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- Sorry, a full english version of the guide not exists.
- My english isn't good enough to create a guide or doc.
- But I will do this shot readme to give a litte help and hope
- you understand it:
- At first, a lot of backgroundinformation's are in the german document.
- A typical copyright with full permission to use. The archive must been
- original if you give the archive to another person. Commercial use is
- forbidden.
- And, a very importand information: Gateway-5 is a BBS-Programm, based
- on Gateway-IV and so on. The first program only called Gateway. For over
- 10 Years! Now, the owner of the Amiga call Gateway, too. But, my program
- and "Gateway 2000" have only the same name, not more!
- The functions in this library are created in the last 10 years. For
- different programs and differnt usage. So the names of the variables
- are very differnt.
- All functions are everytime backward compatible. And so the one or
- another is not perfect or locks very fine. But, all functions work
- correct and the functions that use they often long time not changed.
- The program was written on Aztec-C in the past and as I changed the old
- compiler to vbcc there are not all functions available. Functions that
- be used in gateway or gateway-tools an missed on vbcc are rebuild and
- all that functions includes in this library. Only the functions that
- use directly DOS-functions are in an external link-library (like unlink).
- The library.functions:
- __________________________________________________________________________
- ULONG GateRequest(UBYTE *title_d1,UBYTE *body,UBYTE *gadgets);
- Testfunction, work the library? Link to EasyRequest.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *title_d1 - headline requester
- UBYTE *body - body of requester
- UBYTE *gadgets - text for gadgets
- back:
- -----
- ULONG - the gadgetnumber
- __________________________________________________________________________
- char *ltofa(char *tx_d1,ULONG l);
- (Long TO formatted ascii)
- Function to format a ULONG like this:
- 1234567890 => '1.234.567.890'
- 482 => ' 482'
- 48526 => ' 48.526'
- in:
- ---
- char *tx_d1 - pointer to string (min. 14 chars)
- ULONG l - the ulong to format
- back:
- -----
- char * - pointer to tx_d1
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void trim(UBYTE *trptr);
- strip all blank's left and right on the string.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *trtpr - string to be cleared
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void rtrim(UBYTE *trptr);" @{uu}@{LINDENT 6}
- same as trim, but clear only the right side of the string.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *trtpr - Pointer auf den String der bereinigt wird. Nach dem Funktionsaufruf ist der String bereinigt.
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void lset(UBYTE *lbuff, int slen);
- format a string to slen-chars.
- if the string is smaller: fill at left side with spaces.
- if the string is greater: cut right side
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *lbuff - pointer to string
- int slen - len the string have on return
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void lsetmin(UBYTE *lbuff, int slen);
- same as lset, but fill only the string, don't cut!
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *lbuff - pointer to string
- int slen - minimal len of string
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void string(UBYTE *spstr, int num, int ch);
- fill string *spstr with character ch at a len of num bytes.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *spstr - pointer of string to be filled
- int num - len of string to be filled
- int ch - the character that will be used to fill
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- int instr(UBYTE *sa, UBYTE *sb);
- search sb in sa and give back the position where sb found in sa.
- The position is 0 upto strlen(sa)-strlen(sb).
- -1 if not found.
- The case of the chars is not relevant (both strings will test uppercase or
- lowercase). The function do that for german chars, also ä, ö and ü will
- same as Ä, Ö and Ü.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *sa - big string to search on
- UBYTE *sb - the searched string
- back:
- -----
- int - positionwhre sb found or -1 if not
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void upstr(UBYTE *trptr);
- make string uppercase including ä -> Ä, ö -> Ö and ü -> Ü
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *trptr - pointer to string
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void lowstr(UBYTE *trptr);
- make string lowercase including Ä -> ä, Ö -> ö and Ü -> ü
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *trptr - pointer to string
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void set(UBYTE *lbuff, int slen);
- string will be return with len = slen.
- if the string is longer than slen, it will be cut
- if the string is to short blanks will be add at the end of string
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *lbuff - pointer to string
- int slen - len for the string when returns
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void midstr(UBYTE *mstr, int pos, long laenge);
- cut a part (substring) from the string.
- pos is the beginning position ( 0-(strlen-1) ) and laenge means how many
- bytes will be cut. laenge=-1 means, from pos to end of string.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *mstr - pointer of string
- int pos - begin of substring
- int laenge - len for the substring or -1
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- ULONG date_to_day(ULONG date);
- Give the day in the year (1-365) for 'date'.
- This function isn't exact, it will only +/- 2 day's near the right,
- because it is only used for a cruncherfunction in the bbs-system that
- killed to old things.
- in:
- ---
- ULONG date - Date as ULONG in format ttmmjjjj
- back:
- -----
- ULONG - day in year (1-365 +/-2 days)
- __________________________________________________________________________
- ULONG date_to_zahl(UBYTE *da);
- Date from string to ULONG.
- Stringformat = TT.MM.JJJJ
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *da - Date in format tt.mm.jjjj (the points can be any char)
- example: tt-mm-jjjj is also correct
- back:
- -----
- ULONG - Date as ULONG=ttmmjjjj
- __________________________________________________________________________
- ULONG time_to_zahl(UBYTE *ti);
- Time from string to ULONG
- A time in form SS:mm:ss will be returned as ULONG.
- The returned time can betwen 1 and 6 digits
- 00:00:07 = one, 10:10:05 = six
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *ti - Time in SS:mm:ss (: can by any char)
- example: SS/mm/ss is also correct
- back:
- -----
- ULONG - time as ULONG=SSmmss
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void kill_ansi(UBYTE *buffer);
- delete most ansi-sequences from a string. Because this finction only need
- to delete cursor-functions and colors it search a character as end for a
- ansi-sequence. ansi-codes that end with special-characters are cut to
- many chars.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *buffer - pointer of string
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- @NODE "newer" "newer"
- @{LINDENT 3}
- BOOL newer(UBYTE *d1, UBYTE *t1, UBYTE *d2, UBYTE *t2);
- Is date d1 and time t1 NEWER than date d2 and time t2
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *d1 - 1. date in format tt.mm.jjjj
- UBYTE *t1 - 1. time in format SS:mm:ss
- UBYTE *d2 - 2. date in format tt.mm.jjjj
- UBYTE *t2 - 2. time in format SS:mm:ss
- back:
- -----
- BOOL - TRUE if the first set is newer as the second
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void swapmem(char *src, char *dst, int n);
- swap a memoryblock of n bytes.
- in:
- ---
- char *src - pointer to first memoryblock.
- char *dst - pointer to second memoryblock.
- int n - how many bytes to be swapped
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- int memncmp(char *a, char *b, int length);
- Compare to memoryblock's of n bytes
- in:
- ---
- char *a - pointer auf 1. memoryblock
- char *b - pointer auf 2. momoryblock
- int lenght - how many bytes to be compare
- back:
- -----
- int - 0 if equal
- 1 if a > b
- -1 if a < b
- __________________________________________________________________________
- int StrCaseCmp(char *s1, char *s2);
- Compare two strings (both as lower or upper). But german characters NOT
- convert, also ä not equal Ä.
- in:
- ---
- char *s1 - pointer of 1. string
- char *s2 - pointer of 2. String.
- back:
- -----
- int - 0 if equal
- 1 if not equal
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void trim_includes(UBYTE *trptr);
- see trim.
- this is a special-version that delete all what not be a part of a filename
- at begin and end of the string.
- pmm use this to isolate the includepath- and filename
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *trtpr - pointer of string
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void trim_includes(UBYTE *trptr, int fkt);
- see trim.
- this specail-version delete all, what not be part of an emailadress
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *trtpr - pointer of string
- int fkt - 1, if < and > will deleted
- 0, if < and > not deleted
- back:
- ----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void newstr(UBYTE *istr, UBYE *nstr, int pos, int len);
- that is the point who my english will be a problem. anyway:
- a part of istr will be cut. the same place will be filled with nstr.
- the len of nstr can be smaller, equal or greater than the part that
- will cut.
- the part to cut begin at 'pos' and has 'len' bytes.
- The name istr come from the function that first use this function.
- It was the interpreter in the bbs-software.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *istr - pointer of string that will be changed
- UBYTE *nstr - pointer of new substring ("" will only cut)
- int pos - position to begin change
- int len - how many bytes changed (0 will only insert nstr)
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- int wordwrp(UBYTE *line, UBYTE *rest, int len);
- edit-sub-function
- if line len or more bytes the function look for a blank in line[len] to
- line[len-20]. If a blank found, line will be cut at the blank an the
- right part is put to rest. If line shorter than len or not blank is
- found nothing happend with line and rest is return as char zero.
- in:
- ---
- UBYTE *line - string to check
- UBYTE *rest - if line cut the cutted-part is returned here. Else a
- char zero.
- int len - maximum len of line
- back:
- -----
- int - 0 = if nothing done
- 1 = if cut and rest is filled
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void fn_splitt(char *src, char *drive, char *path, char *name, char *ext);
- Spliting the string src (a filename with full path) in the parts
- drive
- path
- filename (without extension)
- extension of filename
- All parts that not exits will be returned als char zero.
- in:
- ---
- char *src - pointer of source-string
- char *drive - back drive
- char *path - back path
- char *name - back filename
- char *ext - back extension of filename
- back:
- -----
- char * - pointer to src
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void fn_build(char *dst, char *drive, char *path, char *name, char *ext);
- cat all part's to a filename with full path.
- drive must be end with :
- path can be end with or wthout /, if not, it will inserted
- name
- extension (beginning with a point, if not, it will be inserted.
- If any part is empty, it will skip. If path empty no / inserted and if
- extension empty no point inserted.
- in:
- ---
- char *dst - the completed filename
- char *drive - drive:
- char *path - path[/]
- char *name - filename
- char *ext - [.]extension
- back:
- -----
- char * - pointer to dst
- __________________________________________________________________________
- void addval(UBYTE *str, ULONG n);
- add the ULONG n to str (formatted 10 digits, left side filled with blank
- in:
- ---
- char *addval - string (10 bytes), numeric chars
- formatstring is %10lu
- ULONG n - value that add to the value in the string.
- back:
- -----
- N/A
- __________________________________________________________________________
- char *strdup(char *s);
- return a duplicate of string s
- in:
- ---
- char *s - pointer to string
- Rückgabe:
- ---------
- char * - pointer of the copy from s
- __________________________________________________________________________
- char *index(const char *str, int c);
- search the first char that is identical to char c
- in:
- ---
- const char *s - pointer of searchable string
- int c - ascii-vaalue of char that will be searched
- back:
- -----
- char * - pointer to position of c, if not found 0 returned