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Text File
619 lines
Version 3.0
* Lloyd J. Wilson, N6IKH
1530 W. Ranch Rd
San Bernardino, CA 92407
I. Introduction ....................................... 2
II. Getting Started .................................... 2
III. Menus .............................................. 3
IV. Transmit ........................................... 3
V. Words Per Minute (WPM) ............................. 4
VI. Call Sign .......................................... 6
VII. Messages ........................................... 6
VIII. Practice ........................................... 7
IX. Help ............................................... 8
X. Quit ............................................... 8
XI. Special Characters ................................. 8
XII. Connection to Your Transmitter ..................... 9
XIII. Date and Time ...................................... 9
XIV. System Speed ....................................... 9
XV. Disk Files ......................................... 10
* Note: At some time in the future this address
may become obsolete. If you need to
contact me and can't reach me at this
address, you might find my address
in a current Call Book.
This program is distributed as Public Domain Software. The
Copyright is retained by the author. The program may be freely
copied, placed on any bulletin board system, or otherwise
freely distributed. Shareware distributors and bulletion board
services may charge their standard rates.
No fees are solicited for use of this program, and none will be
The Code Machine requires and IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible, at
least 256K of RAM, and PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.0 or higher.
Floppy Disk Systems
To run The Code Machine on a floppy-based system, copy all
files on The Code Machine distribution disk to a boot disk (a
disk formatted with the /s option). After booting up with this
disk, enter `TCM` (for The Code Machine) to start the program.
Hard Disk Systems
Create a new directory called "CODE". Copy all files on the
distribution disk into \CODE. Log into this directory and
enter `TCM` to start the program. This sequence would be as
Batch Files
A batch file will allow you to enter the program without
changing directories. The following example of a batch file
named TCM.BAT (located in the root directory or a directory for
which a path has been established) will let you start The Code
Machine by entering `TCM`:
To print this manual, align your paper to the top of a page, then
at the DOS prompt type in the following command:
The Code Machine's menus work like most standard program menus
today. You may either use the arrow keys to identify the
selection you want and then press the [ENTER] key, or you may
simply press the first character of your selection. The second
method is generally preferred as it requires only one keystroke
to obtain the desired menu selection.
Once you enter the transmit mode, you will see the cursor
located at the beginning of the transmit buffer. Code will be
transmitted as soon as you begin typing characters into the
buffer. You will hear a series of clicks on your speaker as you
type in characters. This is the sound of a D.C. signal being sent
to your speaker port, this is also the signal that will drive your
transmitter (see Section XII, "Connection to Your Transmitter").
If you want to hear an audible tone from your speaker, select
"Practice" then "Use Transmit Buffer" from the menu.
The characters will be transmitted at the WPM previously selected
(see Section V, "Words Per Minute"). If you select a character for
which a message exists in your message library, that message will
be placed into the transmit buffer (see Section VII, "Messages").
As the code is transmitted, the character that is currently being
sent will blink. The transmit buffer is 13 lines long which allows
you to enter over 1000 characters (13 X 80 = 1040) ahead of what is
being transmitted. If more space is needed, the buffer will scroll
to make room for the additional characters. The buffer will not
scroll until all the characters in the top line have been
transmitted. For messages, four lines must be available before a
scroll will occur.
The [ESC] escape key will (1) suspend transmission, (2) clear the
transmit buffer, and (3) return control to the main menu. It is
not necessary to leave the transmit buffer between copying and
sending sessions, as the program waits when it reaches the cursor.
Transmission will start again when additional characters are
The [CTRL]-[S] keys pause transmission until another key is
touched. If you select to pause the transmission in the middle of
a character, the program will resume transmission with the next
full character, thus preventing transmission of a partial
The Code Machine offers an extremely versatile selection of code
speeds and modified code speeds. The speeds and modifications
selected under menu choice WPM control both the code transmission
speed and the speed of the practice programs. Selection of code
speeds falls into three categories: (1) true speeds, (2) modified
speeds, and (3) space-elongated speeds.
True Speeds
True code speed is just what the name implies. True speed complies
strictly with the guidelines outlined in the ARRL Handbook: dit = 1
unit dah = 3 units space between character elements = 1 unit space
between characters = 3 units space between words = 7
units average units per word = 50 units
To enter the desired true code speed simply select the WPM option
off the Main Menu, enter any speed between 1 and 100, and press the
[ENTER] key. The speed you selected will be displayed at the top
right-hand corner of your monitor, followed by a comma and "True".
Modified Speeds
Working at slower speeds can be somewhat distracting because the
lengths of the characters increase excessively. For example, at 1
WPM the true length of a dah is 3.6 seconds. Even at 5 WPM the dah
is almost 3/4 of a second long (.72 seconds). With the modified
speed option, all characters are transmitted at 12 WPM, however,
the spaces between the characters and words are increased to obtain
the overall speed selected. To select the modified code, enter a
comma then a `M` (for modified) following the overall speed you
select. For example, if you want 8 WPM modified code you will
select WPM off the Main Menu and enter the following:
8,M (then press the [ENTER] key)
The speed you selected will be displayed at the top right-hand
corner of your monitor followed by a comma and "Mod". Of course,
this option only works at speeds under 12 WPM.
Space-Elongated Speeds
If you listen closely to a station working CW, you will notice that
amateurs often leave more space between characters than the three
units (dah length) of true code, especially when working at the
slower speeds. The Code Machine will let you recreate this type of
code transmission by increasing the space between characters. You
can increase the space from 1.1 to 9.9 times what the true length
would be. The way to select this option is choose WPM from the
Main Menu, select your WPM then enter a comma followed by the
increase desired (elongation factor). For example, if you want to
double the space between characters and send characters at a rate
of 10 WPM, enter the following at the WPM prompt: 10,2
If you only wished to increase the length by 1 1/2 times (a 50%
increase) you would enter:
1 3/4 would be:
2 1/2 would be:
and so on.
With the space-elongated selection, the characters will be sent at
the true rate, however, the increased length between characters
will decrease your overall transmission rate. Your actual rate can
be calculated with the following formula:
WPM = WPM - ((WPM X .38)(X-1))
where X = elongated factor
So, for example, if you selected 13 WPM and doubled your space
between characters (13,2) your actual code speed would be:
WPM = 13-((13 X .38)(2-1))
WPM = 13-(4.94 X 1)
WPM = 13-4.94
WPM = 8.06
The call sign option is a very power and useful capability of The
Code Machine. To use the option, simply select `Call Sign` from
the Main Menu and at the prompt enter the call sign of the station
you are working. The call sign will be displayed in the upper left
corner of your monitor. Once you have entered the call sign press
[ENTER] to return to the Main Menu.
Now when you are entering data in the transmit buffer, you can
simply select the colon [:] key and the station's call sign will be
entered into the transmit buffer.
Additionally, this command can be embedded into your messages-more
on this in the Messages Section.
You may store 22 messages of up to 255 characters each to use
during transmission. Then by selecting only one key, that message
will be displayed in your buffer and transmitted. There are no
special requirements and the messages can be inserted while you are
typing just as if you were entering another character.
Messages are automatically saved to your disk as you originally
enter them or change them. All previously entered messages are
loaded when you start The Code Machine. The messages are stored on
your disk in a file named TCM.MES. If your program does not find
the TCM.MES file when it starts up, it creates a new one. Ensure
that the disk containing The Code Machine has at least 6K of
available space in order to store your messages. If you do not
have available space on your disk your TCM.MES file will be lost.
To enter new messages or view previously stored messages, select
`Messages` from the Main Menu. You will be prompted to select the
key that corresponds to the message you want. After selecting the
key you will be shown the current message stored for that key and
asked if you want to change it. Select `Y` to enter a new message
and `N` to return to the Main Menu. After selecting `Y`, you are
prompted to enter a message. Each message can contain between 1
and 255 characters.
The Code Machine provides a very powerful method for entering
messages containing the call sign of the station being worked.
Enter the colon [:] in any message and the call sign of the station
your are working will replace the colon when that message is
Remember to select one key to represent your own call sign. For
convenience, select a key that does not require you to use the
[SHIFT] key.
The Code Machine's practice programs use your computer's speaker to
output code at the rate previously selected with the WPM option.
Selecting `Practice` from the Main Menu drops down the Practice
Menu and allows you to select from seven different practice
Choose Characters
This option allows you to select individual characters you need to
practice. You will be prompted to enter the characters you want to
practice. You may select as many characters as you wish (up to
255). The characters will be randomly selected and placed in the
transmit buffer in groups of five. You may select characters more
than once--their random selection will be proportional to the
number of times you select them.
Alpha Characters
All twenty-six letters will be randomly selected and placed in the
transmit buffer in groups of five.
Numeric Characters
Numbers 0 thru 9 will be randomly selected and placed in the
transmit buffer in groups of five.
Special Characters
The special characters (see Section XI, "Special Characters") will
be randomly selected and placed in the transmit buffer in groups of
Letters and Numbers
All letters and numbers will be randomly selected and placed in the
transmit buffer in groups of five.
Total Character Set
All letters, numbers, and special characters will be randomly
selected and placed in the transmit buffer in groups of five.
Use Transmit Buffer
This selection works identical to the Transmit Mode except that an
audible frequency is sent to the computer's speaker. Text can be
entered directly or sample tests and sample QSO's can be stored as
messages and then called up in this practice mode. Note: Users of
Versions below 2.0 will find no difference between this selection
and `Transmit` on the Main Menu.
Selecting help from the Main Menu will drop down an ON/OFF menu
that will let you toggle the help screen on and off. If ON is
selected, the help screen will be displayed when you are in the
Transmit Mode. This provides a quick reference to the special
characters while transmitting.
Selecting `Quit` from the Main Menu returns control of your machine
to DOS.
The following special characters and functions are supported by the
keys indicated:
[CONTROL] - [S] = Pauses transmission of characters
[-] dash = error
[\] backslash = KN
[/] slash = DN
[+] plus = AR
[=] equals = BT (double dash)
[;] semicolon = SK
[.] period = period
[,] comma = comma
[?] question mark = question mark
[SPACE BAR] = space between words
[ESC] escape = stops transmission, clears buffer, Main
[BACKSPACE] = moves cursor one space left and clears the
character in that space from the buffer
Keying your transmitter with The Code Machine Version is a simple
matter of connecting two components, an optocoupler and a resister
or a relay and a diode, between the computers speaker port and the
transmitter. Parts for either circuit are available at Radio Shack
for about two dollars. Either the optocoupler or the relay will
completely isolate your computer from your transmitter. While there
are probably thousands of ways to connect your equipment, I would
suggest that any you come up with provide similar isolation
protection. One other point, if you use a relay in the circuit, be
sure to use a diode to protect your computer from the back voltage
associated with inductive loads.
I have put together schematics and directions for three different
circuits (including Radio Shack parts numbers). I would be more
than happy to send you a copy. In fact, if you are not completely
familiar with the components I have been speaking about, I highly
encourage you to send for the schematics for these coupling
circuits. Just send a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE)
(letter size with the minimum postage is fine) to:
Lloyd J. Wilson
TCM Connections
1530 W. Ranch Rd
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Note: There is no charge--please do not send money.
The current date and time are shown at the top of your monitor. The
clock is suspended during code transmission. Once you return to
the Main Menu the clock will update itself and resume. You may use
the suspended time to mark the beginning of a QSO.
The Code Machine relies on system timing to accurately calculate
code speeds. Because of the many different system clock
frequencies used by various compatible computers, the program does
a test when started to determine the speed of your computer. This
results of this test are then used as the basis for the timing of
your code. For this reason, users with selectable clock
frequencies (often called turbo) should not change their turbo
setting during operation of the program. If you change your turbo
option while running the program, it will be necessary to restart
The Code Machine so the program's timing can be adjusted to the
computer's new clock frequency.
The following files should be on your The Code Machine disk:
TCM.EXE (The Code Machine Program) TCM.SYS (The Code
Machine Program) TCM.DOC (The Code Machine Manual)
TCM.MES (Message file - Created by the program if not on
the disk)