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Date: 03-05-92 (02:10) Number: 1114 of 1156
To: ALL Refer#: NONE
Conf: ANSWERS (1446) Read Type: GENERAL (+)
· Newsgroup: news.answers
· Message-ID: <FAQ.1_699612173@is.morgan.com>
· Subject: rec.sport.disc FAQ - Part 1
Archive-name: disc-faq/part1
Last-modified: $Date: 1992/03/03 08:42:08 $
Version: $Revision: 1.9 $
[ Sorry it's a little late, folks! Somewhere upstream from me my
outgoing news is being consumed by gremlins.... -David ]
This is part one of the rec.sport.disc FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions
list]. This file, and its companion file, part two, are posted
bi-weekly to rec.sport.disc and news.answers. The posting is designed
to answer questions which are commonly asked by new readers of the
group, as well as to provide a reliable source of information for
regular readers.
FAQ Listing:
FAQ.1: This FAQ contains the Questions and Answers for the
sports of Ultimate, Disc Golf, and Miscellaneous
disc-type questions.
FAQ.2: This FAQ contains information which changes on a
regular basis, such as UPA and WFDF contacts,
Tournement schedules, phone numbers, and so on.
Table of Contents:
1) What is Ultimate?
2) What is Disc Golf?
3) Where can I get a copy of the Rules?
4) Am I elgible for Collegiate Disc?
5) What's a MAC, and how do I do it?
6) How do discs fly? [ for the physicist ]
a) FAQ information and administrative swill
b) Mailing Summary
c) Technical Summary
1) What is Ultimate?
[ This needs to be written. I'm sure the UPA has something nice. ]
2) What is Disc Golf?
[ Parts of this are paraphrased from the PDGA handbook. ]
Disc golf is a recreational (and getting more into professional
ranks) sport for everybody regardless of age, gender or ability.
One thing is clear, throwing a flying disc with power and
accuracy is a great sensation.
The object of the game is to traverse a course from beginning to
end in the fewest number of throws of the disc(more on what a
'golf' disc is later). Each consecutive throw is made from where
the disc came to rest after the last throw. Score is determined
by counting the number of throws made on each hole and then
summing all holes. The winner is the player who completes the
course in the fewest number of throws (OR who ever has the most
A disc golf course consists of a series of holes laid out so that
when a player completes one hole he proceeds to the next until
all the holes have been completed. The player is provided with a
'tee' area from which to begin each hole and a 'target' such as a
disc pole hole(made by the disc golf association).
Disc golf courses are often laid out among wooded areas. They may
also feature water and large elevation changes. Some courses have
few trees and are considered very good. The natural obstacles on
a disc golf course are an integral part of the game and should
not be tampered with in anyway. Disc golf courses are usually 18
holes in length, however there are also 9 hole and 27 hole
courses. The length of each hole also varies anywhere from 150
ft(although i haven't seen one lately) to over 425 feet per
hole(average). The longest hole i have seen is 90 feet, the
longest is over 1000 feet. Each hole usually has an amateur
par(for those just starting out) and a pro par(for the more
experienced disc golfer).
Tee - this the area where the player starts each hole. Some
courses have multiple tees for each hole. The material on the
tee surface varies(concrete, asphalt, dirt, crushed stone,
wood chips). In general any flat non slippery surface is
Target - The target is where the disc must land in in order to
complete the hole. The target is usually a 'pole hole' which
is specially made to catch the golf disc. Courses that do not
use pole holes(or pole hole like targets) are usually known as
object courses. A typical 'object target' is a tree trunk, 4x4
or pipe.
Golf disc - a 'golf disc' is a flying disc made especially for
the sport of disc golf(although some players use whamo type
'frisbees'). Golf discs vary in weight and size. They are
usually harder and denser than whamo type frisbees. Special
models exist for driving, putting and 'up shots'(not as far as
a drive, but more than a putt) much like different clubs
exist(drivers,irons,putter) in ball golf. However, players are
not required to use a 'driver' as a driver or a 'putter' as a
putter. I have often seen players throw a putter as their
first shot from the tee. A golf disc generally costs anywhere
from $5-7 (US), maybe more or less depending on how many you
A professional PDGA tour exists. I have been told that over
100,000 people currently play disc golf. The PDGA currently has
about 5000-7000 active members (some play on a professional level
for money and some play on a amateur level (non cash prizes)). The
top money winner last year won over $16,000 (US).
3) Where can I get a copy of the Rules?
A anonymous FTP site for the rec.sport.disc archives is being set
up. When this has been created, people will be able to get
copies of the UPA, WFDF, and PDGA rules via anonymous FTP or mail
services. For now, call or write the respective organization
listed in FAQ.2.
4) Am I elgible for Collegiate Ultimate under the UPA?
[ I would appreciate it if this space could be filled with a
concise summary of the latest UPA rules modifications...I'd
love to know exactly how things have been changed. ]
5) What's a MAC, and how do I do it?
A MAC, also known as a "mack", actually stands for Midflight
Attitude Correction. In the sport of Ultimate, it usually
happens by mistake, but here's how to do it on purpose.
To MAC a disc effectively, one needs to be aware of the direction
of spin the disc has. The two possibilities are clockwise
(originating from a standard backhand throw from a right-handed
player) and counterclockwise (a sidearm throw from a right-handed
The best throws to MAC are hard with lots of Zs (spin). The
technique is to allow the disc to be throw at you very hard,
allow the disc to pass you, the MACer, on one side of your body
or another, and just as the disc is perpendicular to the throw
line, touch the side of the disc very briefly.
If the throw is clockwise, allow the disc to pass your right side
(as you are looking at the thrower) and tap the side of the disc
nearest you. The disc will then take a MAC, climbing upward. If
the clockwise throw passes on your left, the tap on the side will
send it straight into the ground.
Switch everything around for a counterclockwise throw. Disc
passes you on the left, tap the side of the disc, it takes a MAC
and climbs up. Disc passes on your right, tap it on the side,
the disc dives down into the ground.
There are some neat variations of the MAC, like the foot MAC,
which takes some extra practice. Hitting the disc on the outside
edge from the thrower is also harder. If you want to see the
best MACer alive, watch Dan (Stork) Roddick sometime. He is
amazing! (he is also the Sports Director for Wham-O). And no
place is better to MAC than on a California beach somewhere.
6) How do disks fly? How can I find out more?
This is a listing of articles and research done by various people
around the world on how discs fly.
Harrison Ka., "Flippin Frisbee", New Scientist, 1990 Aug 11, v127
Johnson, Stancil E.D., "Frisbee: A practitioner's manual and
definitive treatise", New York: Workman Publishing Company,
1975, ISBN: 0-911104-53-4.
Katz, Paul, "The free flight of a rotating disc", Israel Journal of
Technology, vol. 6, nos. 1--2, pp. 150--155.
Nakamura Y, Fukamachi, "Visualization of the Flow Past a Frisbee",
Fluid Dynamics Research, 1991 Jan, v7 n1:31-35.
Schuurmans, Mac'e, "Flight of the Frisbee", New Scientist, 1990 Jul
28, v127 n1727:37-40.
Schuurmans, Mac'e, "Frisbee: History and aerodynamics", Basel,
Switzerland, February 1985 (in German, 51 pages).
Simon, Craig, "Frisbee: Beyond catch and throw", 1982 (65 pages).
Address: Box 1502, Santa Cruz, CA 95061.
Some work has been done on converting discs into interesting
weapons, by using the disc to launch either a flare or a hand
grenade; these are discussed in some of the above messages.
Apparently, the patent applications from Wham-P in the late
1950's are interesting reading material. See the patent section
of any well-stocked university library for references in this
frevi@athena.mit.edu did work as an undergrad (MIT) involving the
visualization of flow around a rotating frisbee using dry ice
vapor as the tracer aerosol and stroboscopic and conventional
photography. In particular, a number of photos were taken of
vapor flowing around a disc mounted on a motor in various
orientations, the trajectory of a frisbee throw through a sort-of
stationary flow field stopped stroboscopically, and various
multiple exposures of throw/release motions. The results of the
flow studies seemed to indicate that a rotating frisbee induces
lift independent of a trajectory vector; i.e. the disc doesn't
have to be going someplace to generate lift, just spinning.
a) FAQ information and administrative swill
This FAQ is maintained as a public service by David Birnbaum.
Suggestions, requests, additional material, word of encouragement
and constructive criticism are encouraged! Please send
electronic mail containing all this and more to:
I encourage members of the electronic world to assist me in
keeping this up to date.
This FAQ is not directly affiliated with the UPA or any other
organization at this time, nor is any guarentee as to the
accuracy of this information implied or expressed. But I hope
it's right....
b) Mailing Summary
Any mail regarding this FAQ should be sent to:
davidb@is.morgan.com ...or...
depending on what your mailer speaks. I may be contacted via
traditional means by calling:
(212) 703-2360
after 5:00 PM. Leave a message if I do not answer.
c) Techincal Summary
This FAQ is maintained in a ASCII-text format in RCS. I use a
SPARCstation IPC, running Emacs 18.57 to edit the document.
The file is not yet availible via FTP, but I will mail copies to
any email address if one is requested.
For Technocrats only:
$Author: davidb $
$Date: 1992/03/03 08:42:08 $
$Revision: 1.9 $
No previous timestamp file; posting FAQ.1.
Article <FAQ.1_699612173@is.morgan.com> posted successfully.
· Newsgroup: news.answers
· Message-ID: <FAQ.2_699612173@is.morgan.com>
· Subject: rec.sport.disc FAQ - Part 2
Archive-name: disc-faq/part2
Last-modified: $Date: 1992/03/03 08:42:35 $
Version: $Revision: 1.13 $
This is part two of the rec.sport.disc FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions
list]. This file, and its companion file, part one, are posted
monthly to rec.sport.disc and news.answers. The posting is designed
to answer questions which are commonly asked by new readers of the
group, as well as to provide a reliable source of information for
regular readers.
Table of Contents:
1) UPA [Ultimate Players Association]
Regional Contacts Listing
2) WFDF [World Flying Disc Federation]
Worldwide Contacts Listing
3) PDGA [Professional Disc Golf Association]i
Worldwide Contacts Listing
4) Miscellaneous Listings
5) Disc League/Club Listings
6) Ultimate Team Listings
7) Ultimate Tournament Calendar
8) Golf Tournament Calendar
9) Other Events of Note
a) FAQ information and administrative swill
b) Mailing Summary
c) Techincal Summary
1) UPA Contacts Listing
Ultimate Players Association:
UPA Administrative Office
9800 Richmond Avenue, Suite 425
Houston, Texas 77042 USA
PHN: (800) UPA-GetH
(713) 784-1687
FAX: (713) 785-5431
Newsletter submissions should go to Cindy Fisher, Editor,
at the above address. Submissions on disk, in Word Perfect
format preferred. Articles can also be electronically mailed
to Eric Simon at 70540.1522@compuserve.com.
2) WFDF Contacts Listing
3) PDGA Contacts Listing
Professional Disc Golf Associtaion [PDGA]
Professional Disc Golf Association
P.O. Box 240363
Memphis, TN 38124-03631 USA
4) Miscellanous Listings
Discraft, Inc.
Discraft produces and sells all sorts of flying discs. It is
currently the maker of the UPA standard accepted disc. They will
make custom hotstamps in all sorts of nifty colors for you.
Discraft Inc
P.O. Box 850275
Westland MI 48185 USA
(313) 624-2250
DisCovering the World
Another mail-order company from which you can order flying discs.
DisCovering the World
P.O. Box 911
La Mirada, CA 90637
5) Disc Team/League Listings
This is a listing of people who can put you in touch with a summer
league, corporate club, or general disc playing in the given area.
Where possible, this is organized by Country/Region:
* US/Central
Ann Arbor, MI Henry Thorne 313-635-7815
Athens, OH Jason Holtman 614-592-2288
Chicago, IL Jack Adams 708-520-4838
Cleveland, OH Scott Balson 216-932-3574
Duluth, MN John Morgan 218-727-7695
Indianapolis, IN Dave Hasbrook 317-634-4356
Kansas City, KS/MO Stuart Price 913-648-3142
Madison, WI Brad Wendt 608-246-2174
Omaha, NE John Donovan 402-571-8262
Pella, IA Brian Loynachon 515-628-2294
Rockford, IL Joey Giampino 815-874-5839
South Bend, IN Paul Wilson 219-288-1349
Southfield, MI Chuck Milliken 313-569-5200
Springfield, MO Mike Mills 417-866-8176
St. Louis, MO Allison Boyd 314-863-7209
St. Louis, MO Matthew Flanzer mlf2@cec2.wustl.edu
Toledo, OH David O'Shea 419-478-9257
Winnapeg, Manitoba CAN Bill Burgess 204-475-8810
* US/Mid-Atlantic
Baltimore, MD Barry Lloyd 301-490-1860
Charlottseville, VA Rooster Branch 804-295-9179
Far Hills, NJ Frank & Betsy Bono 908-689-4942
Lehigh County, PA Russell Owen 215-434-6538
Mercer County, NJ Rich Levy 609-581-5658
Paramus, NJ Dave Altana 201-891-5658
Philadelphia, PA Mark Cornaccio 215-265-4125
Pittsburgh, PA Steve Neuman 412-362-1006
Raleigh, NC Perry Sugg 919-781-1406
Roanoke, VA Mike Overacker 703-774-3389
Washington, DC Steve Seelig 202-363-5816
Wilmington, NC Toad Leber 919-791-8623
* US/Northeast
Albany, NY Brian Schmidt 518-459-8946
Boston, MA Corporate Katherine Rowe 617-623-2435
Boston, MA Summer Raphael Savir 617-689-2543
Brattleboro, VT Keith Weitzmann 802-896-6539
Fairfield, CT John Garb 203-629-3956
Ithaca, NY Anne Marie Crog 617-279-4487
Middletown, CT Esra 203-638-0278
NYC, NY Laura Lewinson 212-853-7161
Ottawa, CAN Keith Whyte 613-235-5263
Portland, ME Mike Moser 207-874-2383
Providence, RI John Hokanson 401-751-9525
Purchase, NY Mike Daur 203-629-3956
Rochester, NY Ted Naylon 716-271-6382
Toronto, ONtario CAN Chris Lowcock 416-881-4291
* US/South
Atlanta, GA Fred Perivier 404-622-8068
Baton Rouge, LA Alex Sheffield 504-383-6536
Birmingham, AL Darren Brown 205-939-1329
Dallas, TX Toby Leonard 214-826-1586
Houston, TX Lori Boydston 713-270-9898
Huntsville, AL Rusty Borman 205-539-2203
Miami, FL Kurt Dahlenburg 305-558-2460
Naples, FL Robert Buchanan 813-455-4357
Savannah, GA J.R. Reynolds 912-234-5512
Tallahasee, FL Bill Simmons 904-574-0004
West Palm Beach, FL Tim Finan 407-624-0529
* US/West
Alameda County, CA Pat Pohl 415-373-5860
Burbank, CA John Babin 818-840-8612
Calgary, Alberta CAN Rick Collins 403-283-8954
Corvallis, OR Deborah Coffey 503-929-6373
Denver, CO Mary Cramer 303-777-7412
Eugene, OR Joe Millon 503-484-5011
Honolulu, HI Raymond Chun 808-373-4142
Los Angeles, CA Jeff Hirsh 818-342-3367
Oahu, HI Grant Wise 808-235-1162
Palo Alto, CA Craig Russell 415-493-0367
Phoenix, AZ Kevin Hatch 602-986-8584
Portland, OR Bob Ransdell 503-233-9525
San Diego, CA Dave Hopkins 619-488-1634
San Francisco, CA Brian Plymale 415-731-4275
Santa Barbara, CA Tim O'Donnell 805-962-0933
Santa Cruz, CA Ward Oxny 408-427-3707
Seattle, WA J.K. Wesley 206-527-9465
Vancouver, BC CAN Adam Bearson 604-732-9915
6) Ultimate Team Listings
* England
Southampton Skunks, Wayne Retter
Southampton University
Highfield, Southampton, England
7) Ultimate Tournament Calendar
* Noteworthy
Apr 18-26 Australian National Flying Disc Championships,
Perth, W.A., Australia
May 23-25 UPA College Nationals, Fort Collins, CO, USA
C: Mike Delano, (716) 883-1040
Jun 5-8 European Ultimate Club Championships,
Rotenburg, Germany
C: Skywalkers Rotenburg
c/o Elmar Lange
Cottbusser Str. 4
W-2720 Rotenburg/Wuemme
Phn: +49 - 42 61 - 54 56
Fax: +49 - 42 61 - 36 30 (Attn: Sykwalkers)
Aug 17-23 World Ultimate & Guts Championships, Tokyo, Japan
C: WFDF [see Organizational Listings]
This is organized by region and by date:
* Australia
Apr 18-26 Australian National Flying Disc Championships,
Perth, W.A.
C: Maurice Cinquini
Jun 6-7 Queens Birthday Ultimate Tournament, Sydney, N.S.W.
C: Maurice Cinquini
Oct 3-4 Queensland Ultimate Championships, Brisbane, Qld.
C: Maurice Cinquini
Dec 5-6 The Hat Tournament, Melbourne, Vic.
C: Maurice Cinquini
* Canada
Mar 7 March Meltdown, Ottawa
C: Mike_Schofield@carleton.ca
Mar 21-22 Victoria, BC
C: Dave Martin, (604) 592-5213
May 2-3 Flower Bowl, Vancouver, BC
C: Carlo Giuliani
Jun 13-14 HO Down Tournament, Calgary, AL
C: Anja Haman
* Germany
Mar 28-29 German Indoor Women's Championships, Aachen
Mar 28-29 German Indoor Men's Championships, Aachen
Jun 5-8 European Ultimate Club Championships,
Rotenburg, Germany
C: Skywalkers Rotenburg
c/o Elmar Lange
Cottbusser Str. 4
W-2720 Rotenburg/Wuemme
Phn: +49 - 42 61 - 54 56
Fax: +49 - 42 61 - 36 30 (Attn: Sykwalkers)
Jun 13-14 2nd Franken Cup, Nurnberg
Jun 20-21 Ultimate [College], Oldenburg
Jun 27-28 Fun Tournament, Darmstadt
Jul 17-19 12th German Ultimate Championship, Herne
* Italy
Mar 21-22 Beach Tournament, Rimini
C: Fax: ++39 - (0) 541 386 001
May 1-3 Open Championships, Milano
C: Monica, ++39 - 39 - 793 488
Marcello, ++39 - 39 - 484 725
* Japan
Aug 17-23 World Ultimate & Guts Championships, Tokyo, Japan
C: WFDF [see Organizational Listings]
* Netherlands
Mar 28-29 Dutch Indoor Championships, Arnhem
C: Paul Hoogendijk
Apr 30 `Flodderschijf' Tournament, Eindhoven
C: Paul Hoogendijk
May 16-17 Dutch Students Championship, Eindhoven
C: Paul Hoogendijk
Sep 5-6 Dutch Outdoor Championships, Enschede
C: Paul Hoogendijk
* Switzerland
Apr 17-19 5th WIZ Open, Geneva
C: Marcy Fluckiger
3 Avenue du 1er Juin
CH-1207 Geneve
phone: ++41 - 22 - 786 52 64
* US/Central
Mar 21 Invitational, Terre Haute, IN
C: Ben Nicholson
Box 1718
5500 Wabash Ave.
Terre Haute, IN 47803
Mar 28 Fool's Fest, Lawrence, KS
Apr 11 St. Louis Classic [Cuervo Qualifier], St. Louis, MO
* US/Mid-Atlantic
Apr 4-5 April Fools, Washington, DC
C: Mary Beth Tinley, (703) 525-1705
Apr 4-5 Mid-Atlantic Women's Teaching Tourney, [Tentative]
C: Ann Carson, (202) 244-2872
Apr 4-5 East Carolina Ultimax, NC
C: Steve Walser, (919) 758-5793
C: Mary Beth Tinley, (703) 525-1705
Apr 4-5 Monkey Bowl, Nashville, TN
C: David Kessler, (615) 746-4343
Apr 11-12 ACC Challenge [College], Raleigh, NC
C: MaryMolly Taylor, (919) 833-4810
Apr 18-19 Easter Eggstravaganja, NC
C: Ed Wagonseller, (919) 392-7066
Apr 25-26 Mid-Atlantic College Sectionals
May 2-3 Mid-Atlantic College Regionals
May 30-31 Mid-Atlantic Open Regionals [Bids Needed!]
C: Eric Simon, (703) 892-1279
C: Ann Carson, (202) 244-2872
* US/Northeast
Mar 21-22 Collegiate Easterns [College]
C: Ed Wagonseller, (919) 392-7066
Mar 21 Charity Hat Tourney, Philladelphia, PA
C: Chris Schubert, (215) 657-6071
Mar 21 Drew [College], NJ
C: Bill Meakin, (201) 408-4456
Mar 28-29 Tournement, Yardly, PA [Tentative]
C: Brian Boger, (215) 345-5672
Apr 4-5 Rutgers [College], NJ
C: Hiram Wurf, (908) 846-8954
Apr 4-5 North East Women's Teaching Tourney, [Tentative]
C: Tammy Sharp, (203) 367-5538
Apr 4-5 Vassar [College], NY
C: Steve Mangle, (914) 451-2245
Apr 11-12 Penn State, PA
C: Matt Coriaty, (814) 862-5583
Apr 11-12 Ivies Plus & Yale Cup [College], CT
C: Rob Margolis, (203) 436-0174
Apr 11-12 Albany, NY
C: Greg Myers, (518) 489-2310
Apr 18-19 Fairmount Open, PA
C: Naccho, (215) 265-4121
Apr 18-19 Flat Earth Invitational [College], Amherst, MA
C: Jason Blumkotz, (413) 549-8174
Apr 18-19 Tufts Easter, MA
C: Dan Ackerstein, (617) 666-8845
Apr 18-19 '95' Invitational, Lums Pond, RI
C: Eric Wenck, (410) 788-9689
Apr 25-26 Cornell Invitiationsl, Cornell, NY
C: Josh Faust, (607) 273-1852
Apr 25-26 Dartmouth [College], Dartmouth, NH
C: Dan Farber, (603) 640-5692
May 2-3 Northeast College Sectionals
May 9-10 Mother's Day [Cuervo Qualifier], Philidelphia, PA
C: Frank Yue, (215) 477-5106
May 9-10 Northeast College Regionals
C: Jeff Haight, (607) 273-7180
C: Tammy Sharp, (203) 367-5538
May 9-10 Amherst Invitational [High School], Amherst, MA
C: Tiina Booth, (413) 549-0364
May 16-17 South Jersey, NJ
C: Mike Adlis, (609) 692-0379
May 16-17 Albany, NY
C: Mike Delano, (518) 437-0913
May 30-31 Northeast Open Regionals [Bids Needed!]
C: Steve Goodfriend, (617) 527-4029
C: Tammy Sharp, (203) 367-5538
Jun 13-14 Easterns, Ryder College, NJ
C: Margo Kodroff, (609) 883-1953
Sep 26-27 2nd Annual Green Eggs 'n Ham, Buffalo, NY
C: Aaron Crandall, (716) 663-6835
* US/South
Feb 29-Apr 1 Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA
C: Getty, (504) 766-4266
Mar 7-8 Atlanta Terminus, Atlanta, GA
C: Jim Nesbitt, (404) 525-4938
Mar 7-8 West Palm Hat Tourney
C: Tim Finan, (407) 624-0529
Mar 14-15 St. Patrick's Daze [College], Columbia, SC
C: Ed P., (803) 799-1264
Mar 21-22 Frostbreaker [College], Gainseville, FL
C: Steve (School) Johnson, (904) 332-3807
C: Tammi Brooks, (904) 378-8894
Mar 28-29 Joint Summit, Clemson, SC
C: Dean Preston, (803) 656-1074
Apr 11-12 Collegiate Southern Regionals [College], Baton Rouge, LA
C: Luis Montes, (512) 794-9253
C: John Malone, (504) 769-6254
Apr 18-19 UPA Southerns, Birmingham, AL
C: Getty, (504) 766-4266
Apr 25-26 Beach Bowl [Cuervo Qualifier], W. Palm Beach, FL
C: Tim Finan, (407) 624-0529
May 2-3 Ultimate Bowl, GA
C: Tony Eubanks, (404) 548-1748
May 30-31 Masters Tournament, Palm Beach, FL
C: Tim Finan, (407) 624-0529
* US/West
Mar 7-8 Stanford College Invitational, Palo Alto, CA
C: Marc Weinberger, (415) 497-5579
Allan Patrick Padgett
Mar 14-15 St. Patty's Day Classic [Cuervo Qualifier], San Diego, CA
C: Dave Hopkins, (619) 483-2352
1524 Chalcedony St.
San Diego, CA 92109
Mar 28-29 April Fools West, Palo Alto, CA
C: Allan Patrick Padgett
May 23-25 UPA College Nationals, Fort Collins, CO
C: Mike Delano, (716) 883-1040
Aug 1-2 Cuervo Qualifier, Seattle, WA
C: Troy Frever, (206) 523-8648
Aug 15-16 The Ultimate Wallow, Portland, OR
C: Turf Terrace, (503) 233-9525
C: Bob (Rebob) Ransdell, (503) 690-4307
8) Disc Golf Tournament Calendar
* Noteworthy
Apr 18-26 Australian National Flying Disc Championships,
Perth, W.A.
C: Maurice Cinquini
This is organized by region and by date.
* Australia
Apr 18-26 Australian National Flying Disc Championships,
Perth, W.A.
C: Maurice Cinquini
* Canada
Apr 11-12 [PDGA], ONT
C: Jim Pay, (519) 633-2482
May 23-24 [PDGA], Toronto, ONT
C: Bob Blakely, (416) 699-5755
Jun 27-28 [PDGA], St. Thomas, ONT
C: Bob Harris, (519) 633-7830
* Sweden
Apr 25-26 Lundagolfen [PDGA], Lund
C: Peter Henriksson
May 2-3 Kvarngolfen [PDGA], Stockholm
C: Peter Henriksson
May 16-17 Qual. for Sw. Championships, Kalmar
C: Peter Henriksson
May 23-24 Fridhem Open [PDGA], Linkoping
C: Peter Henriksson
May 28-31 Skane Open [Qual.for Sw. Championships]
C: Peter Henriksson
May 28-31 Beijer Open [PDGA], Helsingborg and Malmoe
C: Peter Henriksson
Jun 6-7 Boden Open [PDGA], Boden
C: Peter Henriksson
Jun 13-14 Qual. for Sw. Championships, Uppsala
C: Peter Henriksson
Jun 27-28 Qual. for Sw. Championships, Umea
C: Peter Henriksson
Jul 11-12 Skellefte Open [PDGA], Skelleftea
C: Peter Henriksson
Aug 1-2 Stockhom Disc Golf Open [PDGA], Stockholm
C: Peter Henriksson
Aug 3-8 Swedish Individual Overall Championships, Stockholm
C: Peter Henriksson
Aug 29-30 Helsingborg Open [PDGA], Helsingborg
C: Peter Henriksson
Sep 12-13 Wettern Open [PDGA], Jonkoping
C: Peter Henriksson
Sep 19 Lillsjo Disc Golf Open, Stockholm
C: Peter Henriksson
Sep 26-27 The Autumn Throw [DDC,SCF & Golf], Kalmar
C: Peter Henriksson
Oct 31 The November Golf, Stockholm
* US/Central
Jun 13-14 [PDGA], Peru, IN
C: Alan Pier, (317) 452-9193
Aug 1-2 [PDGA], Dayton, OH
C: Slate Paul, (513) 258-2456
Aug 14-16 [PDGA], Columbus, OH
C: Brent Hambrick, (614) 252-4173
* US/Northeast
Apr 25-26 [PDGA], Pittsburgh, PA
C: Keith Clark, (412) 364-2718
May 6-7 [PDGA], Lewiston, NY
C: Alan Pier, (317) 452-9193
Jul 17-18 [PDGA], Rochester, NY
C: Royce Racinowski, (716) 482-8697
9) Other Events of Note
* UPA Newsletter Schedule
Vol 12-1 Done.
Vol 12-2 March, deadline Feb 17,
CC Meeting Report, Captains Meetings Reports,
National Team List, College Top 20 info
Vol 12-3 May, deadline April 3,
College update, National Summer League List
Vol 12-4 June, deadline May 21
National Summer League update
Vol 12-5 August, deadline July 24,
Worlds (deadline extended), Fall Series,
Sectional Coord List, Seasonal Rules/Amendments
Vol 12-6 October, deadline Sept 18,
Vol 12-7 December, deadline Nov 2,
Vol 13-1 January, deadline Dec 23,
"State of the Sport" issue, questionaire,
National Team List, College Elig. Rules
a) FAQ information and administrative swill
This FAQ is maintained as a public service by David Birnbaum.
Suggestions, requests, additional material, word of encouragement
and constructive criticism are encouraged! Please send
electronic mail containing all this and more to:
I encourage members of the electronic world to assist me in
keeping this up to date. I will release copies of FAQ.2 more
often than FAQ.1, but the schedule has yet to be determined....
This FAQ is not directly affiliated with the UPA or any other
organization at this time, nor is any guarentee as to the
accuracy of this information implied or expressed. But I hope
it's right....
Kudos to the contributors below:
Todd Bradley [ bradleyt@spot.Colorado.EDU ]
Mark Brehob [ opermwb@HYDRA.ROSE-HULMAN.EDU ]
Cads [ ecs.soton.ac.uk ]
Maurice Cinquini [ mauricec@tplrd.tpl.oz.au ]
Stuart Craig [ scraig@nebula.mentorg.com ]
Matthew Lee Flanzer [ mlf2@cec2.wustl.edu ]
Troy Frever [ troy@hardy.u.washington.edu ]
Thomas Griesbaum [ thgries@ira.uka.de ]
Carlo Giuliani [ Carlo_Giuliani@mindlink.bc.ca ]
Anja Haman [ haman@cpsc.ucalgary.ca ]
Peter Henriksson [ euaphe@eua.ericsson.se ]
Paul Hoogendijk [ paulh@win.tue.nl ]
Servio Medina [ sfm@math.ufl.edu ]
Luis Montes [ lmontes@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu ]
Allen Patrick Padgett [ padgett@cs.stanford.edu ]
Troy Saville [ evh@genie.slhs.udel.edu ]
Dave Swartz [ dswartz@lobo.rmhs.colorado.edu ]
Eric Simon [ 70540.1522@compuserve.com ]
Chris Wilkenloh [ wilk@cc.gatech.edu ]
b) Mailing Summary
Any mail regarding this FAQ should be sent to:
davidb@is.morgan.com ...or...
depending on what your mailer speaks. I may be contacted via
traditional means by calling:
(212) 703-2360
after 5:00 PM. Leave a message if I do not answer.
c) Techincal Summary
This FAQ is maintained in a ASCII-text format in RCS. I use a
SPARCstation IPC, running Emacs 18.57 to edit the document.
The file is not yet availible via FTP, but I will mail copies to
any email address if one is requested.
For Technocrats only:
$Author: davidb $
$Date: 1992/03/03 08:42:35 $
$Revision: 1.13 $ ]
No previous timestamp file; posting FAQ.2.
Article <FAQ.2_699612173@is.morgan.com> posted successfully.
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From: davidb@is.morgan.com (David Birnbaum)
Newsgroups: rec.sport.disc,news.answers
Subject: rec.sport.disc FAQ - Part 2
Keywords: disc ultimate golf horozontal
Message-ID: <FAQ.2_699612173@is.morgan.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1992 08:45:09 GMT
Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1992 08:42:53 GMT
Sender: usenet@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (The Network News)
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