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- /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
- * |_o_o|\\ Copyright (c) 1988-1995 Doug Walker *
- * |. o.| || All Rights Reserved. *
- * | . | || Written by Doug Walker *
- * | o | || 4701 Oak Park Road *
- * | . |// Raleigh, NC 27612 *
- * ====== email: walker@unx.sas.com *
- \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
- This material is Copyright (c) 1988-1995 by Doug Walker.
- It may be distributed freely as long as the following restrictions are met:
- 1. All files present in the distribution package must be redistributed
- with the package, including this documentation file. If you
- distribute on diskette, all files must be on a single diskette.
- 2. The distributor may charge a reasonable fee to recover distribution
- costs.
- 3. The distributor agrees to cease distributing the programs and data
- involved if requested to do so by the author.
- ------------------------------DISCLAIMER
- Use this software at your own risk. The author will not be liable for
- any damage arising from the failure of this program to perform as described,
- or any destruction of other programs or data residing on a system
- attempting to run the program. While no damaging errors are known, the
- user of this program uses it at his or her own risk.
- ============================================================================
- Welcome to the MemWatch Library! The MemWatch library adds lots of memory
- debugging features that you link into your program. The library does what
- it can to validate your memory allocations and frees and to encourage any
- misuse of memory to result in a reproducable crash rather than an erratic
- bug.
- The MemWatch library compiles under SAS/C 6.0 and above. If the memory
- features are turned off, no additional code will be added to your
- program. If they are enabled, your code will call routines in the
- MemWatch library automatically instead of malloc, calloc, realloc, free,
- AllocMem, FreeMem, AllocVec, and FreeVec. The MemWatch library also
- replaces the standard C library versions of getcwd(), getenv(), and
- strdup() since these functions call malloc().
- The program-level memory debug routines are controlled by a
- preprocessor symbol, MWDEBUG, and are #defined to nothing if the
- symbol is not defined. To link the program-level routines into
- your code, do the following:
- 1. Include the file "memwatch.h" into each file that will be
- allocating or freeing memory. (Don't include "mempriv.h" - it is
- for the internal use of the memwatch.lib routines only).
- If you include <stdlib.h>, make sure to include "memwatch.h"
- AFTER you include <stdlib.h>.
- 2. #define the symbol MWDEBUG to 1 at some point before memwatch.h
- is included. The symbol must be defined in each compilation
- somewhere. It could be done in an include file, in the
- program file, or on the compiler command line. If the symbol
- MWDEBUG is not defined or is defined to 0, all the MemWatch
- routines disappear, thus adding nothing to your code size.
- 3. Recompile all files in your program and link with the library
- "memwatch.lib".
- Unlike previous versions of MemLib, you do not need to add calls to
- the functions MWInit and MWTerm to make the MemWatch library work.
- MemWatch now takes advantage of SAS/C autoinitialization and
- autotermination functions to initialize and terminate the memory
- debugging.
- The program-level MemWatch interface is described below. Note that
- your code will probably not need to call any of these functions
- directly.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void MWInit(BPTR debugfile, LONG flags, char *dbfilename);
- You are not required to call MWInit, but you may call it if
- you want to change the way MemLib behaves after it has been
- initialized. If you do not call it explicitly, the autoinit
- code calls it for you as described at the end of this section.
- The 'flags' parameter can be one or more of the following, ORed together
- if necessary:
- MWF_NOLOG: If set, do not print error or warning messages. Useful
- only if you want to turn off debugging for some reason.
- Saves some CPU time.
- MWF_CHECK: If set, check all allocated memory each time a memory
- routine is called. Every AllocMem, FreeMem, malloc or
- free call will cause all allocated memory to be examined.
- This can be extremely slow, but it's safe.
- MWF_NOFREE: If set, do not free memory left allocated when the
- program exits. If not set, any memory you allocated
- and did not free will be freed on your behalf.
- MWF_NOFTRASH: If set, freed memory will not be trashed. This does
- save some time, but it is valuable to trash freed memory
- to verify you aren't still using it.
- MWF_NOFKEEP: If set, free memory immediately when FreeMem or free is
- called. If not set, 'freed' memory will actually be kept
- on a chain and checked periodically for a change in its
- value. If the value changes, you have written to freed
- memory. MWF_NOFTRASH implies MWF_NOKEEP, since there is
- no point in keeping memory that you don't know the value
- of. If this flag is NOT set, kept memory will be freed
- if the machine actually runs out of memory.
- MWF_NOATRASH: If set, memory will not be trashed upon allocation. This
- also saves some time, but it is extremely valuable to trash
- allocated memory to be sure you aren't relying on side
- effects for your program to run correctly.
- MWF_SERIAL: If you have recompiled MemWatch to use Commodore's debug.lib
- to put information to the serial port, this flag tells
- memlib to use this feature. If you have not recompiled
- to use debug.lib, this flag does nothing.
- If the MWF_SERIAL flag is not active, the other parameters are used to
- determine where the debugging output goes as follows:
- If you specify the "debugfile" parameter, it should be the result
- of a call to the AmigaDOS function Open(). The specified filehandle
- will be used for all debugging messages.
- If "debugfile" is NULL but you specify a filename with the "dbfilename"
- parameter, MemWatch will perform an Open() on the specified filename
- WHEN AN ERROR OCCURS. Close() will be called automatically the next
- time you call MWInit() or MWTerm(), or when your program exits.
- If both "debugfile" and "dbfilename" are NULL, the AmigaDOS function
- Output() is called and the result is used for the output.
- The intent is for you to provide "debugfile" if you have a convenient
- place for debugging output to go already. If you don't have a
- convenient place, you can pass the name of a console window as
- "dbfilename" :
- MWInit(NULL, 0, "CON:0/0/639/199/MemLib output/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT");
- The console window will be opened if/when something interesting
- happens, but will stay out of the way until then. Finally, if your
- program is run from the CLI or Shell, you can pass NULL for both
- 'debugfile' and 'dbfilename' and output will be sent to the Shell
- window.
- If you do not call MWInit() explicitly, it is called for you by the
- autoinitialization routine. The autoinitialization routine uses
- the external integer variable __MWFlags as the "flags" parameter
- and the external character pointer variable __MWLogName as the
- "dbfilename" parameter. You can declare these variables in your
- code or allow them to be pulled in from the MemWatch library. Their
- default values as specified in the MemWatch library are:
- unsigned long __MWFlags = MWF_SERIAL;
- char *__MWLogName = "CON:0/0/639/199/MemLib/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT";
- Note that even though the default __MWFlags value is MWF_SERIAL, the
- serial port will not be used unless you edit mempriv.h to define
- the symbol USEDEBUGLIB to 1 and recompile the library. See the
- "additional features" section below for details.
- If the symbol MWDEBUG not defined to 1 or higher, MWInit() is defined
- as an empty macro.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void MWTerm(void);
- You are not required to call this routine. If you do call it,
- however, the log file is closed and all memory routines are
- disabled. Any calls to allocate memory after MWTerm() has been
- called will fail!
- MWTerm() will always generate a check of all memory allocated
- through the MemWatch library.
- If the symbol MWDEBUG is not defined to 1 or higher, MWTerm() is defined
- as an empty macro.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- char *MWAllocMem(LONG size, LONG flags, char *file, int line);
- You should not call this routine directly, but your AllocMem, malloc,
- realloc, and AllocVec calls will call it if the symbol MWDEBUG
- is defined to 1.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void MWFreeMem(char *ptr, LONG size, char *file, int line);
- You should not call this routine directly, but your FreeMem,
- FreeVec, and free calls will be defined to call it if the symbol
- MWDEBUG is defined.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void MWReport(char *title, int level);
- Call this routine any time you want a report on how much memory
- you are using. The report will be sent to the debug log file.
- MWReport() always forces a MWCheck() call.
- 'title' is any character string you want. It will be used to
- label the dumped output. Use NULL for no title.
- 'level' tells how much detail you want in the report. It is one
- of the following values:
- MWR_NONE - Don't print anything.
- MWR_SUM - Print current and total memory usage
- MWR_FULL - Print a short description of each outstanding allocation
- If the symbol MWDEBUG is not defined to 1 or higher, MWReport() is defined
- as an empty macro.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void MWCheck(void);
- Call this routine when you want to verify all your allocations are
- clean. If you have set the MWF_CHECK flag, all allocations
- are checked every time you do an Alloc or Free operation anyway,
- but you might want to use this directly if you do not set the flag
- or if you go long periods of time without allocating memory.
- If the symbol MWDEBUG is not defined to 1 or higher, MWCheck() is
- defined as an empty macro.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- void MWLimit(LONG chip, LONG fast);
- Call this routine if you want to set an artificial 'cap' on the
- amount of memory available. Any allocations that ask for memory
- that would push your total allocation above the specified limits
- will fail, even if memory is available to fill them. Keep in mind
- that this doesn't take fragmentation into account, so it doesn't
- guarantee your program will work on a smaller memory machine!
- You can simulate out-of-memory conditions by calling MWLimit
- with (0,0) - no allocations will ever succeed until the limit
- is raised above the current usage level.
- The 'chip' parameter sets a limit on chip memory; the 'fast'
- parameter sets a limit on fast memory. If the specified limit for
- a category is -1, the limit will be set at the current usage amount.
- Thus, any frees you do will improve your situation.
- If you want to remove a limit, set it to some extremely large value,
- like 0x7fffffff.
- If the symbol MWDEBUG is not defined to 1 or higher, MWLimit() is
- defined as an empty macro.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Although you can set many of memlib's options from the MWInit call,
- there are some that can only be set by rebuilding the library itself.
- You can control these features by changing some #defines in the
- file "mempriv.h".
- The define USEDEBUGLIB controls whether MemWatch.lib will use Commodore's
- debug.lib to put data to the serial port instead of a file handle. Change
- the definition to 1 or higher to enable this feature, then link with
- Commodore's debug.lib or ddebug.lib. If USEDEBUGLIB is on, output will
- go to the serial port (if you link with debug.lib) or the parallel port
- (if you link with ddebug.lib) unless you change your preference by
- calling MWInit.
- The define MW_HEADLEN controls how many bytes will be set aside before your
- allocation to act as a header. 4 is the minimum, and the default. The
- header will be checked for trashing when MWCheck() is called.
- The define MW_HEADSTR sets the value that header memory will be set to. It
- must be a string at least MW_HEADLEN bytes long.
- The define MW_TRAILLEN controls how many bytes will be set aside after your
- allocation to act as a trailer. 8 is the default; any value can be chosen
- for a maximum, but the higher the number, the more memory is wasted each
- time you allocate memory! The trailer will be checked whenever MWCheck()
- is called.
- The define MW_TRAILSTR sets the value that trailer memory will be set to.
- It must be at a string least MW_TRAILLEN bytes long. The default is to
- set all trailer bytes to 0xbb.
- The define MWATRASH sets the value that newly-allocated memory will be set
- to. The default is 0xaa.
- The define MWFTRASH sets the value that newly-freed memory will be set to.
- The default is 0x55.
- -----------------------------------
- The enclosed program "example" shows how the MemWatch library can find
- problems in your code. See the "READ.ME" file for details.