Power DOS 1995 July
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File List
158 lines
Power DOS CDROM, June 1995. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Game solutions, hints, tips
path: \games\solution\
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- --------------
688sonar.zip 990 11-29-94 688 Sub Attack <sonar codes>
alone.zip 6,133 11-29-94 Alone in the Dark <solution>
alonedox.zip 3,057 11-04-92 Alone in the Dark <docs>
bard1_so.zip 6,635 11-29-94 Bard's Tale I <solution>
bard3_so.zip 24,075 11-29-94 Bard's Tale III <solution>
bards2.zip 14,106 11-29-94 Bard's Tale II <solution>
beyndzrk.zip 4,636 11-29-94 Beyond Zork <hints>
blackcau.zip 1,621 11-29-94 Black Cauldron <solution>
camelot.zip 7,165 11-29-94 Conquest of Camelot <solution>
cbquest1.zip 40,180 03-16-95 Colonels Bequest <solution>
chronoq.zip 1,774 11-29-94 Chronoquest <solution>
civil.zip 16,141 11-29-94 Civilisation <advancements chart>
colonel.zip 6,620 11-29-94 Colonels Bequest <solution>
conq_lb.zip 2,831 11-29-94 Conquest of the Longbow <solution>
cruisdox.zip 39,541 03-16-95 Cruise for a corpse <docs>
darkseed.zip 1,760 11-29-94 Darkseed <solution>
dejavu2.zip 2,515 11-29-94 DejaVu 2 <solution>
dizzyslv.zip 1,989 03-15-95 Dizzy World Fantasy <solution>
dm_spell.zip 1,010 11-29-94 Dungeon Master <magic spells>
dm_maps.zip 88,780 08-31-92 Dungeon Master <maps>
dracula.zip 2,412 11-29-94 Dracula Unleashed <solution>
dragon_s.zip 21,000 11-29-94 Dragon Wars <solution>
dragon_w.zip 904 11-29-94 Dragon Wars <hints>
dreamweb.zip 3,896 12-02-94 Dreamweb <walkthrough>
ducktale.zip 775 11-29-94 Duck Tales <solution>
dune2.zip 8,809 11-29-94 Dune II <walkthrough>
dungeonm.zip 15,180 11-29-94 Dungeon Master <solution>
dunjin.zip 2,175 11-29-94 Dunjin <hints>
ecoq1.zip 3,550 11-29-94 Ecoquest <solution>
elv2_dox.zip 38,239 12-09-91 Elvira II <docs>
elvira.zip 3,404 11-29-94 Elvira <solution>
elvira2.zip 5,379 11-29-94 Elvira II <solution>
eob2.zip 5,720 11-29-94 Eye of the Beholder II <solution>
eob2map.zip 6,025 11-29-94 Eye of the Beholder 2 <maps>
f117adoc.zip 6,189 08-19-91 F-117A <docs>
f30_qdox.zip 37,397 11-29-94 F-16 Falcon 3.0 <docs>
futrewrs.zip 9,914 03-16-95 Future Wars <solution>
geisha.zip 3,828 11-29-94 Geisha <solution>
goblins.zip 3,134 11-29-94 Gobliiins <solution>
goldrush.zip 5,708 11-29-94 Goldrush <solution>
hack.zip 36,653 11-29-94 Hack <manual>
hacker.zip 1,853 11-29-94 Hacker <solution>
heroq1.zip 7,508 11-29-94 Hero's Quest/Quest for Glory <solution>
hhgttg.zip 3,146 11-29-94 Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy <solution>
hijinks.zip 3,403 11-29-94 Hollywood Hijinks <solution>
hoc_sol.zip 2,084 11-29-94 Heart of China <solution>
hq2_sol.zip 5,947 11-29-94 Hero's Quest II/Quest for Glory II <solution>
hugo2.zip 1,423 11-29-94 Hugo II <hints>
hugo_sol.zip 1,346 11-29-94 Hugo <solution>
iceman.zip 6,033 11-29-94 Codename:Iceman <solution>
indy3.zip 4,233 11-29-94 Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (by Lucas Games) <solution>
indy4.zip 7,740 11-29-94 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis <solution>
infocom.zip 6,204 11-29-94 Infocom <hints>
jinxter.zip 1,820 11-29-94 Jinxter <solution>
karateka.zip 3,166 11-29-94 Karateka <solution>
kingchic.zip 1,538 11-29-94 King of Chicago <solution>
kingsq1s.zip 1,215 11-29-94 Kings Quest 1 <solution>
kingsq2s.zip 2,917 11-29-94 Kings Quest II <solution>
kingsq3s.zip 2,626 11-29-94 Kings Quest III <solution>
kingsq4.zip 7,811 11-29-94 Kings Quest IV <hints>
kingsq4s.zip 10,414 11-29-94 Kings Quest IV <solution>
kingsq5.zip 7,476 11-29-94 Kings Quest V <hints>
kingsq5s.zip 4,027 11-29-94 Kings Quest V <solution>
kingsq6s.zip 9,214 11-29-94 Kings Quest VI <solution>
kox_hnt.zip 5,208 04-01-95 Knights of Xentar <hints>
kyr3sol.zip 8,911 02-14-95 Legend of Kyrandia III <solution>
kyrandia.zip 5,550 11-29-94 Legend of Kyrandia <solution>
lastnin.zip 3,126 11-29-94 The Last Ninja <solution>
lb2solve.zip 9,078 06-25-92 Laura Bow II <solution>
lemming2.zip 2,615 11-29-94 Lemmings II <level codes>
lemmings.zip 1,548 11-29-94 Lemmings <level codes>
lgop2sol.zip 3,218 04-08-92 Leather Goddesses of Phobos II <solution>
lgop_sol.zip 2,703 11-29-94 Leather Goddesses of Phobos <solution>
lol_sol.zip 182,274 08-09-93 Lands of Lore <solution>
loom_sol.zip 1,647 11-29-94 Loom <solution>
lostinla.zip 1,898 11-29-94 Les Manley:Lost in L.A. <solution>
lsl1_sol.zip 9,927 11-29-94 Leisure Suit Larry 1 <solution>
lsl2_sol.zip 3,251 11-29-94 Leisure Suit Larry II <solution>
lsl3_sol.zip 5,775 11-29-94 Leisure Suit Larry III <solution>
lsl_code.zip 10,043 11-29-94 Leisure Suit Larry <X-rated questions>
lurking.zip 2,735 11-29-94 Lurking Horror <solution>
magicand.zip 16,337 11-29-94 Magic Candle <solution>
manhntny.zip 4,684 11-29-94 Manhunter:New York <solution>
manhntsf.zip 7,276 11-29-94 Manhunter:San Francisco <solution>
manley2.zip 2,459 11-29-94 Les Manley II <solution>
mansion2.zip 3,449 11-29-94 Maniac Mansion II <solution>
mart_sol.zip 4,512 05-24-94 Martian Memorandum <solution>
meanstr.zip 2,699 11-29-94 Mean Streets <solution>
mechwar.zip 3,224 11-29-94 Mechwarrior <solution>
mi2solve.zip 50,478 07-17-87 Monkey Island II <walktrough>
mightmag.zip 7,056 11-29-94 Might & Magic <solution>
mm2_sol.zip 8,386 11-29-94 Might & Magic II <solution>
mm3_sol.zip 10,882 11-29-94 Might & Magic III <solution>
monkey.zip 6,973 11-29-94 Monkey Island <solution>
morelemm.zip 2,619 11-29-94 Oh no More Lemmings <level codes>
mystwalk.zip 5,580 11-29-94 Myst <walkthrough>
neuro_pw.zip 1,762 11-29-94 Neuromancer <passwords>
neuroman.zip 4,351 11-29-94 Neuromancer <solution>
nova9hnt.zip 5,211 11-29-94 Nova 9 <hints>
omega.zip 10,183 11-29-94 Omega <hints>
policeq1.zip 8,157 11-29-94 Police Quest <solution>
policeq2.zip 2,452 11-29-94 Police Quest II <solution>
pop2.zip 18,893 11-29-94 Populous II docs
pq3_map.zip 17,777 09-30-91 Police Quest III <maps>
pq3_sol.zip 6,561 11-29-94 Police Quest III <solution>
pwhint9.zip 49,795 11-29-94 Pacific War player checklist & tactics v9
qfg3_sol.zip 2,616 11-29-94 Quest for Glory III <solution>
rloftsol.zip 46,559 06-12-93 Ravenloft <solution>
robin_hd.zip 2,820 11-29-94 Robin Hood <solution>
rogue.zip 10,620 11-29-94 Rogue <manual>
sammax.zip 4,838 11-29-94 Sam & Max hit the road <solution>
sexvixen.zip 3,082 11-29-94 Sex Vixen <solution>
shadowg.zip 9,682 11-29-94 Shadowgate <solution>
simon.zip 7,135 11-29-94 Simon the Sorcerer <solution>
spaceq1s.zip 3,059 11-29-94 Spacequest <solution>
spaceq2s.zip 6,299 11-29-94 Spacequest II <solution>
spaceq3s.zip 4,282 11-29-94 Spacequest III <solution>
spaceq4s.zip 3,235 11-29-94 Spacequest IV <solution>
sshock03.txt 37 02-07-95
sshock03.zip 13,148 02-07-95 System Shock <walkthrough> 0.3
starcon2.zip 7,056 11-29-94 Star-Control II <solution>
starflt1.zip 1,066 11-29-94 Starflight 1 <solution>
starflt2.zip 9,144 11-29-94 Starflight II <solution>
t7guest.zip 10,838 11-29-94 The 7th Guest <solution>
term_dox.zip 17,195 03-16-95
tim_sol.zip 17,739 11-29-94 The Incredible Machine <solution>
timelore.zip 2,370 11-29-94 Times of Lore <solution>
trek25th.zip 4,375 11-29-94 Star Trek-25th Anniversary <solution>
u8walk11.zip 18,709 11-29-94 Ultima VIII <walkthrough> 1.1
ultima2s.zip 4,209 11-29-94 Ultima II <solution>
ultima3s.zip 4,844 11-29-94 Ultima III <solution>
ultima5s.zip 3,196 11-29-94 Ultima V <solution>
ultima6.zip 8,891 11-29-94 Ultima VI <hints>
ultima6s.zip 11,200 11-29-94 Ultima VI <solution>
ultima7s.zip 9,635 11-29-94 Ultima VII <solution>
uninvite.zip 1,648 11-29-94 Uninvited <hints>
unnkul.zip 4,734 11-29-94 Unnkulian Adventures 1 <solution>
unnkul2.zip 3,241 11-29-94 Unnkulian Adventures II <solution>
uukrul.zip 13,589 11-29-94 Dark Heart of Uukrul <solution>
uw1.zip 13,112 11-29-94 Ultima Underworld <solution>
uwhnts1.zip 585 04-02-92 Ultima Underworld <hints>
uwqckdox.zip 3,949 03-27-92 Ultima Underworld <docs>
willbeam.zip 4,203 11-29-94 The Adventures of Willy Beamish <solution>
windwalk.zip 4,625 11-29-94 Windwalker <solution>
wiz6.zip 27,812 11-29-94 Wizardry VI <solution>
wiz7.zip 6,385 11-29-94 Wizardry VII <solution>
zakmck.zip 4,367 11-29-94 Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders <solution>
zork1_so.zip 6,972 11-29-94
zork2_so.zip 2,050 11-29-94
zork3_so.zip 7,010 11-29-94
zork_123.zip 7,236 11-29-94 Zork 1+2+3 <solution>