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~90To move up and down through the log, use these keys:~70
~;0@07 ~70» To move the ~07highlight~70 up or down one entry
~;0@05Home ~70» To move the ~07highlight~70 to the first entry on the screen
~;0@06End ~70» To move the ~07highlight~70 to the last entry on the screen
~;0@05PgUp ~70» To display the previous page of log entries
~;0@05PgDn ~70» To display the next page of log entries
~;0Ctrl+Home ~70» To move to the very first entry in the log
~;0 Ctrl+End ~70» To move to the very last entry in the log
~90Push the first letter of these Commands to perform them:~70
~;0@12A~30dd ~70» To add a new log entry at the end of the log
~;0@09I~30nsert ~70» To insert a new log entry just before the ~07highlighted~70 one
~;0@04V~30iew or ~;0─┘~70 » To display the details of the ~07highlighted~70 entry
~;0@11E~30dit ~70» To display & edit the details of ~07highlighted~70 entry
~;0@09D~30elete ~70» To delete the ~07highlighted~70 entry
~;0@11S~30ort ~70» To sort the log, recalculate ^06's, and scan PM due
~;0@10P~30Mdue ~70» To show when required Preventive Maintenance is next due
~;0@09R~30eport ~70» To generate reports to the screen, printer, or file
~;0@11F~30orm ~70» To print an inspection form on printer
~;0@11M~30isc ~70» To access various miscellaneous functions
~;0@11H~30elp ~70» To display this screen
~;0@11X~30fer ~70» To switch to a different ^10 or create new one
~;0@11Q~30uit ~70» To exit the program
~;0@06Ctrl+Q~30uit ~70» To exit the program & backup log files O`~90Chris' Automobile Recorder General Information~70
~;0C.A.R is Shareware, so YOU MUST REGISTER IT if you use it more than 30 days.
This is AT NO COST, see file REGISTER.TXT. No one may register it for you.~70
C.A.R. is zero-fee ASP Shareware. ~;0NO FEE MAY BE CHARGED TO USE C.A.R.~70
No one may "sell" you C.A.R. They can charge you up to $5 to make you a copy.
They may charge you any fee you agree upon to set up the program for you,
and to help you use the program. Support is also available from C.A.T., see
This program, all related files, and manual are Copyright 1990,1991,1992 by:
Cooney Applied Technology@15Compuserve EMAIL [71001,1370]
P.O. Box 2039@27Prodigy EMAIL [TVJM07A]
Kettering, OH 45429-0039.@14All rights reserved.
Unless this software is marked ß or Beta Test, you are granted a license to use
C.A.R. provided you register as a user within 30 days of starting your use.
You may freely distribute it as long as no charge other than a physical or
telecommunications media and distribution charge is made not exceeding
$5.00 US, and the program and files are not modified and are the original and
complete set, without addition, in the form of the original CAR13 file.
This program cannot be included as part of a commercial package or distributed
through the sale of another program without the written permission of C.A.T. +~90Misc. Functions Menu~70
To change the setup for this particular ^10, select ~;0Change The Setup For~70
on the menu. This includes how the ^03 is estimated, what date
range is used for expense calculations, default values, Preventative
Maintenance & Inspection schedules, log type, ^10 information, and more.
To change how this program works (date format, number format, foreign currency
setup, printer port, etc.) for all the ^10s which are kept in this disk
directory, select ~;0Change How The C.A.R. Program Works~70.
Select ~;0Change Address & Telephone for Forms~70 to enter or change an
address and telephone number(s) that will appear on service request forms.
For more information on ~;0Compress Log File~70, select it and push ~;0[F1]
Select ~;0DOS Shell~70 to get an MS-DOS prompt without exiting the C.A.R.
program. Then type ~;0EXIT~70 at a DOS prompt to return to C.A.R.
z~90Change Setup Menu~70
Select either of the first two selections, ~;0Change How Your ^03
~;0is Estimated~70 or ~;0Change the Date When Expense Calculations Begin~70 for
more information on them.
Select ~;0Set Default Values for Entries~70 to set things that are always or
often the same, such as where you buy fuel.
Select ~;0Change PM Schedule or ^10 Information~70 to edit the
Preventative Maintenance & Inspection Schedule, to change the log type, and
to change information such as the VIN number or the ^10 title.
Select ~;0Setup Custom Entries For This ^10~70 to setup up to four custom
log entries for this ^10.
Select ~;0Set How Many Days-In-Advance Warnings Will Be Given~70 to set
how far in advance you will be warned of impending PM or Inspections.
~?0Note that everything on this menu is set just for this ^10. It can be
~?0set differently for each Vehicle or Machine you use C.A.R. with. )~90Change How The C.A.R. Program Works~70
The last three entries on the menu are for use in setting up C.A.R. to work
with non-USA currency. If you live in the USA, you can just let them be.
See the Users Manual for details. C.A.R. needs to know three things:
The entry for ~;0Currency Symbol~70 is the one or two characters that
C.A.R. will place in front of money amounts you enter. For example, in the USA
we use dollars, which is the ~;0$~70 symbol. A 12 dollar expense would be shown
as ~;0$~7012.00. Enter the one or two characters for your currency.
The entry for ~;0Fractional Currency Symbol~70 is the one or two characters that
C.A.R. will use when displaying your costs of operation per ^07.
For example, in the USA our smaller unit of currency is the Cent (100 Cents =
1 Dollar), and the symbol is ~;0¢~70. If you used this symbol and it cost 6.5 cents
for fuel for every kilometer you drove, your fuel cost would be 6.5 ~;0¢~70/K
(cents per kilometer). Enter the one or two characters for your currency.
The entry for ~;0Currency Divider~70 is how many of the Fractional Currency
Symbol make up the Currency Symbol. For example, in the USA ~;0100~70 cents
make up one dollar. Enter the number for your currency.
Push these keys for these symbols: [F5] ~;0¢~70@04[F6] ~;0£~70@04[F7] ~;0¥~70@04[F8] ~;0₧~70 ~90Set Default Values~70
If you wish, you can have certain items pre-entered for you on new log entry
forms, things that are often the same time after time, by making entries here.
This is called a ~;0default~70. For example, if you always buy the same brand
of fuel, you could have this brand already entered when you record a fuel
purchase. You are not forced to use it, however, and can always change it to
what you want.
If you put a "Y" next to ~;0Use Today's Date~70, the current date will appear
as the date entry on new log entry forms.
If you enter a number for ~;0New ^03 Adder~70, then that number will be added to
the ^03 value entered when making a ~;0new~70 entry to the log.
This is useful if your ^03 was replaced (enter the ^01 at replacement)
or if the ^03 "turned over" (enter 100,000, etc.).
If you make an entry for ~;0Backup Directory~70 then both C.A.R. files for
the current ^10 will be copied to that directory when the program is
exited using ~;0[Ctrl+Q]~70. E~90Change How The C.A.R. Program Works~70
If ~;0Y~70 is entered for ~;0Force Mono Display~70, the program will make itself viewable
on a Monochrome monitor even if a color card (CGA, EGA, or VGA) is sensed.
If ~;0Y~70 is entered for ~;0Don't Use Blue Text~70, the program will not use
~90blue text~70 for headings and other uses. This is useful for those users
whose monitors do not produce readable blue text, and to eliminate underlined
text on Mono Displays.
If ~;0Y~70 is entered for ~;0Epson Compatible Printer~70, the program will send
commands like bold print that only Epson compatible printers understand.
Set this to ~;0N~70 if you get messed up printouts and don't own an Epson.
If ~;0Y~70 is entered for ~;0Print Line Dwg Characters~70, the program
will print forms and logs using the ~;0┌──────┬──────┐~70 characters.
Set this to ~;0N~70 if italic characters appear on printed reports.
Enter the ~;0Printer~70 you want printed output to go to: LPT1, LPT2, or PRN.
If ~;0Y~70 is entered for ~;0European Dates~70, the program will display and
accept dates only in the DD/MM/YY (Day/Month/Year) format.
If ~;0Y~70 is entered for ~;0European Values~70, the program will display and
accept numbers in the "European" format, example: ~;01.234.567,89~70
Enter either ~;0/~70 or ~;0.~70 for ~;0Date Seperator~70 depending on how you want to
enter and display dates, ~;011/12/91~70 or ~;011.12.91~70. í;~90Add/Insert Entry to Log~70
To add or insert an entry in the log, select the type of entry from the list
by pushing the letter or number listed before it.
If you select ~;0PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE~70, you will be asked to select a
specific Preventative Maintenance item from a second list.
Press the ~;0[Esc]~70 key if you don't want to add anything to the log. ç~90Select P.M. Type~70
Select the specific P.M. item that was performed from the list by pressing
the letter or number listed before it. °i~90Entry Out Of Sequence Warning~70
The entry you just made or edited appears to be out of sequence either by
date or by ^03 reading (as specified in the warning message).
If the entry has a date, look to see if an entry with an earlier date follows
it, or an entry with a later date precedes it.
If the entry has an ^03 reading, look to see if an entry with a lower
reading follows it, or an entry with a higher reading precedes it. tw~90Edit/Add Log Entry~70
Edit or fill out the displayed log entry form. You may move from blank to
blank on the form by using these keys:
~;0[]~70 or ~;0[─│]~70 or ~;0[Tab]~70 or ~;0[Enter]~70 or ~;0[─┘]~70@04to move to the ~;0next blank~70
~;0[]~70 or ~;0[│─]~70 or ~;0[Shift+Tab]~70@14to move to the ~;0previous blank~70
To edit the entry in a blank use these keys:
~;0[─] (left arrow)~70 to move the cursor to the left
~;0[─]~70@15to move the cursor to the right
~;0[──] (backspace)~70 to delete the character left of the cursor
~;0[Del]~70@14to delete the character at the cursor
~;0[In]s~70@14to switch between ~;0Insert~70 and ~;0Overwrite~70 modes
In ~;0Insert~70 mode, characters you type will be inserted where the cursor is.
In ~;0Overwrite~70 mode, characters you type will replace what is already there.
The date field of entries may also be changed using the ~;0[+]~70 and ~;0[-]~70 keys.
When everything is correct, push ~;0[F10]~70 to store the entry in the log.
If you don't want to put this entry in the log, or you don't want the changes
you have made editing an entry, push ~;0[Esc]~70. ºQ~90Edit/Add Log Entry (General)~70
Most items are optional and may be left blank, except:
∙ An entry must have at least a ~;0date~70 or an ~;0^03~70 reading.
∙ Certain items must have an ~;0^03~70 reading, such as a P.M. item that is
@04scheduled by ^03.
∙ Certain items must have a ~;0date~70, such as a P.M. item that is scheduled by
∙ ^02 of fuel must be supplied for fuel purchases. ~;0Always~70 enter ~;0Y~70 for
@04~;0Fill-up~70 if you did fill up the tank. If the ^03 reading is entered
@04for Fillups, ^06 fuel economy will be calculated.
@04If the ^06 calculation would be wrong because of missed fuel purchase
@04log entries, enter ~;0Y~70 for the ~;0Skip Calculation~70 entry.
@04Leaving it blank is the same as entering "N".
∙ Dates must be entered in ~;0MM/DD/YY~70 format, examples: 12/25/88 2/4/85
@04(If European date mode is selected, use ~;0DD/MM/YY~70 format)
@04(If the date separator is set to ~;0.~70 then ~;0MM.DD.YY~70 or ~;0DD.MM.YY~70)
∙ Do not put ~;0^14~70 in front of amounts you enter. ∙~90Statistics~70
~;0 Statistics Starting~70 This is the date and ^03 from when you
~;0@05Date & ^03~70 bought the ^10, or what you entered for
@22the expense calculation starting point on the
@22Misc. Functions menu
~;0@07^08 To Date~70 This is (Today's estimated ^03)
@22minus the (Statistics Starting ^03)
~;0@15Years~70 The number of years since the Statistics Starting Date
~;0 ^08 Per Year Avg.~70 (^08 Traveled) / (Years)
~;0 ^08 Per Day Avg.~70 (^08 Per Year) / 365
~;0^02 of Fuel Used~70 Total of all fuel purchases since
@22Statistics Starting ^03, ^08 till last fillup
~;0@05Overall Average~70 (^02 of Fuel Used) divided by (^03 at
@22Last Fuel Purchase - Starting Statistics ^03)
@22Today's estimated ^03 is not used since you have
@22yet to buy the fuel used since the last purchase. The
@22last purchase ^03 will be estimated if not supplied. b~90PM Report~70
This screen shows a list of all of the Preventative Maintenance items and
Inspections that are scheduled for your ^10, along with how often they
are due and when they are next due.
If you have a color display the items will be colored based on when they are
next due, and based on how many days in advance you have asked C.A.R. to
remind you. This is typically 30 days in advance for 1st Reminder, 7 days in
advance for 2nd Reminder. See ~;0Set How Many Days-In-Advance Warnings Will
~;0be Given~70 on ~;0Change Setups~70 menu to set them to different values.
The colors are ~?01st Reminder~70, ~>02nd Reminder~70, ~<0Overdue~70.
A first reminder is not given for things done once a month.
Monochrome displays will show soon due and overdue entries as ~?0intensified~70.
If an item is scheduled only by ^03 readings, estimated future ^03
readings will be used to see if a reminder is due.
The next due date and/or ^03 is based on the last time something was
performed. If it never has been, it is based on when the ^10 was built.
A similar display results from running C.A.R. with the "/PM" option. ÜF~90A - Add New Log Entry at End~70
Press the ~;0[A]~70 key to add a new log entry at the end of the log. This
is used when you want to add a new entry to the log, something that you just
did - something that happened after everything else already in the log.
If you want to add an entry to the log that belongs somewhere in the middle
and not on the end, press ~;0[I]~70 for the Insert function instead. You can use
the Add function instead and Sort the log, but this may be time consuming.
A customized entry form will be displayed to be filled out. When done, push
the ~;0[F10]~70 key to save the new Entry. If you do not want the new Entry,
and wish to discard the entry, push the ~;0[Esc]~70 key instead.
When you add a Fuel Entry, the fuel usage will be recorded and the ^06
calculated if it was a fill-up and an odometer is supplied.
When you add an Inspection or P.M. entry, next due dates & ^03s will be
If the ~;0New ^03 Adder~70 entry of the ~;0Defaults Menu~70 is nonzero, the entry
will be added to the ^03 reading you entered (with a low beep). ~90I - Insert New Log Entry Just Before the Highlight~70
Press the ~;0[I]~70 key to insert a new entry in the log just before the
~07highlighted~70 entry. This is used when you want to add an "old" entry to the
log, something that happened a while back and belongs somewhere in the middle
or beginning of the log. Move the ~07highlight~70 to where the entry you are
adding belongs and push ~;0[I]~70.
If you want to add a brand new entry to the log, one that belongs at the end,
you can press ~;0[A]~70 for the Add function instead.
A customized entry form will be displayed, and it should be filled out. When
done, push the ~;0[F10]~70 key to save the new Entry. If you do not want the
new Entry, and wish to discard the entry, push the ~;0[Esc]~70 key instead.
When you insert a Fuel, Inspection or P.M. entry, next due dates & ^03s
or ^06's may become incorrect. The Sort function should be used to
correct any possible problems. A reminder will be given by the program.
If the ~;0New ^03 Adder~70 entry of the ~;0Defaults Menu~70 is nonzero, the entry
will be added to the ^03 reading you entered (with a low beep).
~90V or ─┘ - View a Log Entry~70
Press the ~;0[V]~70 or ~;0[─┘]~70 (Enter) key to display the details of the
entry currently ~07highlighted~70 in the log.
The entry can only be viewed and cannot be changed in any way.
To change an entry push the ~;0[E]~70 key for the Edit function. ┴~90E - Edit a Log Entry~70
Press the ~;0[E]~70 key to edit the entry currently ~07highlighted~70 in the log.
The entry will be displayed on the original entry form and can be changed at
When done, push the ~;0[F10]~70 key to save the changed entry. If you do not
want the changes you have made, and wish the entry back as it was, push the
~;0[Esc]~70 key instead.
When you edit a Fuel, Inspection or P.M. entry, next due dates & ^03s or
^06's may become incorrect. The Sort function should be used to correct
any possible problems. A reminder will be given by the program.
To view an entry without danger of changing it, press the ~;0[V]~70 or ~;0 [─┘]~70 (Enter)
key for the View function. <;~90D - Delete Log Entry~70
To delete a log entry and permanently remove it from the log, move the
~07highlight~70 to the entry and push the ~;0[D]~70 key. The entry will be flashed
and you will be asked if you want to delete it. When asked if you are sure,
press the [Y] key and press [Enter] and the entry will be ~L0permanently discarded~70
When you delete a Fuel, Inspection or P.M. entry, next due dates & ^03s
or ^06's may become incorrect. The Sort function should be used to
correct any possible problems. A reminder will be given by the program. φp~90S - Sort Log and Show Statistics~70
Press the ~;0[S]~70 key to start the Sort Function. It will execute in three
phases or parts:
~;0Sort:~70 The entries in the log will be sorted using dates if supplied;
if not, by ^03s if supplied; if not, by estimated dates. If an entry
exists with an impossible combination of date & ^03, the program might
not ever stop sorting. Press ~;0[Esc]~70 to stop the sort without harm at
any time.
The sort might take some time, be patient, or push [Esc] to check progress.
~;0Statistics Scan & ^06 Recalculation:~70 The entries are scanned to
determine when P.M. and Inspections are next due. The ^06
for each fuel fill-up entry will be recalculated. A percentage of
completion will be displayed.
~;0Statistics Screen:~70 Operational statistics for the ^10 will be
displayed. An ^06 graph can be displayed, or the statistics printed. B7~90P - Display when Preventative Maintenance and Inspections Next Due~70
Press the ~;0[P]~70 key to display a list of the date and/or ^03 when each
Preventative Maintenance item or Inspection is next due. The list will show
all items, with those soon due or overdue highlighted and color coded.
Push ~;0[F1]~70 while the list is displayed for more information. jn~90R - Reports~70
Press the ~;0[R]~70 key to bring up the ~;0Reports~70 menu.
This menu will allow you to show overall statistics, produce various reports
on your printer, or export information to a text (ASCII) file for import to
other programs. '~90F - Print Inspection or P.M. Form on Printer~70
Press the ~;0[F]~70 key to print a copy of a blank form for an Inspection or
Preventative Maintenance log item on the printer. A list of customized
forms for each type of entry will be displayed to select from.
The form will remind you of exactly what to do, or can be given to a
Automotive Service Center to indicate what you want done. Blanks are
provided for needed information, and the information can be easily
transferred from the form to the C.A.R. program. @f~90M - Miscellaneous Functions Menu~70
Press the ~;0[M]~70 key to enter the Miscellaneous Functions Menu.
Push ~;0[F1]~70 while the menu is displayed for more information. It has
many helpful and powerful functions for all users, check it out. =c~90H - Help Screen~70
Press the ~;0[H]~70 or ~;0[F1]~70 key to access the help you are now using. É~90Q or Ctrl + Q - Quit Program~70
Press the ~;0[Q]~70 key or ~;0[Ctrl] + [Q]~70 keys to terminate the C.A.R.
program and return to the operating system.
Pressing the ~;0[Q]~70 key will immediately exit the program.
Pressing the ~;0[Ctrl] + [Q]~70 keys will cause C.A.R. to copy the C.A.R. files
for the current ^10 to another disk directory. If the ~;0Backup Directory~70
entry on the ~;0Defaults Menu~70 is not blank, that directory will be used.
If it is blank, a directory name will be asked for. c~90Print P.M. or Inspection Form On Printer~70
Select a form you want to print a copy of by pushing the number in front of it.
The form will remind you of exactly what to do, or can be given to a
Automotive Service Center to indicate what you want done. Blanks are
provided for needed information, and the information can be easily
transferred from the form to the C.A.R. program.
If you select the Preventative Maintenance selection, a list of all of the
P.M. Items will be presented. ¢ ~90Print Preventative Maintenance Form~70
Select all of the P.M. items you wish to appear on the form by pushing the
number or letter in front of each of them. An asterisk in front of an item
indicates that it is selected. Push the number or letter again to un-select
an item.
The entries will be marked using color or intensity to show how soon the are
due. They will be marked as due for ~?01st Reminder~70, ~>02nd Reminder~70, and ~<0Overdue~70.
Monochrome displays will show soon due and overdue entries as ~?0intensified~70.
Select ~;0P~70 on the Log Screen for more information.
All of the selected items will be printed on a form. The form
will remind you of exactly what to do, or can be given to a Automotive
Service Center to indicate what you want done. Blanks are provided for
needed information, and the information can be easily transferred from the
form to the C.A.R. program. Φj~90Statistics (Continued)~70
~;0 Last 3 Fillup Avg.~70 This is (the total of all fuel purchase ^02
@23from 3 fuel fill-ups ago until the last fill-up)
@23divided by (the total ^08 between the ^03 4
@23fill-ups ago and the last fill-up). This gives
@23a better indication of your ^10's current economy
@23than the ^06 calculated for each purchase because
@23it is less affected by "filling up" your tank to random
@23levels. If you don't tend to fill your tank when
@23purchasing fuel, this may not have any valid meaning.
~;0 ^11s of Oil Used~70 Total of all oil top-offs since Statistics
@23Starting ^03. This is a measure of oil
@23consumption, and does not include oil changes.
@06~;0^12~70 (^05 Per Day * 90), after Statistics Starting Date /
@08~;0Last 90 Days~70 (^11s of Oil Used in the last 90 Days)
~;0^05 per ^11 Overall~70 ^08 Traveled / ^11s of Oil Used x~90Statistics (Continued)~70
~;0 Other Cost Totals~70 The total cost of each of these entry types
@22and the Cents Per ^07 average for each
~;0Total Operating Cost~70 Total of all Costs since Statistics Starting ^03
~;0Total Cents Per ^07~70 (Total Operating Cost) / (^08 Traveled)
@22Other displayed ^13's are rounded to 1/100 cent and
@22may not add up to this total
Push the ~;0[G]~70 key to Graph your fuel consumption over time.
Up to the last 500 fillups or up to the last 2 years will be shown.
Push the ~;0[A]~70 key for the same graph with a running Average displayed.
Push the ~;0[R]~70 key to print a statistics report on the printer. Ö~90Print Log on Printer~70
~;0Starting Date:~70 Enter the date of the first log entry you wish to be
printed, such as 7/4/90. Just press ~;0[Enter]~70 to use the date already
shown, which is the very first entry.
~;0Ending Date:~70 Enter the date of the last log entry you wish to be
printed, such as 7/4/90. Just press ~;0[Enter]~70 to use the date already
shown, which is the very last entry.
~;0Select (F)ull or (C)ompact listing:~70 Two formats are offered. Press
~;0[C]~70 for a ~;0Compact~70 format similar to the log screen display, with
one line per log entry. Press ~;0[F]~70 for a ~;0Full~70 format similar to
the screen produced by the View function for each entry.
~;0Colored or Normal Listing:~70 You may press ~;0[C]~70 if you have an Epson
compatible Color printer and want the listing color coded per Entry type.
If you don't have a color printer or don't want a color listing, press
~;0[Enter]~70 for Normal or Black & White.
~;0All or Selected Entry Types:~70 You may press ~;0[S]~70 if you want to
select the types of entries to be listed. Press ~;0[Enter]~70 to list all entries. ["~90Select Entry Types for Log Listing or Export~70
Select all of the types of entries you wish to appear on the log listing by
pushing the number in front of each of them.
An asterisk ~>0*~70 in front of an Entry type indicates that it is selected.
Push the number again to un-select an Entry type. lL~90Change PM Schedule or ^10 Information~70
If you press ~;0[Y]~70 to continue, you can change all of the information you
provided when you set up this ^10. You may change:
@07Full ^10 Name@161st Sold as New Date
@07VIN@30Inspection Group Names or Frequency
@07PM Item Names or Frequency@06 Inspection Group Items
@07Add or delete PM Items@11Add or delete Inspection Groups
@07Change type of log (^10, Machine, Metric, USA)
If you delete a PM item or Inspection Group, your log will have all remaining
entries of that type automatically deleted.
If you change the name of a PM item or Inspection Group, your log will have
the names of corresponding entries automatically changed.
~>0Be Sure~70 to make at least one backup copy of your ^10 log before
editing its configuration. It is easy to make a mistake and accidentally
delete a bunch of log entries.
Look at the other entries on the ~;0Change Setup For:~70 menu to see what other
information about this ^10 can be changed. ]_~90^10 General Information~70
~;0Full ^10 Title:~70 Enter the full name or description of your ^10
that you want to be the title on reports. Example:
@431967 Ford Mustang Convertible, Blue
~;01st Sold as New Date:~70 Enter the date (or your best guess) when this
^10 was first put into use or, if unknown, was built.
~;0VIN:~70 Enter your Vehicles's Vehcile Identification Number or Machine's
Serial Number. The VIN is seventeen digits and letters found on the title or
registration, or seen thru the driver's windshield from the outside.
The following only appear during new ^10 addition, not editing:
~;0Purchase Date:~70 Enter the date (or your best guess) when you bought
the ^10.
~;0Purchase ^03:~70 Enter the ^03 reading (or your best guess) from
when you purchased the ^10.
~;0Today's ^03:~70 Enter today's ^03 reading. ê|~90Preventative Maintenance Items~70
For each Preventative Maintenance Item you want to track and be reminded
about, enter a name for it plus either every how-many ^08 it should be
done, or every how-many ^04s, or both.
If you are setting up a new ^10, enter items starting at the top, and do
not leave any blank lines in the middle of your list.
If you are editing your ^10's configuration, you should add new items at
the bottom of the list, don't leave blank lines. To permanently delete an
item and all of the log entries for it, blank out its name.
The right ~;0[──]~70 and left ~;0[──]~70 arrow keys move the cursor inside an entry
blank. The up ~;0[]~70 and down ~;0[]~70 arrow keys move the cursor from blank to blank. ö,~90Inspection Groups~70
For each group of inspections you want to track and be reminded about, enter
a name for the group plus either every how-many ^08 it should be done, or
every how-many ^04s, or both. Then enter up to seven inspection items for
the group.
If you are setting up a new ^10, just leave the Group Name blank when you
don't want to add any more groups.
If you are editing your ^10's configuration and you want to permanently
delete an Inspection Group and all of the log entries for it, blank out it's name. r/~90Compress Log Files~70
Most of the time, you will only add items to a log, and the log file (.CAR
file) will grow with each new entry.
When you delete an entry from the log, the size of the log file does not
automatically shrink. This is not normally a problem, as the space will be
used by the next entry added.
If you should delete a large number of log entries and want the log file to
be as small as it can be, select this entry from the menu and press ~;0[Y]~70
to continue. hE~90X - Switch to a Different Log~70
Press the ~;0[X]~70 key to switch from the current Log to a different one
in the same subdirectory.
You will be presented with a list of all the Logs in the subdirectory
containing the current Log. You may select any of them, or the creation
of a new Log. ┴4~90Enter/Edit Custom Entries~70
You can add your own Entries to the standard log entries like Fuel Purchase,
Inspections, etc. Examples of Custom Entries: Parking Expense, Insurance,
Cleaning & Detailing, Accesories, Wax, Modifications, Tickets, etc.
You should enter a name in the ~;0Entry Name~70 blank, and a shorter or abbreviated
version in the ~;0Short Name~70.
You Entry can have up to 7 ~;0Entry Blanks~70 that you will fill out when you make
log entries. When you make a log entry, the contents of the first blank will
be shown in the log entry on the main log screen.
All blanks that you mark ~;0Y~70 for ~;0Cost~70 will be added up and entered into
the log as the cost for the custom Entry.
If all blanks are marked ~;0N~70 then a single cost for the Entry will entered
at the top of the entry form in the usual way.
To change the name of a Custom Entry, or the labels for the entry blanks,
just change them on this screen.
To delete a Custom Entry, just blank out its name.
Each ^10 or Machine has its own set of Custom Entries. ┼~90Select Log Type~70
Push the number in front of the description that best describes what this log
is going to be used for. Then push the ~;0[F10]~70 key.
How will you measure Usage: Miles on an Odometer?
@29Kilometers on an Odometer?
@29Hours on an Hourmeter?
@29Won't measure usage?
(If you won't be measuring usage, select Hours)
How will you buy Fuel or Oil: Gallons?
@31Won't use Fuel or Oil?
(If you won't be using Oil or Fuel, select either, it doesn't matter) ∩9~90Set How Many Days-In-Advance Warnings Will be Given~70
When you ask C.A.R. when Preventative Maintenance items and Inspections are
next due, the list will be color coded or coded by intensity.
If you have a color display, the items will be colored based on when they are
next due, and based on how many days in advance you have asked C.A.R. to
remind you. The colors are ~?01st Reminder~70, ~>02nd Reminder~70, and ~<0Overdue~70.
Monochrome displays will show soon due and overdue entries as ~?0intensified~70.
~;0Days In Advance For 1st Reminder~70 and the ~;0Days In Advance For 2nd Reminder~70
can be changed on this menu. A suggestion would be 30 days in advance for
1st Reminder, 7 days in advance for 2nd Reminder.
A first reminder is never given for things due once a month.
If an item is scheduled only by ^03 readings, estimated future ^03
readings will be used to determine when it is next due. ╞~90Reports~70
This menu produces reports about your ^10 to your screen or printer.
You can also export log data to a text (ASCII) file for import by other
programs such as Databases or Spreadsheets.
~;0Display or Print Statistics Report~70 will display overall statistics for
this ^10, produce a statistics report, and graph fuel economy.
~;0Print Log On Printer~70 will print a report of all or selected Log entries on
your printer in one of two formats.
~;0Print ^06 Report On Printer~70 will print a report of all of the data, both
entered and calculated, for ^06 calculations.
~;0Print PM/Inspection Due Report On Printer~70 will print a report of all the
PM and Inspection items, their intervals, when last done, and when next due.
~;0Export Log To File~70 will list all or selected Log entries to a disk file, in
one of two fixed-field formats. The command line option ~;0/LOG~70 can also be used.
~;0Export ^06 Information To File~70 will list all of the data, both entered and
calculated, for ^06 calculations to a disk file in a fixed-field format.
The command line option ~;0/FC~70 can also be used. R=~90Export Log To File~70
~;0Starting Date:~70 Enter the date of the first log entry you wish to export
printed, such as 7/4/90. Just press ~;0[Enter]~70 to use the date already
shown, which is the very first entry.
~;0Ending Date:~70 Enter the date of the last log entry you wish to export,
such as 7/4/90. Just press ~;0[Enter]~70 to use the date already shown, which
is the very last entry.
~;0Select (F)ull or (C)ompact:~70 Two formats are offered. Press ~;0[C]~70 for
a ~;0Compact~70 format similar to the log screen display, with one line per
log entry. Press ~;0[F]~70 for a ~;0Full~70 format similar to the screen produced
by the View function for each entry.
~;0File Name:~70 Enter a legal disk file name that you want the data written to.
~;0All or Selected Entry Types:~70 You may press ~;0[S]~70 if you want to
select the types of entries to be exported. Press ~;0[Enter]~70 to export all entries. P6~90Print ^06 Report On Printer~70
~;0Starting Date:~70 Enter the date of the first log ^06 entry you wish
to include in the report, such as 7/4/90. Just press ~;0[Enter]~70 to use the
date already shown, which is the very first log entry.
~;0Ending Date:~70 Enter the date of the last log ^06 entry you wish to
include in the report, such as 7/4/90. Just press ~;0[Enter]~70 to use the date
already shown, which is the very last log entry. K~90Export ^06 Information To File~70
~;0Starting Date:~70 Enter the date of the first log ^06 entry you wish
to export, such as 7/4/90. Just press ~;0[Enter]~70 to use the date already
shown, which is the very first log entry.
~;0Ending Date:~70 Enter the date of the last log ^06 entry you wish to
export, such as 7/4/90. Just press ~;0[Enter]~70 to use the date already shown,
which is the very last log entry.
~;0File Name:~70 Enter a legal disk file name that you want the data written to. 3~90Change How The C.A.R. Program Works~70
Don't Panic! Yes, it's a complicated looking screen (it really isn't).
If you are a typical user, everything is already set the way you need it.
If you: Live in the USA
@10Have an Epson compatible printer
@10Don't have any strange computer hardware setup
just push ~;0[F10]~70 to accept everything the way it is. You're all set!
You can change any of this anytime you want using the Misc. Functions menu. ╕w~90Address & Telephone for Forms~70
You may use the Form command of the Main Log Screen to print forms of work you
want done by your mechanic or dealer. The address and telephone number or
numbers you enter on this screen will be printed on those forms for your
mechanic's or dealer's use.
You may leave it blank for now if you wish by just pushing ~;0[F10]~70. ƒ