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===[February 2nd 1992]========================================[Issue #13]===
Serving the Toronto (416) dialing area since October 14th 1989!
Editor: Christopher Saunders
Legal Disclaimer
I will in no way accept any responsibilty for any information included
within this listing. This includes (but is not limited to) information
on BBSs engaging in software piracy, hacking/phreaking, or any other
illegal use of a computer. By making use of this listing, you agree to
hold the Editor (Christopher Saunders) harmless from any legal action
that may be taken.
Furthermore, you use this listing entirely at your own risk. The Editor
cannot be held responsible for any damage that this listing may cause.
This includes (but is not limited to) loss of profits, equipment
failure, and incorrect or inaccurate information.
|Abacus BBS |538-7911|WW|2400|Coleco Adam Support |
|Academy |244-9877|MA|2400|Messages Only |
|AcroByte Online |345-9210|PC|2400|Messages/Files |
|Alliance Technologies |508-8164|TG|2400|Many echos, good ANSI |
|Amateur Radio |827-0704|MA|2400|For Radio Enthusiasts |
|Amiga World |275-8748|WI|2400|Messages/Files |
|Another BBS System? |465-7752|TB|2400|Messages |
|Arkon Information System |593-7460|SS|2400|Messages/Files |
|Artful Applications |538-3107|PC|2400|Clipper board |
|Artsy Fartsy |465-7436|RA|2400|Musically oriented |
|Babble BBS |831-3108|MC|2400|Messages Only |
|Back Board Systems I |823-0556|PC|9600|D'Bridge sales/support |
|Back Board Systems II |820-6137|SU|2400|QuickBBS/D'Bridge Support |
|Bad Company |642-1214|RA|9600|Alias BBS |
|Basic Exchange |223-7598|BP|2400|Messages/Files |
|Baudy Talk |764-0906|MA|2400|Formerly Breakfast Serial |
|Beladau BBS (The) |975-1813|RA|2400|Supporting artists,dreamers |
|Bits and Bytes |532-1784|PC|14.4|Messages/Files |
|BizBase node 1 |698-7395|PC|2400|Toronto's Business BBS and |
|BizBase node 2 |698-7512|PC|2400|home of BizNet BBS network |
|BlakStar Systems |656-4532|MA|2400|Many International Echos! |
|Bloom Beacon |283-5924|BP|14.4|Messages/Files |
|Brampton Public Library |791-0337|HM|2400|B.P.L. Online Searches |
|Burning Circuits |837-0339|MA|2400|Files, Online games & EchoMail |
|C64/128 Programmers |823-9542|??|2400|Open to users/programmers |
|Cabaret (The) |298-2530|MA|2400|Good message writers |
|Canada Remote Systems |798-4713|PC|2400|C.R.S. Demo Line |
|C: Drive |420-0234|GT|2400|GT International EchoMail |
|Club Mac BBS |462-2922|SS|2400|For Club Mac members |
|C.M.I.X. 1 |277-2363|PC|2400|Messages/Files |
|C.M.I.X. 2 |277-0175|PC|9600|Members' Line |
|Coleition |456-1918|PC|9600|Messages/Files |
|Compu-Ad |825-4141|HM|2400|Buy and Sell Ads |
|CompuTek |266-1881|PC|9600|Messages/Files |
|Computing Canada Online |497-5263|TB|9600|For MIS related only |
|Compuvoice |245-3807|??|1200|Messages/Files |
|Compuwhizz |884-8754|BP|1200|Messages/Files |
|Crossover (The) |427-0268|MA|14.4|Technical/network oriented |
|Dark Cavern |638-4573|TG|2400|GalaxyNet support board |
|DeAd ZoNe (The) |507-2159|RA|2400|Large selection of doors. |
|Death Star |487-5264|SF|14.4|Messages/Files |
|Dits and Bits |882-5525|OP|2400|Electronics and Ham Radio |
|Diving Board:II BBS |844-6613|QU|2400|Scuba divers, environment |
|Durham On-Line |427-3047|RA|9600|Best Classified Ads |
|Eastern |283-7637|UX|2400|UUCP/UseNet Public Access |
|EGS/PHILO |286-6191|MA|9600|Messages/Files |
|Esperanto |731-2667|RO|2400|Esperanto Language BBS |
|Etobicoke Public Library |245-0062|HM|2400|E.P.L. Online Searches |
|Excalibur |484-0607|BB|1200|Messages/Files |
|Extrasoft Unlimited 1 |770-7339|PC|38.4|Home of Electronic Showroom |
|Extrasoft Unlimited 2 |770-7350|PC|38.4|Line 2 |
|Extrasoft Unlimited 3 |770-7379|PC|38.4|Line 3 |
|Far Jewel |690-2464|SS|14.4|Messages/Files |
|Flight 642 |642-2993|PC|2400|Aviatory simulation |
|Forbidden Knights |820-7273|TG|2400|Many Telegard Utilities |
|Forbidden Zone |287-1836|PH|2400|Messages/Files |
|Four Stars |694-4091|??|1200|Messages/Files |
|GCS Enterprise |472-9092|TG|38.4|Nice friendly board |
|Good Tidings |496-8027|PC|2400|Christian forum |
|Grand Hotel II |491-0370|BX|2400|Messages/Files |
|Guest House |391-2542|MA|9600|Messages/Files |
|Home Automation |471-6776|TB|9600|Messages/Files |
|Homestead Knowledge Net. |588-1392|MA|14.4|Occult BBS |
|House of Comments |831-6102|PU|2400|Messages |
|Intoxicated BBS |630-7850|RA|2400|Messages/Files |
|Kintracers |969-8717|OP|14.4|For Genealogists |
|Klingon Board of Prey |229-1378|MA|2400|For Star Trek fans |
|Learning Experience |665-3263|GT|2400|Messages/Files |
|Leftover Hippies |466-8931|FS|2400|FNet, FidoNet, Qmail |
|Lion's Den (The) |395-4328|RA|2400|George S Henry Academy BBS |
|Maranatha BBS |798-2563|MA|2400|Christian oriented board |
|Matrix |535-7598|HM|2400|Comm. resource for artists |
|Mike's Gamesroom |828-6803|TG|2400|Continuing to grow |
|Millenium Systems |743-9187|MA|9600|Large file section |
|Mix (The) |841-8197|GT|2400|GT International EchoMail |
|Musical Chair (The) |724-6018|PC|14.4|1000's of Adlib/SB files! |
|Northern BBS |450-8030|SF|2400|Messages/Files |
|Northstar |270-8493|QU|2400|Many Online Games |
|One Thousand 1 |236-3209|PC|9600|Messages/Files |
|One Thousand 2 |236-3557|PC|9600|Messages/Files |
|Opticomm 1 |921-6366|MJ|2400|Multi-Line Chat |
|Opticomm 2 |921-1648|MJ|14.4|Multi-Line Chat |
|Out House (The) |886-6734|TG|2400|Messages/Files |
|PC-Companions |798-2400|??|2400|Meet Friends |
|PC-Connect |733-9052|PC|14.4|Telemate Support BBS |
|PCCT BBS |636-6394|RB|2400|Personal Computer Club of Tor. |
|Pinnacle Club |362-2373|SA|2400|Messages |
|Piper's Pub (The) |962-6466|TB|2400|Interesting Conversations |
|Platinum Express |884-4088|WC|2400|Many international echos |
|PN-Junction |465-2331|MA|2400|Messages/Files/Echos |
|Polymathic Group Network |738-1918|PC|9600|Messages/Files |
|Premium Data Systems |455-3610|MA|2400|Messages/Files |
|Programmers Guild |824-4731|RB|2400|Programmer's BBS |
|PSA |921-5924|PC|2400|Support BBS for Sysops |
|Quasar Communications |733-2087|RA|2400|Windows3 Support/Many Echos |
|Rose Media 1 |733-2285|PC|19.2|6.5 Gigabytes Online |
|Rose Media 2 |733-2780|PC|14.4|6.5 Gigabytes Online |
|Rose Media 3 |226-9260|PC|14.4|6.5 Gigabytes Online |
|RT Labs 1 |867-9663|MA|9600|For Computer Hackers |
|RT Labs 2 |867-9664|MA|9600|For Computer Hackers |
|Scruples! |661-5426|RA|19.2|Home of AdultNet |
|Seed Sowers 1 |498-5259|PC|2400|Christian BBS |
|Seed Sowers 2 |498-5962|PC|2400|Christian BBS |
|Servants Quarters 1 |471-7932|PC|2400|Christian Resource BBS |
|Servants Quarters 2 |471-5213|PC|19.2|Christian Resource BBS |
|Servants Quarters ][ |498-4875|RA|2400|Christian BBS |
|Ship to Shore |929-9657|WI|2400|For Sailors |
|SI BBS |508-4444|TG|2400|Lots of files on CD-ROM |
|S.L.C. |452-0408|QU|14.4|Messages/Files |
|Softor Systems |265-8253|MA|2400|Messages/Files |
|Stained Glass Windows |651-8447|QU|2400|Microsoft Windows support |
|STAO's BBS |849-1159|OP|14.4|Science-related echos/files |
|Stay Near Info. Sys. |604-1221|HM|2400|Clipper, Lotus, DBase, WP |
|Super SONIC BBS |225-8942|MA|2400|Sound Blaster and ADLIB |
|Switchboard 1 |484-0549|MA|2400|Messages/Files |
|Switchboard 2 |484-9454|MA|2400|Messages/Files |
|Telix Support BBS |439-9399|PC|9600|Telix Support BBS |
|Terminator |759-3757|OP|2400|Messages/Files |
|T.I. Tower |921-2731|??|2400|Messages/Files |
|TIBM Wizard |743-6703|QU|2400|Messages/Files |
|ToeJan on Toast |472-9792|TG|2400|Weirdest BBS around! |
|Total InDifference BBS |614-1713|TG|2400|Many RemoteAccess utilities |
|Total Rekall |459-0688|SL|2400|Messages/Files |
|Totally Board |221-8768|QU|14.4|Lots of .GIFs |
|UFO Intelligence Network |459-6259|UL|2400|UFO information |
|University of Toronto 1 |978-3959|UX|1200|For U of T Students |
|University of Toronto 2 |978-5137|UX|2400|For U of T Students |
|Westonia BBS 1 (The) |241-9793|PC|2400|Lots of files on CD-ROM |
|Westonia BBS 2 (The) |241-1981|PC|2400|Lots of files on CD-ROM |
|Whitelightning |469-2681|OP|2400|IBM and CO-CO Suppport. |
|Yorkshire Rose |737-8472|PC|2400|Lots of Online Games |
The following toll-free BBS numbers are available from the Toronto
region. ALL 7-digit numbers below are preceded by 1-800. Example: if
you wish to call AT&T, and the number listed is 331-1774, you would
dial 1-800-331-1774.
|AT&T Information BBS |331-1774|RA|2400|AT&T product support |
|DIGITAL Info Online |234-1998|HM|2400|DIGITAL sales & support |
|GST Information Service |267-4500|HM|2400|G.S.T. information |
|Hayes Online |874-2937|TB|9600|Hayes product support |
If you know of a 1-800 BBS number that is not listed here, and works
from Toronto, PLEASE let me know! Thank you.
NAME OF BBS Means the name under which the BBS is known
PHONE Means the data line phone number of the BBS
656-4532 Typical example of a valid phone number under which the BBS
can be reached at.
BBS-DOWN The BBS has gone down. The BBS will be taken out next issue.
BAUD means the maximum baud rate supported by the BBS.
NOTE: Usually lower baud rates are supported too. Some BBSs choose NOT
to support 300 baud callers, because they are regarded as being
too slow. If you have a 300 baud modem, you may want to upgrade
to a 1200, or even a 2400 to avoid any disappointment!
2400 2400/1200/300 baud supported
19.2 19,200 to 300 baud supported
.... etc.
SW contains a 2 character code for the BBS Software used
AL = Alchemy EM = EMIX RA = RemoteAccess
FI = Fido RI = RIBBS GT = GT Power Host
HO = Host HY = Hyperion IB = IBBS
MI = MiniHost NC = NCCI Icon OP = Opus
PB = PC Board PR = Pronet System PS = PC-Select
PY = Pyroto QU = QuickBBS RB = RBBS-PC
TB = TBBS VA = Vanguard WI = Wildcat!
EM = Emulex YH = Pro-Yam Host HM = Home-Made Software
CH = Chairman PU = Punter Software BP = BBS-PC
SL = SearchLight MC = Michtron GE = Genesis BBS
TG = Telegard SF = Spitfire WW = WWIV
MA = Maximus CBCS MJ = MajorBBS SU = SuperBBS
SS = Second Sight RC = RCMM RO = ROS
BX = BBS Express UX = UNIX system SK = SkyLine
RO = Rover UL = UltraBBS SA = Sapphire
PH = Phase BBS EB = E-BBS
?? = Software unknown, not listed (will be added next issue) or cannot
Because there is a wide variety of BBS programs out there, it would be
impossible for me to list every single one, for each computer. So, I
will only list the more well known ones. If you happen to know of a BBS
program that is not on here and is very popular, then please let me
know, and I will include it in the next issue.
INFORMATIN: Any extra information about a BBS that should be
----------- mentioned. Information such as what it has to offer,
who/what is its main point of interest (is it dedicated to
a certain group such as Disk Jockeys, Divers or Doctors.
Is it for people who like to play Role Playing Games)?
Also listed here are any comments from the Sysop, if
Other Notes
This BBS list is valid for one month from the date of issue (please see
opening screen), after which it should be used as a reference guide
only. Although UltraList is accurate at time of release, errors do
occur. BBSs go up and down every day, so don't automatically assume
that every board listed is up and running. Call during the day to see
that it is up, and then note the hours of operation.
If you get a voice answer instead of a modem carrier please do the
person the courtesy of picking up the phone and appologizing. It is
very annoying for people to get either dead silence or a screaming
modem in their ear! I would appreciate it very much if you would tell
me if you encounter a voice number.
Please do not modify UltraList in any shape or form! I work very hard
making this listing, and want to ensure that it remains as accurate as
Having Your BBS Listed in UltraList
If you run a BBS, and would like your system listed in the next release
of UltraList, then please do one of the following:
Complete the application form ULTLST.REG and follow the instructions
included, or send me a message with the following info:
Name of BBS
BBS phone number
Hours of operation
BBS Software
MAXIMUM baud rate
Computer(s) supported
Any other information that you would like included.
A 27 character comment.
Below is an example of how you would give me this information:
Sniffles BBS <--- Name of BBS
416-555-1234 <--- Telephone number
24 Hours a day <--- Hours of operation
RemoteAccess 1.01 <--- BBS program used
9600 baud <--- Maximum baud rate
IBM/Amiga/Apple <--- Computer(s) supported
20 Online doors. 50+ local/international echos. 150 megs online
storage. Instant callback verification! RemoteAccess support! A
cool sysop! <--- Brief information
Lots of .GIFs!! <--- 30 character comment (maximum)
When providing me with a comment line, please be creative! Don't put
something like "Cool BBS", because it tells the user nothing. If you
have a large file section, then you could put "Over 1000 files online"
or "150 megs online". If you specialize in online games, put "Lots of
online games!". Perhaps you have a lot of international echos. If so,
why not put "Lots of international echos to choose from". Remember
that you are selling your BBS, so your comment line should be
catchy, and make people want to call your system.
I will call your system to verify all of the information. Once your
system has been verified it will be placed in the next issue of
UltraList. Please notify me of any changes in your system, or if it is
going/has gone down.
Remember: Scan all of your downloaded files for viruses!
Christopher Saunders
UltraList Editor