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- Osiris SE v4.00
- _____________________________________________________________
- Osiris SE is a fast, responsive, flexible system which
- allows the owner to design much of his own CBIS without
- having to write any program code.
- Osiris is NOT just a BBS program, it is an INTEGRATED BBS
- operating SYSTEM. Unlike many other BBS programs, we did not
- just STOP with the BBS itself. We have attempted to provide
- you with everything you could possible need to run a BBS.
- Osiris cost less than any other BBS on the market. There are
- couple of BBS' that have a base price less than Osiris but with
- those BBS', the base price only covers the BBS program
- itself. Many companys charge extra for add-on programs that
- we provide, AT NOT ADDITIONAL CHARGE, with the package.
- A lot BBS' do not even provide the add-on programs. You have
- to call all over the country looking for 3rd party add-on
- programs and in the process, run up a huge phone bill and you
- still have to pay for the programs when you do find them.
- The cost of the Osiris package is less than $6.00 a program,
- based on a single line system. You can't find, download, and
- register a shareware program for that.
- _____________________________________________________________
- First time sysops can build a system to carry out their
- communications needs quickly without being burdened with
- complicated setups and designs.
- Advance sysops can modify the system to suit their personal
- tastes so quickly you can not believe it until you try it.
- Osiris has power, speed, responsiveness, and flexibility
- which have never before been seen in the micro-computer
- world.
- What do we mean by speed? The measure of a systems speed is
- how close it approaches the ideal of being limited only by
- the data transmission rate.
- Osiris is capable of driving the serial port in excess of
- 38,400 bps using a 10 Mhz AT. This means if you timed the
- transmission of a 192,000 byte file, it should take about 50
- seconds.
- On a single user system running on a 6 MHZ AT, Osiris was
- clocked at over 20,000 bps! This included reading from the
- harddrive, writing to the LOCAL screen, and sending the data
- out the serial port.
- We are not going to say there is no other CBIS software
- capable of achieving this feat, we just have not found one
- yet.
- What do we mean by responsive? Osiris can accepts commands
- at ANY time. On menu displays or command prompts you do not
- have to wait for the prompt or even the end of the line.
- Your callers have the option of using advanced command
- stacking or HOTKEYS. Using command stacking, they can enter
- commands that may be found 40 sub-systems away.
- _____________________________________________________________
- As amazing as Osiris is to operate when you call in, the
- SYSOP side has to be seen to be believed.
- Osiris is configured and maintained using a series of GUI
- programs (some programs require a mouse) and a text editor or
- ANSI draw program.
- Using OSM, you can define from 1 to 32000 Conference
- message boards and from 1 to 32000 file areas.
- You can choose the command keys, types of areas, access
- levels for the commands, flags for the commands, default
- log-on access levels, time limits, private system or
- public.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Your file areas can be in individual directories, grouped
- into one directory and LOGICALLY sub-divided by Osiris. You
- can have your file list in one directory, the physical files
- in another directory, and have the uploads for that area go
- to still yet another directory, you decide.
- File Queued Downloading allows up to FORTY files to be
- downloaded during a SINGLE session. And the files can be
- split between any number of file areas.
- Advanced external protocol support allows an unlimited number
- of protocols to be added, without having to resort to
- batch files!
- Why settle for outdated and slow protocols like Xmodem,
- Ymodem, Kermit, and SEAlink when you can use faster and more
- popular protocols like Tmodem, Zmodem, Jmodem, and Bimodem.
- You have a proprietary protocol you want to use, just add it
- in.
- Full CD-ROM and WORM drive support.
- Full archive support for Zip, Lharc, Arc, Pak, and ARJ (View
- and extract with re-archive)
- Archive integrity check on new uploads with optional
- automatic virus scanning!
- New files search and a FIND using a KEY word/phrase.
- Each individual file listing contains information about WHO
- uploaded the file, when it was uploaded, when it was last
- downloaded, and how many times it has been downloaded.
- Need tight control over who downloads a specific file? Osiris
- allows you to PASSWORD protect individual files in PUBLIC
- download areas.
- Not only can you PASSWORD protect an individual file, you can
- also instruct Osiris to delete the file once it has been
- downloaded.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Creating menus is a breeze. Use any text editor and just draw
- it!
- Better yet, use a program like THEDRAW.
- Thedraw is an ANSI "what you see is what you get" drawing
- program. Select the layout, colors, and even the command line
- prompt.
- When your finished, compile the ANSI drawing and you have a
- colorful menu ready to be used by those that support ANSI and
- those that do not.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Osiris has a bi-polar message system with up to 32,000!
- public message areas offering a WIDE range of configuration
- options.
- Public Message Areas (Echo or Local) have a DELAYED
- POSTING option. You can assign area moderators to review
- messages posted in these area and only after the moderator
- has OK'ed the message will it be available for public view or
- Echomail Export programs. If a moderator REJECTS a message,
- the message is sent back to the person that posted it, in the
- body of a REJECTION NOTICE (Moderators may work remotely).
- TRUE ALIAS(tm) Support. Each caller record has a field that
- allows callers to select an ALIAS name to use on the system,
- in areas that allow it. New Conference mail checks as well as
- Private Message Center New Mail check can find waiting mail
- under the callers REAL name OR the ALIAS.
- A separately maintained Message Center for Private
- Messages between individuals on the system with CARBON
- COPIES, Automatic Notification when the message has been
- received, high speed auto-mail checking, attach Files to
- Messages, and full ALIAS support.
- Your callers have the option of using a line editor with
- quoting capabilities or the advanced Full Screen
- (Wordstar COMMAND compatible) ANSI editor with quoting
- capabilities.
- Two highspeed new MAIL checkers, one for PRIVATE messages
- (Not optional) and one for conference messages (Echomail)
- which IS optional. Can scan at 15000+ messages per second.
- Message system has advanced FILTERING/SEARCH capabilities,
- full message threading.
- Advanced message PACKING, in ASCII format, for reading
- Custom off-line reader, powerful, with remote capabilities;
- you don't have to log-on to the BBS to read messages, enter
- messages, download files, or upload files.
- _____________________________________________________________
- For those who want more flexibility in system design and
- do not mind a little simple programming, Osiris provides
- SPL/I, Structured Programming Language Version I.
- SPL/I is a cross between C, Pascal, Cobal, and PL/I.
- SPL/I has:
- 127 built in functions including do while, for/next, if, if
- else, switch, procedures, string management, complex math
- formulas, variable type CASTING, printf (with full FORMAT
- support), sprintf (with full FORMAT support), file handling ,
- and MUCH more. Several SPL/I functions are devoted to
- creating and managing WINDOWS. Yes, Windows on a BBS (caller
- must support ANSI) and no, they are not a bit slow.
- 69 predefined variables and constants
- Upto 100 "ACTIVE" user defined variables
- 8 variable classes: integer, string, character, long,
- unsigned long, unsigned integer, real, and file.
- 2 variable types: global and local.
- 10 math operators: +, -, /, *, >>, <<, XOR, OR, AND, Modules.
- User definable highspeed Btree databases
- User definable indexed Memo Databases for mass text storage
- and fast retreivel.
- Multiple stage compiler
- Multiple stage linker with the ability to combine object
- modules.
- While you do not have to use it to get much of the power of
- Osiris, it allows you to go much further in system design
- than was previously possible!
- If that was not enough, Osiris provides an almost unlimited
- number of HOOKS for attaching external programs. If you can
- write it, you can add it. Complete file structures
- distributed with the program.
- Got a Q&A type of file you need to add, no sweat!
- You want a totally unique system? Use AUTOEXEC.PRG and SPL/I
- to build your own totally unique system.
- Create dozens of DIFFERENT systems and let the each caller
- pickup which one he or she likes the best.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Need multiple language support? You don't live in the United
- States, no problem. Osiris has full unlimited mulitple
- language support.
- Want to alter the text or colors used by internal Osiris
- prompts? Just edit the language database and recompile it.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Osiris has an advanced virtual memory manager, VMS, that
- gives your system as much memory as it needs for running
- external programs such as archivers, protocol drivers, games,
- add-on dbase systems, or anything else you care to call using
- the ITP [SHELL] command.
- You can call external program that require in excess of 512K
- of memory to function, including batch file. You can also
- pass information to the external programs using command line
- arguments and/or a special exit control file. You may also
- test return codes and process accord to the return code
- following any SPLI/I _EXECUTE.
- If you have EMS memory, VMS will shift Osiris up into high
- memory before the call and shift it back down afterwards. If
- you don't have EMS memory available, we'll use your Hard disk
- instead.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Automatic Expanded and Extended Memory cache. If you have
- either, Osiris will automatically create an overlay caching
- system and load the overlays into the cache. Its almost like
- the entire program is loaded into memory.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Osiris has a special built in ON-LINE product databases for
- integrated On-Line Shopping. You customers can shop from the
- comfort of their homes or businesses 24 hours a day with less
- COST overhead than conventional VOICE order lines and without
- the hassles of TIME ZONES.
- Osiris uses compressed databases to hold product information
- with highspeed indexing, multiple find features, ability to
- tag items for reviewing, forward/reverse movement, listing
- functions, multiple departments, customized order forms, help
- screens, variable length description fields up to 1,000,000
- bytes per record, and much more.
- Supports over 5 billion products PER STORE.
- Up to 32,000 different departments PER STORE.
- NO LIMIT on the NUMBER of DIFFERENT stores.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Osiris has one of the best user interfaces in the industry.
- You'll find your callers whizzing around the system at break
- neck speed completing tasks in a fraction of the time
- required under other programs. In some cases, Osiris can
- reduce your in-use time per line by as much as 50 percent
- over traditional BBS programs. In a twenty four hour time
- period, a four line Osiris system can generally handle as
- many callers as an eight ( ten if those lines are 9600 bps)
- line TBBS system. This can save you over 1600.00 dollars a
- year in commercial phone line rental fees, enough to PAY for
- your entire setup within two years (depending on the brand of
- computer your using).
- Osiris was selected as the CBIS system they most like to call
- in a poll of over 1000 BBS users.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Need statistical information? Osiris keeps complete
- statistical information at your finger tips, using colorful
- bar charts in most cases, concerning in-use time per line,
- average in-use time per line, top ten files downloaded on the
- system, top ten uploaders to the system, connect baud rates,
- message area information, file area information, who
- called today, who called yesterday, who called the last 14
- days, six best times to call, six worse times to call and
- protocols being used.
- Osiris will post a daily statistics message to the sysop
- each night giving a complete run-down of the days events.
- New callers, in use time, what files where download, what
- files were uploaded, available diskspace on each drive, etc.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Your directory littered with dozens of exe programs and
- control files? Do you need a database just to keep track of
- what does what and which control file it uses? Delete them
- because almost anything you can think of as an add on is
- already built into the program!
- Your wife complaining that she no longer has a husband? Your
- employee(s) having to spend most of the work day maintaining
- the company BBS?
- Give yourself and your wife or employees a rest. Once
- installed, Osiris is almost 100 percent automated. Check it
- once a week or so and let CAT do the rest.
- CAT's the Osiris Robot Maintenance system that does
- everything from adjusting messages area sizes, renumbering,
- getting rid of old messages or deleted message, sorting file
- areas, converting archives to another format, adjusting file
- listings so they LOOK uniformed, maintaining history logs,
- scanning the harddrive for virus infections, monitoring
- individual files on the drive for chances, and MUCH MORE. You
- can even have it automatically backup the system to your TAPE
- drive or optimize your hard disk on specific days!
- It'll even post a report, in the message center, to you
- each time it runs telling you exactly what shape your system
- is in and what it did.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Osiris is much more than a mere Bulletin Board System. It is
- a Computer Based Information System, a personal
- communications tool with incredible power. Its uses are
- limited only by your imagination!
- If you would like to give Osiris a try to see if it fits your
- needs BEFORE you buy, the complete program can be downloaded
- at 1-314-334-6359
- It is full functional with only a restriction placed on the
- number of users.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Need a Fidonet Compatible Mailer? We also have ISIS, the most
- advanced and powerful Electronic mailer available. ISIS
- supports over 9 different TYPES of mail sessions including
- Ultra-Fast HTMS sessions.
- If you also have Osiris, ISIS will give you options you've
- never seen on a mailer before. The two programs will merge
- together to form an integrated super system.
- ISIS is available, in test drive mode at 1-314-334-6359.
- _____________________________________________________________
- International TeleCommunciations also offers a full line of
- protocol drivers suitable for BBS or Terminal use.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Need a terminal program? We also have QT 2000, an advanced
- mouse driven terminal program designed for use with BBS
- systems.
- Some features: Queue Dialing and Redialing, EZscript
- Langauge, support for external protocols (no batch files
- required), use mouse..menus...or hotkeys to select options,
- File Clipboard with save/restore/edit/view, Upload
- Clipboard, logging, scroll back buffer, cut/paste to/from
- buffer or file, and much more.
- _____________________________________________________________
- International TeleCommunications, your one stop shopping center
- for telecommunications applications.