,cgfx,truecolor,fblit,v40,
- stoprender,rendering,wlutpa,safetochange,safetowrite,
- curbuffer,slowwpa8,dbuffer,islinearmem,
- isrgb16,cgfx16bit,cgfx16bitf,gfxcard,debug,isham6,
- usehamf,doham;
- ULONG windowmode,dontupdateinactive,nodbuffer,waitswap,
- forcenative,directdraw,useham,usecgxvideo,abspos,
- useargb16;
- ULONG srcdepth,dstdepth;
- ULONG palentries;
- ULONG prevscreen;
- ULONG idcmpflags;
- ULONG vlwidth,vlheight;
- APTR vlhandle;
- struct BitMap c2pbitmap[2]; /* sizeof(struct BitMap) = 40 */
- struct RastPort temprp,renderrp; /* sizeof(struct RastPort) = 100 */
- ULONG palette[256];
- ULONG pal332[256];
- UBYTE remap[256]; /* <- be 4 byte aligned here! */
- UBYTE penal[256];
- char title[80];
- char pubscreen[MAXPUBSCREENNAME+1];
- };
- #define awalign(x,a) ((((ULONG)(x))+(a)-1)&-(a))
- /* prototypes for public (well mostly;) functions */
- ULONG awsetdebuglevel(struct awdisplay *display,UBYTE level);
- struct awrdargs *awreadargs(struct awdisplay *display,
- struct awodargs *odargs,const char *template, LONG *array);
- void awfreeargs(struct awrdargs *args);
- ULONG awscreenmodereq(struct awdisplay *display,ULONG *modeid,
- ULONG depth,ULONG *w,ULONG *h,ULONG dodim);
- struct awtimer *awcreatetimer(struct awdisplay *display);
- void awrestarttimer(struct awtimer *timer);
- ULONG awreadtimer(struct awtimer *timer);
- ULONG awreadtimer_us(struct awtimer *timer);
- void awdeletetimer(struct awtimer *timer);
- ULONG awtoinnerw(struct awdisplay *display, ULONG width);
- ULONG awtowindoww(struct awdisplay *display, ULONG width);
- ULONG awtoinnerh(struct awdisplay *display, ULONG height);
- ULONG awtowindowh(struct awdisplay *display, ULONG height);
- AWIDCMPHOOK_PTR awsetidcmphook(struct awdisplay *display,
- AWIDCMPHOOK_PTR idcmphook);
- ULONG awsetidcmpflags(struct awdisplay *display,
- ULONG idcmpflags);
- struct BitMap *awallocbm(ULONG x,ULONG y,ULONG d,ULONG f,struct BitMap *b,
- ULONG fblit);
- void awfreechunky(struct awchunky *chunky);
- struct awchunky *awinitchunkystruct(struct awdisplay *display,
- ULONG width,ULONG height,ULONG depth);
- struct awchunky *awallocchunky(struct awdisplay *display,ULONG width,
- ULONG height,ULONG depth);
- void awclosedisplay(struct awdisplay *display);
- void awdeletedisplay(struct awdisplay *display);
- void awremap(struct awdisplay *display);
- ULONG awsetpalette(struct awdisplay *display,ULONG *palette,ULONG n);
- void *awiallocbitmap(struct awdisplay *display,struct BitMap *bm,
- ULONG width,ULONG height,ULONG depth,ULONG memtype);
- ULONG awreopen(struct awdisplay *display);
- struct awdisplay *awcreatedisplay(void);
- ULONG awgetvisiblerect(struct awdisplay *display,
- struct Rectangle *rect);
- ULONG awgetaspectratio(struct awdisplay *display,ULONG modeid,
- ULONG *xa,ULONG *ya);
- ULONG awgetpropertyflags(struct awdisplay *display,ULONG modeid,
- ULONG *flags);
- ULONG awgetmaxdepth(struct awdisplay *display,ULONG modeid,
- ULONG *maxdepth);
- void awgetwindimension(struct awdisplay *display,
- ULONG *width,ULONG *height);
- ULONG awsetflags(struct awdisplay *display,ULONG flags);
- ULONG awopendisplay(struct awdisplay *display,
- struct awodargs *odargs);
- ULONG awsetdisplaysize(struct awdisplay *display,
- ULONG width,ULONG height);
- ULONG awhandleinput(struct awdisplay *display);
- void awrenderchunky(struct awdisplay *display,struct awchunky *chunky);
- void awrenderchunky_show(struct awdisplay *display,
- struct awchunky *chunky);
- void awfreefile(struct awfile *file);
- struct awfile *awloadfile(const char *name);
- #endif /* _AWINAWIN_H */