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#ifndef __BITSTR_HPP
#define __BITSTR_HPP
#ifndef SBIT8
#define SBIT8 char
#ifndef UBIT8
#define UBIT8 unsigned char
#ifndef SBIT16
#define SBIT16 int
#ifndef UBIT16
#define UBIT16 unsigned int
#ifndef SBIT32
#define SBIT32 long int
#ifndef UBIT32
#define UBIT32 unsigned long int
#ifndef HIBYTE
#define HIBYTE(x) *(((UBIT8*)&x)+1)
#ifndef LOBYTE
#define LOBYTE(x) *(UBIT8*)&x
// class BIT_STREAM
// This class is used to manipulate a stream of bits. It is set up like a
// normal byte buffer, with elementary put/get functions. The use of Put()
// and Get() will implement a FIFO, whereas the use of Put() and UnPut()
// (or UnGet() and Get()) will implement a LIFO/stack. The bits may be
// addressed as an array using [] and Set(), and simple rotations may then
// be performed via BitPut(BitGet()) or BitUnGet(BitUnPut()).
//-----------------------------Global constants------------------------------
//-------------------Mod-------Global variables------------------------------
//-----------------------------Functions called------------------------------
// 1991.06.28 D. Rogers initial code -
class BIT_STREAM { //bit stream manipulation
UBIT8 *base; //pointer to base of bit storage
UBIT16 max; //number of bits maximum
UBIT16 cnt; //number of bits available
UBIT16 hed; //beginning (source) of stream
UBIT16 tal; //pointer to end (sink) of stream
BIT_STREAM(int maxbits=0x800); //constructor
//======================= ~BIT_STREAM(); { delete base; } //destructor
int Empty(void) { return cnt==0; } //tells when buffer has run out
int Full(void) { return cnt>=max; } //tells when buffer is full
void Flush(void) { cnt=hed=tal=0; } //reset stream
UBIT8 operator [] (UBIT16 k); //reads from current offset ([0])
void Set(UBIT16 index,UBIT8 bit); //sets from offset (can't use [])
UBIT16 Length(void) { return cnt; } //number of bits in stream
UBIT16 Peek(UBIT16 off,UBIT16 bits); //peeks from offset, no bits removed
void BitPut(UBIT8 bit); //inserts a single bit
void Put(UBIT16 word,UBIT16 bits); //add from a word
void Put(UBIT32 word,UBIT16 bits); //add from a long word
void Put(UBIT8* data,UBIT16 bits); //add from byte stream
UBIT8 BitGet(void); //extracts a single bit
UBIT16 Get(UBIT16 bits); //get bits
void Get(UBIT8* data,UBIT16 bits); //get bits into byte buffer
UBIT8 BitUnPut(void); //un-inserts a single bit
UBIT16 UnPut(UBIT16 bits); //get bits from head end, not tail
void UnPut(UBIT8* data,UBIT16 bits); //get from head into byte buffer
void BitUnGet(UBIT8 bit); //un-extracts a single bit
void UnGet(UBIT16 bits=1); //ungets with current contents
void UnGet(UBIT16 word,UBIT16 bits); //add to tail end from a word
void UnGet(UBIT32 word,UBIT16 bits); //add to tail end from a long word
void UnGet(UBIT8* data,UBIT16 bits); //add to tail from byte stream
}; //class BIT_STREAM