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- Short: PPC!!! New 3D modular library for games.
- Author: ingpippa@mbservice.it Pyper
- Uploader: ingpippa@mbservice.it Pyper
- Type: dev/misc
- Hey! Visit Wild's NEW Home page at:
- <http://www.freeyellow.com/members7/pywild/index.html>
- 17/2/99 Yeah, big update !!! PowerPC support !!! Now anything (any module) in wild's
- pipeline can be 68k or PPC coded and it's absolutely the same !! I've also
- written a fully PPC pipeline, but note that is not extremely fast (ok, all
- demos are smooooooooth, and even decent in hires, but the one with a looot
- of polys is a bit slow... BUT: consider i HAVEN'T reached my speed limit on
- ppc (ABSOLUTALY NOT!) infact all is coded in C, and even not so optimized...
- I'm learning ppc asm, if I find out something good to debug a bit I'll do
- better... I've even a lot of algo optims to make, like not to recalc things
- on every frame if they don't modify, ... ...).
- There are even some context-switches, because demos are still 68k... Expect
- something better not so remotely...
- Another feature: the animation engine is now even with rotations, (and have
- even been 100% rewritten, but that's another story...), you'll see in the
- new demo (and even in FountainOfFire...)
- One more feature: new fileformat: WSFF !!! Binary-based, MUCH faster than
- WABL, wich is text-based, expecially in loading: something like 5-10 secs
- for 1MB long file, where WABL needed 5-10 minutes... (argh!). It's even
- smaller, but not so much (but next time will support xpk, so compression
- available).
- Ah, the PPC pipeline (written in C) is also available for 68k, so if you have
- problems with the old one (asm-written, fffast but sometimes buggy...)
- you can replace some modules...
- More: lots of fixings... lighting is better, now, and even broker bugs...
- and more I can't remember... see it !
- More ? A new web page, with niicer gfx, and something new...
- 18/2/99 PLEASE!!! Send me your opinions !!! I need to know if somebody likes
- that piece of code !! If, I may do some improooooooooovements, like
- faaaaaaster moduler for AGA, PPC support (I have a ppc board, but I
- WON'T start coding for PPC if NOBODY will use that !!)
- Thanksss!
- 18/2/99 New feature !!! The Animation !!!!! Timed, relative, you just have to
- give some commands and any object will do the action you want !!
- Just for now, the animation is only traslational, so no automatic
- rotation, but that's already planned, probably you'll see veery soon
- in a new release. Now, give a try to my new FountainOfFire demo,
- wich shows a very simple movement (a falling, with a Speed to down, and an
- Acceleration to Up) of Drops, so you will see for the first time a lot
- of objects on screen... enjoy!
- 10/2/99 Some improvements in the DrScott module (the Warp3D one), so
- now it has the grey light like the others. Note, it's Warp3D1.1 compatible,
- but on Warp3D2.0Beta crashes (on my system) or does strange things.
- Maybe on a CGX4 and Permedia2 system is moe stable, but on CV3D version
- 1.1 is better, I think... (and also W3D authors said, somewhere...)
- Please, if you have a Permedia2 board, report-me something !!
- More improvements: some tools made public, and fixed a bit;
- Particullary, Dxf2Wabl is a bit better now, but still needs some handly
- made things to the output WABL files to be seen: Ref definitions and more.
- The Saver module !!!! A new kind of module, wich Saves the current Scene
- (or an alien, an everything) into a file (WABL, now). A demo shows that,
- the LoadSave: you can input the simple.wabl of SimpleWorld and output
- somewhere. NOTE: It's NOT FULLY WORKING, STILL !! Lacks Texture & Palette
- save, and some little hand corrections are needed to have the output file
- work as the input. But you will see a WABL new file.
- 25/1/99 First, I have an homepage ! Here, you can see the developement of
- wild, and the updates, and the whatelse will come in my mind.
- Wild improvements: some bug and hangs fixed in display.
- New display modules for CGFX, no more bad flashings, I used ScrollVPort
- method and now I have a smooth triple buffering.
- A cli-based program to set prefs, in Tools/ drawer. You can use direclty,
- or use the scripts in every demo's dir.
- A cli-based program to check if a module is Polite. Please, if you have
- some hangs, try this and report-me something.
- And the BIG new:
- DrScott module, the first featuring Warp3D support !
- Ok, still lacks something, and is a bit buggy (a $0100000F alert after
- execution, is a memcorrupt alert. But I saw the system goes on well,
- probably is some mem lost somewhere), and also probably keeps some
- video mem and after some executions hangs.
- But is just the beginning.
- Note: now has no Lighting, because I want a GOOD lighting module for that
- before activating it. It's not a missing feature, is a disabled one.
- (note more: if you get only a hang, try to execute the demo programs first
- in the normal CGFX mode, then in the WARP3D mode).
- 15/1/99 A lot of fixing from last release, wich were very incomplete and buggy.
- That's more stable, and has new fondamental functions: in the new demos
- objects are now hakkfully included in the exe like in the old ones: are
- builded with BuildWildObject() or loaded from a file with LoadWildObject().
- More: textures are loaded from 24bit chunky files and remapped FFASTLY into
- the scene's palette. The GFX aspect of the library is the same, because
- I didn't worked on: I mad more to do.
- Next release will feature a better GFX, I hope...
- first: WILD is a new library to make life easyer to 3D games creators:
- it's a complete 3D engine, really modular (so machine-adaptive,
- and you can also write your own modules) and quite fast (my modules
- are all written in 100% assembly).
- What about features ?
- - 3D engine features:
- - BSP System, with Face entities or Dot entities (2d bitmaps,lens flares,...)
- - A cynematic-like system: ALL the objects are defined by parts,subparts (you
- can define any number and any depth of childs of an object!).
- Every part is defined by you with a 3D orthogonal axis system, with an
- O,I,J,K, defined RELATIVELY to the parent object.
- Pratically: you can define a finger, child of a hand, child or a arm,
- child of a body (child of ??? WHAT MONSTER !!??) and when you move or
- rotate the body, the arm and the hand move transparently. You can move
- everything relatively or absolutely too.
- See Cynematic demos to see that.
- - In a scene you can have a lot of lights, and some drawmodules will feature
- also colorful lights.
- - GFX engine:
- - the current modules (but more will come soon) feature:
- - flat or gouraud shading illumination (lights calced in angular & distance mode).
- - texture mapping (linear, now).
- - support for CGFX.
- - color lights. (i have a method, very fast, but no time now to code (sorry, soon!!))
- - better&faster modules (these are quite alpha...)
- - some fileformats for levels, and a Loader module (you will see
- in this archive some first developements of WABL format, a quite
- simple ASCII format (but POWERFUL)).
- - prefs editor: the library is now ok, but the editor is still beta.
- - the engineer system, quite beta now: checks the compatibility of the engine
- (now is not checked) and will auto-repair it, in a quite near future.
- - FUTURE FEATURES (if somebody will use that lib...)
- - PPC support, when (and if) i will get a PPC card (or a PPC Boxer). (not
- so far !)
- - better gfx, better everything.
- - i'm projecting the Animation part, with Actions: you will say to your
- little man: "Walk" and he will walk,"Kick", and will Kick,"Open your
- hand", and will do. Or, shot a bullet, and the bullet will go, until it's
- gravity makes him fall.
- Q: Why did you started writing WILD !?
- A: Wild is thinked to make life easyer to game-developers: in the future,
- it will probably support even 3d cards (cybervision64/3d,bvision,
- (3dfx !?)). So, when you make a game, you only have to concentrate in
- the playability, and in the design of levels. The 3D engine will be
- provided by WILD, and you will be sure your game will run on virtually
- any Amiga, even future Amigas.
- Q: But my 3D engine is BETTER THAN YOURS !!
- A: Probably that's true. (now, that's SURE!! (just now!))
- And so why don't you write is as a WILD module and distribute it ?
- (You can even write it and distribute only with you game, or make
- it PD).
- Q: Why are you still writing all this useless Q&A when you just have a
- bunch of crappy code !? GO AND WORKkK!!
- A: Ehm... .. . !
- (GAME-)DEVELOPERS!! If you want to help me (writing a module, or more),
- e-mail me !!! I'll give you everything you need! For game writing, you
- should wait for a more stable release, with will come (i hope) soon.
- About this archive:
- before using the demos: some need that.
- Libs/ : Contains the wild.library (the master library) and all the
- sublibs. You have to add this directory to the LIBS: assign,
- just do:
- Assign LIBS: <WILDPATH>/Libs/ ADD
- Demos/ : Contains some demos of my library. See the Cynetic ones, there
- is a quite nice object (but you will also see my too-early bsp
- tree (wich now adds objects as dots, and not face by face, but
- i'll add very soon)). 1,2,3 are only sub-variants.
- Images/ : Some images of the Wild logo.
- Prefs/ : A preview of the wild prefs editor, now does nearly nothing.
- Thanks! Pyper.