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The American Naturist Hypertext Guide - Shareware Version
Copyright 1992, Craig S. Miller
Published and Distributed by Web-Man Publications
P.O. Box 60562, Sacramento, California, 95860-0562
The American Naturist Hypertext Guide is a result of several years of
information gathering about naturist and nudist organizations in the
United States. Basic information about clubs, groups, SIGs, and other
social outlets for the naturist lifestyle has been maintained in a
computer database, and is now shared with those interested in a form of
communication know as 'hypertext.'
Hypertext enables the reader to easily move around the entire guide
and locate information quickly. Hypertext can be mastered with little
or no computer knowledge.
Naturist contacts are presented in this guide in a similar fashion as
one would find on a business card; names, addresses, phone numbers,
and names of persons to contact. In addition, categories are provided
to give a better understanding as to the focus of the contact, brief
membership information listed, newsletter name and publishing period
where applicable, and known affiliations with national naturist
organizations listed.
The Software
The American Naturist Hypertext Guide comes in two versions; the
Shareware Version and the Commercial Version.
The Shareware Version contains a total of 144 naturist & nudist
associations, clubs, and resorts.
The Commercial Version contains 523 naturist associations, clubs, and
resorts as well as Special Interest Groups (SIGs), groups, bed &
breakfast, campgrounds, publications, and other recreational and
leisure interests.
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The American Naturist Hypertext Guide - Shareware Version is a
copyrighted software product developed and owned by Web-Man
Publications and is protected by United States and international
copyright law. All rights reserved. You are granted a license to use
this copy of The American Naturist Hypertext Guide - Shareware Version
only under the terms and conditions specified in the license.
You may use The American Naturist Hypertext Guide - Shareware Version
on a single computer for an evaluation period of 30 days. After 30
days, you are required to either register your copy by sending payment
as listed on the order form or cease using this product.
Registered users of the Shareware version will receive a disk of The
American Naturist Hypertext Guide - Shareware Version, technical
support, and notification of new products.
Users who elect to purchase the Commercial version will receive a disk
of The American Naturist Hypertext Guide (complete with all 523
entries), and a quick-start reference card. Purchasers of the
Commercial version will also receive technical support and notification
of new products.
The American Naturist Hypertext Guide - Shareware Version may not be
sold or otherwise included as part of a larger system, or as a part of
a more inclusive product or service, without express written consent
and license from Web-Man Publications. The rights to receive any
financial or other benefit, and to modify the product or employ its
components in any kind of derivative work, are reserved exclusively by
Web-Man Publications. You may not reverse-engineer, disassemble,
modify, decompile, or create derivative works of The American Naturist
Hypertext Guide - Shareware Version.
Shareware disk vendors are hereby granted a license to distribute
copies of The American Naturist Hypertext Guide - Shareware Version
for a copy fee not to exceed five U.S. dollars, as long as the
vendor's shareware catalog clearly states the shareware concept.
Web-Man Publications reserves the right to revoke this license for any
vendor who violates the trust and good faith of its customers or
Web-Man Publications.
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Limited Warranty
This product is licensed "as is" without any warranty of any kind,
including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose, all of which are expressly
disclaimed. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied
warranties, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
In no event shall Web-Man Publications, or any of its affiliates,
officers, directors, employees, shareholders, or other related parties
be liable to you or any third party for consequential or incidental
damages, including but not limited to any lost profits, or loss of
goodwill, arising in connection with the use of or inability to use
this product, or any part there of, even if Web-Man Publications has
been apprised of the likelihood of such damages occurring. Some states
do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental
or consequential damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you.
System Requirements
To use The American Naturist Hypertext Guide you will need the
following hardware and software:
- IBM PC or compatible computer
- DOS 2.1 or greater
- Any monitor (monochrome. CGA, EGA, VGA)
- 45 to 58K memory
The American Naturist Hypertext Guide will run in any text mode
and supports most display sizes.
To start, type 'hh anhg92' at the DOS command prompt. Monochrome users
may wish to disable the colors by typing 'hh -m anhg92' (force
monochrome mode).
Help is available by pressing the 'H' key or the F1 function key.
Moving the Cursor
Use the arrow keys, plus PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End to move and scroll.
To select text, use same keys plus shift key.
To move between links, press the TAB or SPACE (forward) or SHIFT_TAB
or BACKSPACE (backward). Press ENTER to select link.
Press ENTER to activate the link under the cursor, or to search for a
card matching the topic at the cursor.
Press ESC exit. Press F1 or H for help.
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Additional Key Commands
U Undo the last jump
R Redo the last jump undone
B Go backwards on the bookmark tape
F Go forwards on the bookmark tape
T Go to the top of the current section
Ctrl-Home Table of Contents/current card toggle
H, F1 Display the Help card
O Open a different hypertext deck
E Export card text
P Print card text
Shift-Ins Paste card text to foreground
PgUp Go to the previous page
PgDn Go to the next page
Ctrl-PgUp Go to the card before this one
Ctrl-PgDn Go to the card after this one
S Search for topics
Q, Esc, Ctrl-Esc Quit the browser
Z Zoom the window size
Space, Tab Move forward to next visible link
BackSpace, Shift-Tab Move backward to next visible link
Alt-Space Activate first menu link
F10 Go to menu
Alt-<X> Activate menu entry having <X> as bold letter
Note: Lower case works for letter commands as well.
Links within the Cards
On each card, you will see a menu along the top line of the screen.
Each of these menu links connects to other cards or functions.
You will also find links within the text which also connect to other
cards or functions.
These links are evident by their color. To move between them with a
keyboard, use the TAB (forward) or SHIFT-TAB (backward). You can try
it out on this card, and press ENTER to select any link. Mouse users
may move the cursor to any link and click to activate the link.
Menu Links
The following commands are available directly by the top-line menu
links. Other functions are available; see Additional Key Commands.
≡ Shows the Title Screen
Contents Shows the Table of Contents
Next Card Displays the Next Card
Prev. Card Displays the Previous Card
Go back Jumps back to the last card seen
Help Help system
Search Bring up Topic Search Dialog Box
Print Prints current card
Quit Quits the guide; returns to DOS
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Card Topics
You can select any text on any screen to see if there any other cards
which contain the same topic. On the contact cards, the highlighted
items are the most likely to be able to be linked to other cards.
However, any text on any screen may be selected and will attempt a
match. Simply position the cursor over the word or phrase and press
ENTER. If there is a card which contains that topic, it will be
presented. In the case where there are many cards containing that
topic, you will be shown a list which you may choose from.
Searching the Cards
By pressing 'S' or selecting 'Search' from the menu, you can attempt
to find topics of your choice throughout the cards.
After selecting Search, you will be presented with a Topic Search box.
Decide if the letters you will search for will be a
(P)refix String entered is treated as a prefix
(S)ubstring String entered is treated as a substring
(L)ast Search A topic pick list window will pop up with the
cursor at the last topic searched
Printing & Exporting Cards & Text
To print the card being displayed, press the 'P' key, or select the
PRINT menu link.
A dialog box will pop up; type in the name of the printer you would
like to print to. You have the following choices:
PRN The default printer
LPT1 The printer on the LPT1 port
LPT2 The printer on the LPT2 port
To export, or copy, the current card to a file, press the 'E' key.
A popup dialog box appear. You will be prompted for an output file
name. (A default file of savecard.txt is used.) After entering a file
name, you may press return to export the card or press ESC to cancel
the operation.
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Using Bookmarks
You can place a "bookmark" whenever you wish to save your place. Using
bookmarks, you can go and explore other cards, and easily return to
the card where the bookmark was placed.
To place a bookmark, simply press the 'M' key. You may place multiple
bookmarks. To go back to the last bookmark placed, press the 'B' key
(for BACK). Repeatedly pressing 'B' takes you to each bookmark you've
placed, in order of latest to earliest. Pressing the 'F' key (for
FORWARD) takes you in reverse order.
You can store up to 7 bookmarks.
Feedback from Readers
You opinion is valued! We'd like to hear you thoughts about the
American Naturist Hypertext Guide. Send your comments, questions, or
suggestions to;
Web-Man Publications
P.O. Box 60562
Sacramento, CA 95860-0562
Web-Man Publications will attempt to improve The American Naturist
Hypertext Guide to accommodate the needs of it's reader. We appreciate
your interest!
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About Web-Man Publications
The American Naturist Hypertext Guide is distributed and produced by
Web-Man Publications. It was created using HyperHelper v3.03, a
HyperText Development System by Azarona Software.
Web-Man Publications offers a variety of HyperText development
services for the IBM or compatible computer:
=========== ==========
Help Systems Employee Handbooks
Documentation Office Procedures
Program Libraries Forms Instructions
========= ====================
Tutorials & Lessons Manuals & Instructions
Classroom/Lab Procedures Reference Systems
Assignments & Handouts Electronic Books
======================= ===================
References Systems On-Line Catalogs
Program Cheat-Sheets Promotional Material
Electronic Newsletters Product Announcements
Web-Man Publications can transform your 'flat-file' text information
into a multi-dimensional, context-sensitive retrieval system. Using
HyperText technology, your reading audience will no longer need to
deal with the frustration of thumbing through documentation. Within a
few keystrokes, the reader can take any of a number of paths to seek
information, using his or her own logic, not the writer's. No more
dog-eared pages, book markers... or even a need for printed documents!
Call or Write for a Free Quote.
Web-Man Publications
P.O. Box 60562
Sacramento, CA 95860-0562
Phone (916) 486-0756 (Voice)
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Order Form
Name __________________________________ Phone _____________________
Address __________________________________
City _________________ State ___ Zip _________________
Product # Price Ea. Total
The American Naturist
Hypertext Guide - Shareware ___ X $10.00 = ________
The American Naturist
Hypertext Guide - Commercial ___ X $15.00 = ________
Total Enclosed ________
Indicate disk size desired: [ ] 5-1/4" (360K) [ ] 3-1/2" (740K)
Please tell us how you found this product:
[ ] BBS (name) ___________________ [ ] Friend
[ ] Other ____________________________________________________________
Mail completed form with payment to:
Web-Man Publications
P.O. Box 60562
Sacramento, CA 95860-0562
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