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New for Version 1.3
Works with version V04 of Civilization
New for Version 1.2
Bug Fixes:
Fixes minor bug when setting a tech requirement to or from 'None'
New Feature:
You can now edit the different Civ leader traits - this edits the EXE file
so 1) changes are immediate and 2) changes are permanent.
Special Note:
Due to the fact that the CIV.EXE file is a 'packed' file, some of the
leader traits can not be edited. If a trait can not be edited, it will
not appear on the edit screen. All leaders can be made 'civilized',
almost all can be made 'perfectionists' and most can be made 'friendly'.
Setting all the traits you can edit to 'friendly', 'perfectionist' and
'civilized' tones the game down and appears to make the race to Alpha-
Centauri more competitive.
There are 3 possible values for each of the 3 leader traits, one of those
values can be blank (trait is not listed on the F3 diplomacy report) - the
leader editor shows this as 'None'.
My guess is that when set to blank ('None') the civ could act in either of
the other two values.
New for Version 1.1
Bug fixes:
Fixes bug that always changes the tech required for Fighters from Flight
to Space Flight.
Fixes bug with setting tech required to None (it would become unavailable
if you set it None).
My apologies for the bugs.
New feature:
You can now load & edit the military units in a 'saved game' file also.
This allows you to fix the bugs in any games in progress, or to see the
effects of unit changes immediately. The saved game unit editor works
the same way as the unit editor for civ.exe. You do not need to use
'Update' if you are just editing a saved game file. The saved game file
is updated automatically when you press F10 from the Saved Game Unit
Special Note:
To save on code (and download) size, the editor variables used for the
unit editing screen are shared between the CIV.EXE unit editor and the
saved game unit editor. I noticed that this causes a small side effect
which may be a bit confusing if you edit the units in a saved game file
and then in the civ.exe file in the same session. I decided to leave
this side effect in because it can be useful.
What happens is this - when civedx starts, it reads in all the tables from
civ.exe into internal buffers. Because civ.exe is a packed executable, the
tables are extracted from the buffers into the variables you edit on
screen. If using the 'Unit', 'Improvement' or 'Terrain' screen editors,
when you press the F10 key, those screen variable are placed back into
the buffers. When you select 'Update', from the main menu, the buffers
are written back to civ.exe. If you select 'Saved Game' from the main
menu, it will ask you for the name of the saved game file (civil0.sve is
the 1st saved game, civil1.sve is the 2nd one ... civil9.sve is the 10th
or last one).
It will read in the unit table from the saved game into the
unit editor screen variables (but not the buffer used to read civ.exe).
After editing a saved game, the unit variables are immediately written
back to the saved game file - BUT they are still in the screen variables.
If, after loading in a saved game file, you select 'Unit' from the main
menu, you will see the values from the saved game file displayed. At
this point you can use the values from the saved game file to update
the buffers used to update civ.exe by pressing F10, or press escape to
force civedx to re-extract the values from the civ.exe buffer to get
back the civ.exe values.
If I've made the above too confusing, then just follow this simple rule:
Don't use civedx to update a saved game file then the civ.exe file at
the same time (quit civedx in between).
If you want to use the unit values from a saved game to update the civ.exe
file then, select 'Saved game', load in the saved game (press either F10
or escape to leave the unit editor), select 'Unit', press F10, then
select 'Update'.
The rest of this doc is pretty much the same as the doc for civedx
version 1.0
CIVEDX is a utility that allows you to display and modify some of the data
tables in the CIV.EXE file. This utility reads and writes to CIV.EXE so
please be sure you have a backup copy of it before using CIVEDX. You also have
the ability to write out the tables to a text file, read the values from the
EXE file and save them in a separate table file, load in a separate table file
to use to update the EXE file.
When the program starts, it displays a sign-on screen and main menu. From
the main menu you can chose to view and modify the Unit values, Terrain values
City Improvement values (including WOWs) and Leader traits.
Another choice on the main menu
is to 'Update' the CIV.EXE file. You MUST use the Update function to actually
update the tables in the EXE file. Another choice is to load and edit the unit
values from a saved game (you do not need to use 'Update' if you're just using
civedx to edit a saved game). The last choice is to quit the program and
return to DOS.
When you view/edit one of the tables, you may move the cursor from field
to field using the Enter, Tab or cursor keys. The screen will scroll up and
down as needed. As you move from field to field, the bottom line of the screen
will display a brief explanation of the field. Press the F10 key to accept the
changes (you will be asked to confirm that you want to Exit) or press the
Escape key to abandon the current changes (you will be asked to confirm that
you want to Quit). Even if you press the F10 key, the changes will not be
written to the EXE file unless you select Update from the main menu.
If you select "Saved Game' from the main menu, you will be prompted to enter
in the name of the saved game file. Save game files are created when you save
a game yourself or through the 'Autosave' option of Civilization. They are
named CIVILn.SVE where n is 0 through 9. You get to save games in the first
4 slots (0,1,2,3) and the Autosave option will save files in the last 6 slots
(4,5,6,7,8,9). You may use a full or partial path with the file name.
The usage is
CIVEDX [<keyword> <filename>]
where [<keyword> <filename>] is optional. If used, <keyword> is 'dump',
'load', or 'save', and <filename> is either a text file or a table file.
You may use a full or partial path with the file name.
Some examples:
will read in the tables from CIV.EXE and allow you to display and modify
those values. The Update menu choice will then update CIV.EXE. You must use
Update function to write the tables back to the EXE file.
CIVEDX save values1
will read in the tables from CIV.EXE, write them out to the table file
values1, then exits back to DOS (no sign-on screen or menu). It would be a
good idea to do this first to save the original values before you start
CIVEDX load values1
will read in the tables from values1 and allow you to display and modify
those values. The Update menu choice will then update CIV.EXE. You must use
Update function to write the values1 tables to the EXE file (values1 will
not be updated).
CIVEDX dump info.txt
will read in the tables from CIV.EXE, write them out to the text file
info.txt, then exit back to DOS (no sign-on screen, no menu).
You can modify the following Military Unit values in CIV.EXE or in a
saved game file.
Rep - Tech replacement. This field determines what tech advance replaces
the unit. A value of 127 means the unit is never replaced by a tech
advance (it stays available for the rest of the game). The numbers 0
through 66 represent the various tech advances (a numbered list is
included at the end of this file for your reference).
ASL - Unit movement Type (0 = Land, 1 = Air, 2 = Sea)
Mov - Movement allowance
M - Movement modifier (0 = none, 1 = return to base or die, 2 = return to
base after 1 turn out)
Atk - Attack value
Def - Defense value
Cost - Resource (shield) Cost (divided by 10, 1 = 10, 5 = 50, 12 = 120, etc.)
Vis - Visibility (0 = adjacent, 2 = 2 squares, 3 = 2 squares at sea)
Carry - Capacity (number of units it can carry, note that transport units must
be on a sea square to have units embark - the following field may have
to be a 5 in order to be a transport type?)
Spc - (all I can say is that a 6 allows you movement through
enemy zones of control, transports have a 5 here)
Tech Required - The tech required in order to be able to build this unit. You
can press the F2 key (when the cursor is in this field) to get
a choice list of tech advances (sorry I didn't do this for the
Rep field but the screen would've gotten unwieldy).
You can modify the following City Improvement values in CIV.EXE
Cost - Resource (shield) cost to build this improvement.
Maint - Maintenance cost per turn.
Tech Required - The tech required in order to be able to build this
improvement. You can press the F2 key (when the cursor is in
this field) to get a choice list of tech advances.
You can modify the following Terrain values CIV.EXE.
Cost - Movement cost.
Def - Defense modifier. (2 = 0%, 3 = 50%, 4 = 100%, 6 = 200%, others ?).
Food - Base food production before the effects of irrigation. You will
notice some of the terrain is repeated. The first 12 are the primary
terrain types and the second 12 are the secondary types that can be
found within the first 12. You'll notice some duplication of names;
the first 'Game' corresponds to the Game found in Forest, the second
Game in Tundra, etc.
NOTE: Changing food production for most of the primary terrain types
to greater than 1 will cause the secondary terrain type not to display
on the civ screen (when you right click on a terrain square). The
secondary terrain type (Game for Forest, Coal for Hills, etc.)
will produce the amounts you change them to, they just won't
display on the terrain information screen in the game if the primary
has food > 1 except for Grasslands.).
Prod - Base resource production before the effects of mining.
Trade - Base trade value before the effects of roads or government type.
To make a unit transport other units, set its unit type to 2 (or set it to
1 to move over land & sea) and its special attribute to 5. The unit will have
to be on a sea square to take on passengers and the unit may even disappear
occasionally (it's still there though). I haven't tried increasing the number
of units a transport can carry to more than 8 so I don't know what happens.
Just keep in mind that the other civs utilize the enhancements to units also
so changing the attack or defense values is a two edged sword (watch out if
Genghis gets those awesome tanks you create).
NOTE: There are some strange interactions between movement and attack values
for fighters, bombers and nukes. The values I've found to work for fighters
are movement <= 30 with attack between 4 and 8. For bombers I've found
movement and attack pairs of 12,30 (move = 12, atk = 30) 20,40 and 30,60.
The only two combinations I found for nukes are move = 35, attack = 225 and
move = 40 with attack = 250. There are some other values that will work but
there are some combinations that don't work very well. I haven't been able
to figure out why.
NOTE: When you start a new game, the Unit values are taken from the table in
CIV.EXE. When you load a saved game, the game uses the Unit values in the
save game file. Changes that you make to the Unit values take effect for new
games (and any saved game from that new game). Changes to City Improvements
and Terrain take effect on both new games and any saved games.
New NOTE: To see effects of unit changes immediately, you can use the saved
game editor. I think the new changes might take effect only on new units
built though.
You can change the following traits for leaders in CIV.EXE
Trait 1 - Aggressive or Friendly or None (Use the F2 key for choices)
Trait 2 - Expansionist or Perfectionist or None (Use the F2 key for choices)
Trait 3 - Civilized or Militaristic or None (Use the F2 key for choices)
I've tested it on both the original version and version 3 EXE files and it
appears to work ok on both (you can export a table from one version and
import it to the other version if you want). range checking in order to allow
experimentation. Please keep in mind that this utility updates the CIV.EXE
program file so PLEASE BACK IT UP FIRST. I do recommend the first thing you
do is
CIVEDX save original.val
so you can easily restore the original tables.
My thanks to Bill Larkins, Avenger and a few others for helping me figure
out some of the fields in the tables.
Any questions or comments can be directed to:
Steven J. Cotellesse
List of Tech advances and their corresponding number
0 Alphabet
1 Code of Laws
2 Currency
3 Atomic Theory
4 Democracy
5 Monarchy
6 Astronomy
7 MapMaking
8 Navigation
9 Mathematics
10 Medicine
11 Physics
12 Engineering
13 University
14 Magnetism
15 Electronics
16 Masonry
17 Bronze Working
18 Iron Working
19 Bridge Building
20 Invention
21 Computers
22 Writing
23 Steam Engine
24 Trade
25 Ceremonial Burial
26 Mysticism
27 Nuclear Fission
28 Philosophy
29 Religion
30 Literacy
31 Horseback Riding
32 Feudalism
33 The Wheel
34 Gunpowder
35 Industrialization
36 Chemistry
37 Combustion
38 Flight
39 Advanced Flight
40 Space Flight
41 Mass Production
42 Pottery
43 Communism
44 The Republic
45 Construction
46 Rocketry
47 The Corporation
48 Metallurgy
49 RailRoad
50 Nuclear Power
51 Theory of Gravity
52 Steel
53 Banking
54 Electricity
55 Refining
56 Explosives
57 SuperConductor
58 Automobile
59 Genetic Engineering
60 Plastics
61 Recycling
62 Chivalry
63 Robotics
64 Conscription
65 Labor Union
66 Fusion Power