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Documentation of COTRIS.EXE by Scott Abdey.
CoTris was written to be used as a Co-Op work term credit for
Fanshawe College. It took me about three weeks to write the code
using Borland C++ Version 3.0.
CoTris was written on a 386-25 MHz computer and also tested on
a 286-10 MHz Epson Equity III+ with a SoundBlaster card.
The Game
CoTris is designed around the Tetris concept with a few
differences. First, there is a few additional shapes which will
make things more difficult. Second, the objects can be rotated
both clockwise and counter-clockwise. Third, the size of the well
has been increased to 18 by 16.
The object of the game is to clear lines by filling in the
well with blocks which randomly begin falling from the top. Using
the keyboard, you can direct the object to the location which you
desire near the bottom of the well.
The Hardware Screen
This screen SHOULD accurately show detection of a Joystick and
a Mouse, which will be used in future versions. During testing, it
was noted that on some Leverton AT's, a joystick was detected when
none was present.
If this screen is, in your opinion, incorrect, please write to
me so that I may be able to fix the problem. Make sure to send me
any information on your setup that you may feel would help (sound
boards, RAM boards, or any other add on card installed in your
machine), my address is listed below.
To exit this screen and continue to the Title/Option screen,
press any key.
Title/Option Screen
This screen allows you to change certain game options and
displays the title graphic and other information. If left alone,
the computer will swith between this screen and the High Score
The options available are: P - play the game
L - load saved game
S - toggle sound ON/OFF
Q - quit to DOS
The Playing Screen
The well is displayed in the middle of the sreen an the game
begins. See Keyboard Control to find out how to move the objects.
Your current LEVEL is located at the top of the well. For
every 10 lines created, your level (and speed) increases. The top
left corner displays the next object that will appear at the top of
the well. Finally, the top right corner displays your current
SCORE and the number of LINES you have created.
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Keyboard Control
Key Function Key Function
[L Arrow] Move object LEFT [R Arrow] Move object RIGHT
[SPACE BAR] Drop object [D Arrow] Speedy Decent
[Z] Rotate [C] Rotate
Counter-Clockwise Clockwise
[ESC] Exit the Game [ALT S] Save Game
[ALT M] Sound Toggle [ALT P] Pause
The game ends when there is not enough space at the top of the
well to place the next object. At this time the GAME OVER will
appear in the centre of the screen and the program will pause for
a few seconds (press any key if you do not wish to wait). If you
have qualified for the Hall of Fame, a message will appear at the
top of the screen asking for your name (will save only the first 19
Each of the objects has a value between 5 and 15 points, which
is added to your score upon contact with another object. Filling a
line is worth 100 points * your current level. Filling four lines
at once will give you an additional bonus of 1000 points.
The Hall of Fame
This screen displays the top ten scores of CoTris. The
program will again pause to allow you to view the list (or press
any key to return to the Title/Option screen).
Registering and Distributing
This game may be redistributed in any form as long as the
following four files are included: COTRIS.EXE, COTRIS.HS,
COTRIS.CFG, and COTRIS.DOC. COTRIS.SAV is an optional Saved Game.
Because this game was created to fulfill a co-op requirement,
I am not expecting to get rich from it. I would however like to
hear from anyone who tries this game, whether you find it good or
If you wish to receive information on other games and updates
to this game (like AdLib/SoundBlaster sound, and mouse and joystick
support), please register your copy of CoTris by completing the
attached form and including a $5.00 donation to:
N5R 4H9
CoTris V1.2
Program Registration Form
(Please Print)
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City/Prov: ___________________________ ________________
Postal Code: ___________________
Computer: 8086/8088 80286
80386 80486
Video: CGA EGA
Disk Size: 5 ¼" DD 3 ½" DD
5 ¼" HD 3 ½" HD
Sound: PC Speaker AdLib
SoundBlaster Other: __________________
Comments: ________________________________________________