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352 lines
David W. Ostler
Distributed By:
Enchanted Tree Software
901 Ferndale Blvd.
High Point, NC 27262
Who uses Enchanted Tree Software?
The following professions are current users of Enchanted Tree Software:
General Contractors
Maintence Engineers
Trade Schools Instructors
University Professors
Heating and Air-conditioning engineers
Health Clinics
High School & College Teachers
Chemical Engineers
The following companies are current users of Enchanted Tree Software:
Bassett Furniture
Exxon Corporation
Hawiian Pacific University
Northhampton School District
Peekskill City School District
State University of New York College
Good Samaritan Healthcare Center
United States Government
As well others, too many to list by name:
Sheet Metal Companies
Heating and Air-conditioning Companies
Trade Schools
Files found on this disk:
BTU.BAT --------> Batch file to start BTU Analysis program.
BTUSW.EXE ------> Main program.
BTURHLP.SLB ----> Help files screen library.
BTUSWMNU.EXE ---> BTU Utilities/Menu program.
BTURSCRN.SLB ---> Main program screen library.
BTUSW.BTU ------> BTU shareware data save file.
READ.ME --------> This file you are reading. (Quirks, tips, etc file.)
BTU310.SWR -----> version file.
REGISTER.DOC ---> Registration for for BTU Analysis programs.
BTURES1.DAT ----> Print-out sample file for residential report type 1.
BTURES2.DAT ----> Print-out sample file for residential report type 2.
BTURES3.DAT ----> Print-out sample file for residential report type 3.
BTUCOM1.DAT ----> Print-out sample file for residential report type 1.
BTUCOM2.DAT ----> Print-out sample file for residential report type 2.
BTUCOM3.DAT ----> Print-out sample file for residential report type 3.
To boot the program just type "BTU" from the disk and follow the prompts.
Update 1.1.0:
This version has been enhanced so that the current system time and date
is currently displayed for your convenience.
Update 1.2.0:
This version corrects a cosmetic defect and upgrades the software to dis-
play the title page in VGA, EGA and CGA mode.
Update 1.3.0
This version corrects a bug that caused the mis-calculation of the CFM
for both Heating and cooling modes. It also is the first release with the
new ZIP code for Enchanted Tree Software.
Update 2.0.0
We have listened to our critics and users and have incorporated the most
accepted method of analysis. The manual J is used for data input factors and
for calculation methods. This will result in a more acceptable method of
analysis. The printout feature found only with the registered version also
lists the construction features and heat loss/gain factors as well as the
BTU's lost/gained through area in the structure.
Update 2.0.1
This version has been issued to accomodate those who have defective
keyboards or are impatient when the screens are loaded. A defective keyboard
may issue more than one keystroke at a time, therefore causing improper data
entry or program looping. Therefore, no keyboard input will be recognized
until the program has fully loaded each screen and the beep has sounded for
each data field.
This version will also allow an analysis of an area that does not have
an outside wall, i.e. a large interior hallway or room.
Update 2.1.0
This version has been issued to accomodate those users who do not like
the beeper routines. These routines were needed to inform the user that data
could be entered after the screen was loaded from the library. The program now
runs either with the beeps on or off. It also fixes a bug that wiped out two
data elements that were needed for roofs on exposed beams or rafters.
This version also incorporates, for registered users only, password pro-
tection, ON-SITE SURVEY print-outs, automatic loading of Company or individual
doing analysis data, and personalizing the copy for the user.
Update 2.1.1
This version has been issued to improve calculation performance.
Update 2.2.0
This version has been issued to fix bugs introduced in previous
Update 2.3.0
This version has been issued to fix bugs found in the concrete on grade
floors, and the registered version has an improved file handling feature that
limits the number of files found on the disk only by that of disk space. The
results can now be printed to various printer ports and to disk. The on-site
survey sheet can also be printed to the the various printer ports. This ver-
sion also eliminates the graphics title page, thus saving disk space.
Update 3.0.0
This is a major upgrade release. This update gives the user the ability
to select the use for the area in a commercial analysis, and new construction
features to select from, and much, much more!
Due to these major changes, the price of the BTU Analysis and BTU Analysis
Plus programs have increased. We have tried to keep the costs of such quality
programming low, but after three years the price does have to rise to allow us
to continue to update and improve the programs. The cost of the BTU Analysis
program has increased from $104.95 to $149.95, and the BTU Analysis Plus pro-
gram has increased from $159.95 to $259.95.
Update 3.1.0
This upgrade changes the CFM and fixes a bug in the infiltration calcs.
The registered version also has been changed to print properly on laser print-
This version of BTU Analysis is setup for the Shareware market. We
believe that you should try before you buy. Therefore we are issuing this
version of BTU Analysis.
This software is NOT FREE!! You are expected to pay for it if you wish to
use it. The fees collected from this program will be used to help develop
other useful and user-friendly programs.
You may use this software for 10 days without registering it. To continue
to use it after 10 days without registering it constitutes a copyright vio-
lation and is unlawful.
We strongly advise, if you use it. Pay for it!
The registration fee for BTU Analysis is $149.95 or $259.95 for BTU Analysis
Registered users will receive the registered version of BTU Analysis.
This version has utility features incorporated into it that allows SIX
types of hardcopy reporting of results, automated data file backups, user
data file saves, ON-SITE survey programmed print-outs, password protection,
automatic company data load and save, and program personalizing, and much
Registered users are the only users that will receive update notices,
and software support.
To see the kind of reports that are possible with the registered version,
just type PRINT BTURES1.DAT, at the DOS prompt before booting the BTU Analisys
program. There are three levels of reporting with two kinds of reports for
each level. Therefore you must print BTURES1-3.DAT to see the residential re-
ports possible and print BTUCOM1-3.DAT to see the commercial reports.
BTU Analysis Plus is an enhanced, commercial version of BTU Analysis.
This program uses the same user interface along with enhancements that make
it more useful for professionals in HVAC and Contracting.
The program enhancements include the ability to print to LPT1, LPT2, LPT3,
or DISK. The files when printed to disk are in pure ASCII so that importing
into CADD or Word Processing programs are easy.
The program allows the variance of the moisture content of the air for
cooling loading, outside ventilation, miscellaneous heat gains and losses,
and custom R designs for ceilings and walls!
In the commercial section the area is analyzed by selecting the activity
that the area is going to be used for. i.e. Residence, Office, Factory, etc.
The BTU Analysis Plus program purchase price is $259.95.
Enough of that, this program is designed to simplify the process of
sizing heating and cooling units that are to be used in commercial and res-
idential applications.
If you have ever tried to calculate the heat loss or gain of a structure
before you know that it is very difficult. This program asks for the par-
ameters necessary for the calculations and then performs the calculations for
The program will translate the cooling into Tons as well as BTU's and will
give the cfm necessary for proper cooling or heating of the area analyzed.
The program is chocked full of help screens and features that make it a
pleasure to operate.
Floppy disk users may have to install a CONFIG.SYS file with some buffers
and files statements for the program to load and run successfully.
Example CONFIG.SYS file
FILES = 10