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- GenProto v1.2
- Copyright 11 November 1996 by Nicolas Pomarède
- pomarede@isty-info.uvsq.fr
- Introduction
- ------------
- This little tool was developped to scan C/C++ source files and to print
- the name of all the functions' definition.
- Definitions can then be sorted depending on various criterias, and results
- are printed to STDOUT or any other file.
- The purpose of this tool is to automatically generate indexes of all
- the functions used in a project, which is very useful when you have to manage
- more than 10 or 20 files.
- You then have a kind of "table of content" which can help you to browse
- your sources more quickly when looking for a specific function.
- Distribution and Disclaimer
- ---------------------------
- This program is free, you can distribute it to anyone, as long as it
- remains free ; that is, you shouldn't charge more than the cost of the
- media used to distribute it.
- Also, you're only allowed to distribute the whole package, without
- removing any of the original files.
- Since the source are included, you can modify them. However, I would prefer
- you send me any modification before releasing the new source.
- Although this program has been carefully checked, I take no responsability
- for any damage or loss of datas this program could cause.
- USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK, and don't forget to read the "Limitations" part.
- The following files are included:
- README This file
- genproto Binary exe for 68000 Amiga
- genproto.readme Small readme
- lex.yy.c The file generated by lex (if you don't have lex)
- main.c The main program
- makefile Makefile for UNIX
- proto.h Header for main.c / proto.l
- proto.l The Lex definitions file
- smakefile Makefile for SAS C on Amiga.
- GenProto latest version should always be available from the Aminet sites,
- whose main site is ftp.wustl.edu, in /pub/aminet/dev/c (packed with Lha).
- Look in /pub/aminet for the list of all the mirrors worldwide.
- Usage
- -----
- GenProto is a little tool to extract all the functions' definition contained
- in several C/C++ source files. GenProto will add the line number and the
- file name. You can then print the result with a customized printf which allows
- normal escape sequences, as well as %-command to print the special fields
- generated by genproto.
- The resulting output is very useful to improve the documentation of your program.
- The syntax of genproto is the following:
- genproto [-h] [-d ] [-b] [-f<Format String>] [-s[CNFL]] [-o<Output File>] <Source Files>
- -h prints a little help
- -d turns debug mode ON and prints all tokens
- -b turns banner off (the little copyright text)
- -f specifies the string used to print the functions. The default is:
- "%R\t%C %S %N\t%P\tline %L, file %F\n"
- Here's the meaning of the %-commands
- %R : prints the return parameters of the function
- %C : prints the ClassName of the function (if it exists)
- %S : prints "::" if the ClassName exists
- %N : prints the name of the function
- %P : prints the input parameters of the function
- %L : prints the line number of the function
- %F : prints the file where the function is declared
- Any other %-command will cause the program to stop.
- All the \x escape sequences are recognized (\n,\t,...) except the octal
- and hexadecimal conversion (\ooo and \xhh) (They must be preprocessed by your shell).
- -s specifies the sorting criterias. The default is "CNFL", where C is the ClassName,
- N is the FunctionName, F is the FileName and L is the LineNumber.
- Functions will be sorted using the Sort String before being printed
- (you can specify any number of criterias (up to 4)).
- -o Results will be printed to Output File ; the default is stdout.
- All others parameters are interpreted as files to be scanned (you can scan as many files
- as you want in one run).
- For example, if you type : "genproto main.c", you will get :
- GenProto v1.2 (11/11/96) by Nicolas PomarÉde
- void Usage ( char *name ) line 133, file main.c
- char * CharCopy ( char *buf , int len ) line 174, file main.c
- char * AddTokens ( char **TokenList , int FirstToken , int LastToken ) line 191, file main.c
- void AddPrototype ( char **TokenList , int ClassNamePos , int FunctionNamePos , int ParamPos ) line 236, file main.c
- void ScanOneFile ( void ) line 300, file main.c
- void SortPrototypes ( struct function **T , int Gauche , int Droite ) line 403, file main.c
- void Swap ( struct function **T , int i , int j ) line 427, file main.c
- int CompareFunctions ( struct function *pF1 , struct function *pF2 ) line 452, file main.c
- void CopyListToTable ( void ) line 496, file main.c
- void PrintOnePrototype ( struct function *pF ) line 545, file main.c
- void PrintPrototypes ( void ) line 593, file main.c
- void DeletePrototypes ( void ) line 614, file main.c
- void MyExit ( void ) line 649, file main.c
- void * MyAlloc ( size_t size ) line 663, file main.c
- void main ( int argc , char **argv ) line 687, file main.c
- GenProto can also cope with C++ files and recognizes the "::", "~" and ":" in
- functions' definition. Due to the more complex grammar of C++ and to the
- simple implementation I use, this might not work properly in all the cases
- (although I tested it on many C++ files without any errors).
- Internal work / Technical infos
- -------------------------------
- The lowest level of this program is a LEX scanner that reads "words"
- from the source files. These words are called "tokens" and have different
- values, depending on their role in a function's definition.
- They are 6 kinds of tokens:
- RESET This value is returned if the associated token can't appear
- in a function's definition (e.g. for, if, while, auto, ...)
- The tokens' stack is then emptied (see later).
- KEYWORD This value is returned if the associated token is a C/C++
- instruction that can appear in a definition.
- ID This value is returned for any tokens made of the letters
- '~', '_', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' and '0'..'9', but not
- belonging to the C/C++ list of reserved words.
- PARAMS This value is returned when a bloc delimited by an opening
- '(' and a closing ')' has been found. Such a bloc might
- contain embedded pairs of '(' and ')'.
- BLOC This value is returned when a bloc delimited by '{' and '}'
- is found. In such a case, all the data inside this bloc
- are ignored (since such a bloc can't contain function's
- definition).
- DEUX_POINTS Returned if the string "::" is encountered ; this only
- happens in C++ files and is used to separate the class
- name and the function's name.
- Each time LEX returns a token, it is stored in a stack, depending of its
- value and of the previous state of the stack.
- If a token doesn't appear in the right order to define a function, or
- if the RESET value is returned, the stack is emptied and eveything restarts
- from the current location.
- Tokens are stacked as long as a valid tokens combination has not been found
- (that is, as long as we haven't reach the end of the function's definition).
- A valid stack could be created by:
- int main (int argc , char **argv)
- {
- ... some code ...
- }
- resulting in:
- ID main
- PARAMS (int argc , char **argv)
- BLOC { ... }
- After stacking a BLOC over a PARAMS, we know we encountered a function's
- definition (use the "-d" option if you want to see the stack).
- The tokens of the stack are then stored in a 'struct function' with the
- following members:
- char *ReturnParam; -> "int"
- char *ClassName; -> EmptyString
- char *FunctionName; -> "main"
- char *Param; -> "(int argc , char **argv)"
- int Line; -> nnn
- char *File; -> "somefile.c"
- All these 'struct function' are then stored in a linked list, which
- is further sorted using the specified criterias in their order of
- appearance (we use a "quick sort" algo). Do apply the quick sort,
- the list is first converted into a single array.
- The resulting (sorted) array is then printed according to the Format String.
- Limitations
- -----------
- This program has been mainly made for C source file ; I then added
- support for C++, but due to the more complex grammar, I'm not sure
- it always works right. Please, report any bug.
- Some of the variable have fixed length at compilation time. Although
- I chose some rather large numbers, you should note the following :
- - You have 4 sorting criterias, this means the parameter of the "-s"
- option should't have to exceed 4 characters. Just in case, the
- internal buffer is 10 byte long.
- - When using the "-f" option, the format string is copied into
- a 1000 byte long buffer. Don't use format string longer than
- 1000 bytes (this should be largely enough in all the cases), all
- exceeding chars will be ignored.
- - The parameters of a function's definition shouldn't exceed 2000 bytes;
- Any exceeding character will be suppressed (2000 bytes is more than
- 20 lines; who uses more than 20 full lines of parameters ?
- (nobody I hope :) ).
- - A function definition should not include more than 50 tokens
- (all the parameters of the function are considered as ONE token).
- If such a case should appear, the function would be ignored.
- Also, as a last remark, I would recommend to apply genproto on files
- that compile without errors, and only on C/C++ files.
- Future
- ------
- This tool has been written in a few days, only to quickly create an index
- of all the functions I used in a rather big C++ project.
- If you find any bug or have ideas of improvement, don't hesitate to contact me.
- I will try to do it as soon as possible, but I'm doing my military service :(
- Contact Adress:
- ---------------
- Nicolas Pomarede
- 13 allee des Vignes
- 78120 Rambouillet
- France
- e-mail: pomarede@isty-info.uvsq.fr