This menu system is a compiled version of a public domain menu system that
has some fixes put in and the ability to screen blank.
The batch file "BLANK.BAT" should have the name of the screen blanker that you want to use.
Blank.bat - currently contains:
echo "you need your blanker name in the file called "Blank.bat"
The blanker is executed after a 2 minute delay.
There are directory paths already set up in the menus so you will have to edit the paths if you want the menu system to work correctly. The paths currently in the menus can be edited with "F1" at the opening screen.
To start up the sample, just unpack into it's own subdirectory and enter "menu".
If there are any features that don't work correctly or any problems with the program please let me know via the Motherboard or Insanity BBS at 918-335-3462 (9600 baud) or Red Dragon BBS at 918-333-2195 (2400 baud).
I might entertain adding some features to it if there is any interest.
This version of the menu system is provided without any warranties expressed
or implied. If you use this program it is strictly at your own risk.