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Assembly Source File
150 lines
title AUTOSTUB Version 1.2
;Copyright (C) 1992 Steve Flynn, C-Scape Computing
;This program is hereby donated to the Public Domain providing the line
;above copyright notice is left in tact.
;You may use this hack for any purpose that you wish, but I do not warrant
;it to be suitable for ANY purpose at all. Use at your own risk. If it
;blows up in your face, I am not responsible and I dont want to know.
;This is a replacement for WINSTUB.EXE which will auto load WINDOWS if the
;program using this stub is executed from the DOS command line.
;The string searching is crude, but its fast and effective (like TYLENOL).
;Anyway, most of the code if thrown away when WIN.COM is loaded. Only
;enough is kept to throw away the rest of the program, load WIN.COM
;and return to DOS after WIN.COM.
;I use the Borland C++ compiler and therefore TASM and TLINK.
;To assemble the program -
;Thats all!
;For Microsoft assembler it should be -
;But I have not tried it!
;To use AUTOSTUB in your windows executables modify your .DEF files as follows
;Change the line
;Or add this line if there is no STUB definition (which is often the case with
;the Borland products since the TLINK.EXE program knows how to add a WINSTUB
;all by itself).
; V1.2 Fixed problem when WINDIR= was last entry in environment
; V1.1 Fixed problem of incorrect path when WINDIR= was not found
; in the environment
msdos equ 21h ;MS-DOS function request interrupt
envseg equ 2ch ;PSP offset of environent segment
b equ byte ptr ;I HATE byte ptr
w equ word ptr ;and word ptr
code segment
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code, ss:code
path db '\WINDOWS', 120 dup (0) ;path to WIN.COM
cmdline db 128 dup (0) ;command line to pass
param dw 0 ;pass same environment to WIN.COM
dw offset cmdline
seg1 dw 0
dw 5ch
seg2 dw 0
dw 6ch
seg3 dw 0
loadwin:mov bx, offset start ;last byte to keep
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl ;convert to paragraphs
add bx,17 ;allow for PSP, and round to next para
mov es,bp ;get PSP segment
mov ah,4Ah ;dealloc
int msdos
push ds
pop es ;find data again
lea bx,param ;es:bx = parameter block
lea dx,path ;ds:dx = path to WIN.COM
mov ax,4B00h ;spawn WIN.COM
int msdos
mov ah,4ch ;terminate process
int msdos ;return code in AL
start: push cs
pop ds ;find the data
mov bp,es ;save PSP segment
mov seg1,cs ;save segment in parameter block
mov seg2,cs
mov seg3,cs
;Search environment for "WINDIR="
mov ax,es:[envseg] ;get segment of environment
mov ds,ax ;find environment
push cs
pop es ;find data
mov si,-1h ;set di just before environment
dir1: inc si ;point to next environment variable
cmp b [si],'W' ;test for start of WINDIR
je dir3 ;found what looks like start
dir2: cmp w [si],0 ;at end of environment yet
jz envend ;yes
cmp b [si],0 ;end of variable statement
jz dir1 ;found next variable
inc si ;try next character
jmp dir2 ;keep looking
dir3: cmp [si+1],4E49h ;test for "IN"
jne dir2 ;no match
cmp [si+3],4944h ;test for "DI"
jne dir2 ;no match
cmp [si+5],3D52h ;test for "R="
jne dir2 ;no match
add si,7 ;found it, point to dir name
lea di,path ;where to copy it
dir4: lodsb ;get character
or al,al ;is it end of directory name
jz dir5 ;keep looking for end of environment
stosb ;save character
jmp dir4 ;copy whole name
dir5: dec si ;in case WINDIR= is at end of environment
jmp dir2
;By the time we are here -
; si points to the end of the environment
; di points to the end of the directory name for WIN.COM
;Now add "\WIN.COM" to directory name and get program name for
;WIN.COM to load, plus any command line arguments.
envend: cmp di,offset path ;was a path found
jnz env1 ;yes
add di,8 ;no, so point to end of default path
env1: mov w es:[di],575Ch ;add "\W"
mov w es:[di+2],4E49h ;add "IN"
mov w es:[di+4],432Eh ;add ".C"
mov w es:[di+6],4D4Fh ;add "OM"
add si,4 ;point si to program name
lea di,cmdline ;command line to pass
inc di ;allow for command line size byte
env2: lodsb ;get character
or al,al ;is it end of program name
jz prgend ;yes
stosb ;save character
inc b es:[cmdline] ;count this character
jmp env2 ;copy whole name
;Path to WIN.COM is now setup all that needs to be done is to
;delimit the command line, then throw away this crud and run WINDOWS.
prgend: push es
pop ds ;find data
mov w [di],0A0Dh ;add carriage return linefeed
inc b [cmdline] ;count delimiter
inc b [cmdline]
jmp loadwin ;now load WINDOWS
code ends
end start