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/* This file is for functions having to do with key bindings,
descriptions, help commands and startup file.
written 11-feb-86 by Daniel Lawrence
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "eproto.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "elang.h"
#include "epath.h"
PASCAL NEAR help(f, n) /* give me some help!!!!
bring up a fake buffer and read the help file
into it with view mode */
int f,n; /* prefix flag and argument */
register BUFFER *bp; /* buffer pointer to help */
char *fname; /* file name of help file */
/* first check if we are already here */
bp = bfind("emacs.hlp", FALSE, BFINVS);
if (bp == NULL) {
strcpy(tname, pathname[1]);
fname = flook(tname, FALSE);
fname = flook(pathname[1], FALSE);
if (fname == NULL) {
/* "[Help file is not online]" */
/* split the current window to make room for the help stuff */
if (splitwind(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
if (bp == NULL) {
/* and read the stuff in */
if (getfile(fname, FALSE) == FALSE)
} else
/* make this window in VIEW mode, update all mode lines */
curwp->w_bufp->b_mode |= MDVIEW;
curwp->w_bufp->b_flag |= BFINVS;
PASCAL NEAR deskey(f, n) /* describe the command for a certain key */
int f,n; /* prefix flag and argument */
register int c; /* key to describe */
register char *ptr; /* string pointer to scan output strings */
char outseq[NSTRING]; /* output buffer for command sequence */
/* prompt the user to type us a key to describe */
/* ": describe-key " */
/* get the command sequence to describe
change it to something we can print as well */
cmdstr(c = getckey(FALSE), &outseq[0]);
/* and dump it out */
ostring(" ");
/* find the right ->function */
if ((ptr = getfname(getbind(c))) == NULL)
ptr = "Not Bound";
/* output the command sequence */
/* bindtokey: add a new key to the key binding table */
PASCAL NEAR bindtokey(f, n)
int f, n; /* command arguments [IGNORED] */
register unsigned int c;/* command key to bind */
register int (PASCAL NEAR *kfunc)();/* ptr to the requested function to bind to */
register KEYTAB *ktp; /* pointer into the command table */
register int found; /* matched command flag */
char outseq[80]; /* output buffer for keystroke sequence */
/* prompt the user to type in a key to bind */
/* get the function name to bind it to */
kfunc = getname(TEXT15);
/* ": bind-to-key " */
if (kfunc == NULL) {
/* "[No such function]" */
if (clexec == FALSE) {
ostring(" ");
/* get the command sequence to bind */
c = getckey((kfunc == meta) || (kfunc == cex) ||
(kfunc == unarg) || (kfunc == ctrlg));
if (clexec == FALSE) {
/* change it to something we can print as well */
cmdstr(c, &outseq[0]);
/* and dump it out */
/* if the function is a unique prefix key */
if (kfunc == unarg || kfunc == ctrlg || kfunc == quote) {
/* search for an existing binding for the prefix key */
ktp = &keytab[0];
while (ktp->k_type != BINDNUL) {
if (ktp->k_ptr.fp == kfunc)
/* reset the appropriate global prefix variable */
if (kfunc == unarg)
reptc = c;
if (kfunc == ctrlg)
abortc = c;
if (kfunc == quote)
quotec = c;
/* search the table to see if it exists */
ktp = &keytab[0];
found = FALSE;
while (ktp->k_type != BINDNUL) {
if (ktp->k_code == c) {
found = TRUE;
if (found) { /* it exists, just change it then */
ktp->k_ptr.fp = kfunc;
ktp->k_type = BINDFNC;
} else { /* otherwise we need to add it to the end */
/* if we run out of binding room, bitch */
if (ktp >= &keytab[NBINDS]) {
/* "Binding table FULL!" */
ktp->k_code = c; /* add keycode */
ktp->k_ptr.fp = kfunc; /* and the function pointer */
ktp->k_type = BINDFNC; /* and the binding type */
++ktp; /* and make sure the next is null */
ktp->k_code = 0;
ktp->k_type = BINDNUL;
ktp->k_ptr.fp = NULL;
/* if we have rebound the meta key, make the
search terminator follow it */
if (kfunc == meta)
sterm = c;
/* macrotokey: Bind a key to a macro in the key binding table */
PASCAL NEAR macrotokey(f, n)
int f, n; /* command arguments [IGNORED] */
register unsigned int c;/* command key to bind */
register BUFFER *kmacro;/* ptr to buffer of macro to bind to key */
register KEYTAB *ktp; /* pointer into the command table */
register int found; /* matched command flag */
register int status; /* error return */
char outseq[80]; /* output buffer for keystroke sequence */
char bufn[NBUFN]; /* buffer to hold macro name */
/* get the buffer name to use */
if ((status=mlreply(TEXT215, &bufn[1], NBUFN-2)) != TRUE)
/* ": macro-to-key " */
/* build the responce string for later */
strcpy(outseq, TEXT215);
/* ": macro-to-key " */
strcat(outseq, &bufn[1]);
/* translate it to a buffer pointer */
bufn[0] = '[';
strcat(bufn, "]");
if ((kmacro=bfind(bufn, FALSE, 0)) == NULL) {
/* "Macro not defined"*/
strcat(outseq, " ");
/* get the command sequence to bind */
c = getckey(FALSE);
/* change it to something we can print as well */
cmdstr(c, &outseq[0]);
/* and dump it out */
/* search the table to see if it exists */
ktp = &keytab[0];
found = FALSE;
while (ktp->k_type != BINDNUL) {
if (ktp->k_code == c) {
found = TRUE;
if (found) { /* it exists, just change it then */
ktp->k_ptr.buf = kmacro;
ktp->k_type = BINDBUF;
} else { /* otherwise we need to add it to the end */
/* if we run out of binding room, bitch */
if (ktp >= &keytab[NBINDS]) {
/* "Binding table FULL!" */
ktp->k_code = c; /* add keycode */
ktp->k_ptr.buf = kmacro; /* and the function pointer */
ktp->k_type = BINDBUF; /* and the binding type */
++ktp; /* and make sure the next is null */
ktp->k_code = 0;
ktp->k_type = BINDNUL;
ktp->k_ptr.fp = NULL;
/* unbindkey: delete a key from the key binding table */
PASCAL NEAR unbindkey(f, n)
int f, n; /* command arguments [IGNORED] */
register int c; /* command key to unbind */
char outseq[80]; /* output buffer for keystroke sequence */
/* prompt the user to type in a key to unbind */
/* ": unbind-key " */
/* get the command sequence to unbind */
c = getckey(FALSE); /* get a command sequence */
/* change it to something we can print as well */
cmdstr(c, &outseq[0]);
/* and dump it out */
/* if it isn't bound, bitch */
if (unbindchar(c) == FALSE) {
/* "[Key not bound]" */
PASCAL NEAR unbindchar(c)
int c; /* command key to unbind */
register KEYTAB *ktp; /* pointer into the command table */
register KEYTAB *sktp; /* saved pointer into the command table */
register int found; /* matched command flag */
/* search the table to see if the key exists */
ktp = &keytab[0];
found = FALSE;
while (ktp->k_type != BINDNUL) {
if (ktp->k_code == c) {
found = TRUE;
/* if it isn't bound, bitch */
if (!found)
/* save the pointer and scan to the end of the table */
sktp = ktp;
while (ktp->k_type != BINDNUL)
--ktp; /* backup to the last legit entry */
/* copy the last entry to the current one */
sktp->k_code = ktp->k_code;
sktp->k_type = ktp->k_type;
sktp->k_ptr.fp = ktp->k_ptr.fp;
/* null out the last one */
ktp->k_code = 0;
ktp->k_type = BINDNUL;
ktp->k_ptr.fp = NULL;
/* Describe bindings:
bring up a fake buffer and list the key bindings
into it with view mode
PASCAL NEAR desbind(f, n)
int f,n; /* prefix flag and argument */
return(buildlist(TRUE, ""));
PASCAL NEAR apro(f, n) /* Apropos (List functions that match a substring) */
int f,n; /* prefix flag and argument */
char mstring[NSTRING]; /* string to match cmd names to */
int status; /* status return */
status = mlreply(TEXT20, mstring, NSTRING - 1);
/* "Apropos string: " */
if (status != TRUE)
return(buildlist(FALSE, mstring));
PASCAL NEAR buildlist(type, mstring) /* build a binding list (limited or full) */
int type; /* true = full list, false = partial list */
char *mstring; /* match string if a partial list */
register KEYTAB *ktp; /* pointer into the command table */
register NBIND *nptr; /* pointer into the name binding table */
register BUFFER *listbuf;/* buffer to put binding list into */
register BUFFER *bp; /* buffer ptr for function scan */
int cpos; /* current position to use in outseq */
char outseq[80]; /* output buffer for keystroke sequence */
/* get a buffer for the binding list */
listbuf = bfind(TEXT21, TRUE, BFINVS);
/* "Binding list" */
if (listbuf == NULL || bclear(listbuf) == FALSE) {
/* "Can not display binding list" */
/* let us know this is in progress */
/* "[Building binding list]" */
/* build the contents of this window, inserting it line by line */
nptr = &names[0];
while (nptr->n_func != NULL) {
/* add in the command name */
strcpy(outseq, nptr->n_name);
cpos = strlen(outseq);
/* if we are executing an apropos command..... */
if (type == FALSE &&
/* and current string doesn't include the search string */
strinc(outseq, mstring) == FALSE)
goto fail;
/* search down any keys bound to this */
ktp = &keytab[0];
while (ktp->k_type != BINDNUL) {
if (ktp->k_type == BINDFNC &&
ktp->k_ptr.fp == nptr->n_func) {
/* padd out some spaces */
while (cpos < 25)
outseq[cpos++] = ' ';
/* add in the command sequence */
cmdstr(ktp->k_code, &outseq[cpos]);
/* and add it as a line into the buffer */
if (addline(listbuf, outseq) != TRUE)
cpos = 0; /* and clear the line */
/* if no key was bound, we need to dump it anyway */
if (cpos > 0) {
outseq[cpos] = 0;
if (addline(listbuf, outseq) != TRUE)
fail: /* and on to the next name */
/* add a blank line between the key and macro lists */
if (addline(listbuf, "") != TRUE)
/* scan all buffers looking for macroes and their bindings */
bp = bheadp;
while (bp) {
/* is this buffer a macro? */
if (bp->b_bname[0] != '[')
goto bfail;
/* add in the command name */
strcpy(outseq, bp->b_bname);
cpos = strlen(outseq);
/* if we are executing an apropos command..... */
if (type == FALSE &&
/* and current string doesn't include the search string */
strinc(outseq, mstring) == FALSE)
goto bfail;
/* search down any keys bound to this macro */
ktp = &keytab[0];
while (ktp->k_type != BINDNUL) {
if (ktp->k_type == BINDBUF &&
ktp->k_ptr.buf == bp) {
/* padd out some spaces */
while (cpos < 25)
outseq[cpos++] = ' ';
/* add in the command sequence */
cmdstr(ktp->k_code, &outseq[cpos]);
/* and add it as a line into the buffer */
if (addline(listbuf, outseq) != TRUE)
cpos = 0; /* and clear the line */
/* if no key was bound, we need to dump it anyway */
if (cpos > 0) {
outseq[cpos] = 0;
if (addline(listbuf, outseq) != TRUE)
bfail: /* and on to the next buffer */
bp = bp->b_bufp;
mlerase(); /* clear the mode line */
PASCAL NEAR strinc(source, sub) /* does source include sub? */
char *source; /* string to search in */
char *sub; /* substring to look for */
char *sp; /* ptr into source */
char *nxtsp; /* next ptr into source */
char *tp; /* ptr into substring */
/* for each character in the source string */
sp = source;
while (*sp) {
tp = sub;
nxtsp = sp;
/* is the substring here? */
while (*tp) {
if (*nxtsp++ != *tp)
/* yes, return a success */
if (*tp == 0)
/* no, onward */
/* get a command key sequence from the keyboard */
unsigned int PASCAL NEAR getckey(mflag)
int mflag; /* going for a meta sequence? */
register unsigned int c; /* character fetched */
char tok[NSTRING]; /* command incoming */
/* check to see if we are executing a command line */
if (clexec) {
macarg(tok); /* get the next token */
/* or the normal way */
if (mflag)
c = getkey();
c = getcmd();
/* execute the startup file */
PASCAL NEAR startup(sfname)
char *sfname; /* name of startup file (null if default) */
char *fname; /* resulting file name to execute */
char name[NSTRING]; /* name with extention */
/* look up the startup file */
if (*sfname != 0) {
/* default the extention */
strcpy(name, sfname);
if (sindex(name, ".") == 0)
strcat(name, ".cmd");
fname = flook(name, TRUE);
} else
strcpy(tname, pathname[0]);
fname = flook(tname, TRUE);
fname = flook(pathname[0], TRUE);
/* if it isn't around, don't sweat it */
if (fname == NULL)
/* otherwise, execute the sucker */
/* Look up the existance of a file along the normal or PATH
environment variable.
if contains path:
HOME environment directory
all directories along PATH environment
directories in table from EPATH.H
char *PASCAL NEAR flook(fname, hflag)
char *fname; /* base file name to search for */
int hflag; /* Look in the HOME environment variable first? */
register char *home; /* path to home directory */
register char *path; /* environmental PATH variable */
register char *sp; /* pointer into path spec */
register int i; /* index */
static char fspec[NFILEN]; /* full path spec to search */
char *getenv();
/* if we have an absolute path.. check only there! */
sp = fname;
while (*sp) {
if (*sp == ':' || *sp == '\\' || *sp == '/') {
if (ffropen(fname) == FIOSUC) {
} else
if (hflag) {
#if WMCS
home = getenv("SYS$HOME");
home = getenv("HOME");
if (home != NULL) {
/* build home dir file spec */
strcpy(fspec, home);
#if WMCS
strcat(fspec, DIRSEPSTR);
strcat(fspec, fname);
/* and try it out */
if (ffropen(fspec) == FIOSUC) {
/* get the PATH variable */
#if WMCS
path = getenv("OPT$PATH");
path = getenv("PATH");
if (path != NULL)
while (*path) {
/* build next possible file spec */
sp = fspec;
#if TOS
while (*path && (*path != PATHCHR) && (*path != ','))
while (*path && (*path != PATHCHR))
*sp++ = *path++;
/* add a terminating dir separator if we need it */
if (*(sp-1) != DIRSEPCHAR)
*sp = 0;
strcat(fspec, fname);
/* and try it out */
if (ffropen(fspec) == FIOSUC) {
#if TOS && MWC
if ((*path == PATHCHR) || (*path == ','))
if (*path == PATHCHR)
/* look it up via the old table method */
for (i=2; i < NPNAMES; i++) {
strcpy(fspec, pathname[i]);
strcat(fspec, fname);
/* and try it out */
if (ffropen(fspec) == FIOSUC) {
return(NULL); /* no such luck */
PASCAL NEAR cmdstr(c, seq) /* change a key command to a string we can print out */
int c; /* sequence to translate */
char *seq; /* destination string for sequence */
char *ptr; /* pointer into current position in sequence */
ptr = seq;
/* apply ^X sequence if needed */
if (c & CTLX) {
*ptr++ = '^';
*ptr++ = 'X';
/* apply ALT key sequence if needed */
if (c & ALTD) {
*ptr++ = 'A';
*ptr++ = '-';
/* apply Shifted sequence if needed */
if (c & SHFT) {
*ptr++ = 'S';
*ptr++ = '-';
/* apply MOUS sequence if needed */
if (c & MOUS) {
*ptr++ = 'M';
*ptr++ = 'S';
/* apply meta sequence if needed */
if (c & META) {
*ptr++ = 'M';
*ptr++ = '-';
/* apply SPEC sequence if needed */
if (c & SPEC) {
*ptr++ = 'F';
*ptr++ = 'N';
/* apply control sequence if needed */
if (c & CTRL) {
*ptr++ = '^';
c = c & 255; /* strip the prefixes */
/* and output the final sequence */
*ptr++ = c;
*ptr = 0; /* terminate the string */
/* This function looks a key binding up in the binding table */
KEYTAB *getbind(c)
register int c; /* key to find what is bound to it */
register KEYTAB *ktp;
/* scan through the binding table, looking for the key's entry */
ktp = &keytab[0];
while (ktp->k_type != BINDNUL) {
if (ktp->k_code == c)
/* no such binding */
return((KEYTAB *)NULL);
/* getfname: This function takes a ptr to KEYTAB entry and gets the name
associated with it
char *PASCAL NEAR getfname(key)
KEYTAB *key; /* key binding to return a name of */
int (PASCAL NEAR *func)(); /* ptr to the requested function */
register NBIND *nptr; /* pointer into the name binding table */
register BUFFER *bp; /* ptr to buffer to test */
register BUFFER *kbuf; /* ptr to requested buffer */
/* if this isn't a valid key, it has no name */
if (key == NULL)
/* skim through the binding table, looking for a match */
if (key->k_type == BINDFNC) {
func = key->k_ptr.fp;
nptr = &names[0];
while (nptr->n_func != NULL) {
if (nptr->n_func == func)
/* skim through the buffer list looking for a match */
kbuf = key->k_ptr.buf;
bp = bheadp;
while (bp) {
if (bp == kbuf)
bp = bp->b_bufp;
/* fncmatch: match fname to a function in the names table and return
any match or NULL if none */
#if MSC
int (PASCAL NEAR *PASCAL NEAR fncmatch(char *fname))(void)
int (PASCAL NEAR *PASCAL NEAR fncmatch(fname))()
char *fname; /* name to attempt to match */
int nval;
if ((nval = binary(fname, namval, numfunc)) == -1)
return (void*)(names[nval].n_func);
char *PASCAL NEAR namval(index)
int index; /* index of name to fetch out of the name table */
/* stock() String key name TO Command Key
A key binding consists of one or more prefix functions followed by
a keystroke. Allowable prefixes must be in the following order:
^X preceeding control-X
A- similtaneous ALT key (on PCs mainly)
S- shifted function key
MS mouse generated keystroke
M- Preceding META key
FN function key
^ control key
Meta and ^X prefix of lower case letters are converted to upper
case. Real control characters are automatically converted to
the ^A form.
unsigned int PASCAL NEAR stock(keyname)
char *keyname; /* name of key to translate to Command key form */
register unsigned int c; /* key sequence to return */
/* parse it up */
c = 0;
/* Do ^X prefix */
if(*keyname == '^' && *(keyname+1) == 'X') {
if(*(keyname+2) != 0) { /* Key is not bare ^X */
c |= CTLX;
keyname += 2;
/* and the ALT key prefix */
if (*keyname == 'A' && *(keyname+1) == '-') {
c |= ALTD;
keyname += 2;
/* and the SHIFTED prefix */
if (*keyname == 'S' && *(keyname+1) == '-') {
c |= SHFT;
keyname += 2;
/* and the mouse (MOUS) prefix */
if (*keyname == 'M' && *(keyname+1) == 'S') {
c |= MOUS;
keyname += 2;
/* then the META prefix */
if (*keyname == 'M' && *(keyname+1) == '-') {
c |= META;
keyname += 2;
/* next the function prefix */
if (*keyname == 'F' && *(keyname+1) == 'N') {
c |= SPEC;
keyname += 2;
/* a control char? (Always upper case) */
if (*keyname == '^' && *(keyname+1) != 0) {
c |= CTRL;
/* A literal control character? (Boo, hiss) */
if (*keyname < 32) {
c |= CTRL;
*keyname += '@';
/* make sure we are not lower case if used with ^X or M- */
if(!(c & (MOUS|SPEC|ALTD|SHFT))) /* If not a special key */
if( c & (CTLX|META)) /* If is a prefix */
uppercase(keyname); /* Then make sure it's upper case */
/* the final sequence... */
c |= *keyname;
char *PASCAL NEAR transbind(skey) /* string key name to binding name.... */
char *skey; /* name of key to get binding for */
char *bindname;
bindname = getfname(getbind(stock(skey)));
if (bindname == NULL)
bindname = errorm;
int PASCAL NEAR execkey(key, f, n) /* execute a function bound to a key */
KEYTAB *key; /* key to execute */
int f, n; /* agruments to C function */
register int status; /* error return */
if (key->k_type == BINDFNC)
return((*(key->k_ptr.fp))(f, n));
if (key->k_type == BINDBUF) {
while (n--) {
status = dobuf(key->k_ptr.buf);
if (status != TRUE)
/* set a KEYTAB to the given name of the given type */
int setkey(KEYTAB *key, char *name)
setkey(key, name)
KEYTAB *key; /* ptr to key to set */
char *name; /* name of function or buffer */
int (PASCAL NEAR *ktemp)(); /* temp function pointer to assign */
register BUFFER *kmacro; /* ptr to buffer of macro to bind to key */
char bufn[NBUFN]; /* buffer to hold macro name */
/* are we unbinding it? */
if (*name == 0) {
key->k_type = BINDNUL;
/* bind to a built in function? */
if ((ktemp = fncmatch(name)) != NULL) {
key->k_ptr.fp = ktemp;
key->k_type = BINDFNC;
/* is it a procedure/macro? */
strcpy(bufn, "[");
strcat(bufn, name);
strcat(bufn, "]");
if ((kmacro=bfind(bufn, FALSE, 0)) != NULL) {
key->k_ptr.buf = kmacro;
key->k_type = BINDBUF;
/* not anything we can bind to */
/* "[No such function]" */