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204 lines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "strutil.h"
#include "scrutil.h"
#include "wutil.h"
#include "menutil.h"
/* menshow */
/* This function redisplays the described window. */
/* MENU_DESC* md pointer to menu descriptor for menu. */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/* Returns the current selection or one of the return codes described in */
/* menutil.h. */
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 A. Turing initial code */
int menshow(MENU_DESC* md)
char twupd; /*temporary windowing update flag*/
int i; /*index*/
MENU_LIST* ml; /*local copy of menu list pointer*/
WIND* w; /*pointer to window*/
if (!md) return MEN_ERROR; /*make sure legal descriptor*/
if (md->typ>=MEN_LAST) return MEN_ERROR; /*ditto*/
w=md->w; /*pointer to window*/
if (!w) return MEN_ERROR; /*bad window, oops!*/
ml=md->menu_list; /*pointer to menu list*/
twupd=wupd; /*copy window updating flag*/
wupd=0; /*disable updating*/
switch (md->typ) { /*differently for each type*/
case MEN_VERTICAL: /*vertical selection list*/
wclr(w); /*clear window*/
if (md->cur>=md->siz) md->cur=0; /*check current*/
wsetattr(w,md->wnd_attr); /*set window attributes*/
for (i=0;i<md->siz;i++) { /*go through each to write out*/
wsetcpos(w,i,0); /*go to start of row in window*/
wputshot(w,ml[i].str,md->hot_attr,HOTKEY); /*write it out*/
} /*to write out whole list*/
wsetcpos(w,md->cur,0); /*current line*/
wsetattr(w,md->sel_attr); /*invert selection colors*/
wclreor(w); /*clear line*/
wputshot(w,ml[md->cur].str,md->sel_attr,HOTKEY); /*write string*/
wsetattr(w,md->wnd_attr); /*restore attributes*/
case MEN_HORIZONTAL: /*horizontal selection list*/
default: /*unknown type*/
wupd=twupd; /*restore window updating flag*/
return MEN_ERROR; /*bad descriptor*/
} /*switch*/
wupd=twupd; /*restore window updating flag*/
if (wupd) wupdate(w); /*update window*/
return md->cur; /*all ok*/
} /*menshow*/
/* menvert */
/* This function displays a vertical menu using the information in the */
/* menu descriptor argument. The menu descriptor tells menvert() where */
/* to place the window, the attributes, the selection strings and the */
/* function to call when a selection is made. */
/* MENU_DESC* md see menutil.h for field definitions of MENU_DESC */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/* Returns the last selection made or one of the return codes described */
/* in menutil.h. */
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 A. Turing initial code */
int menvert(MENU_DESC* md)
int i; /*scrap*/
int c; /*input char*/
char* s; /*scrap*/
char done=0; /*finished with menu*/
char exec=0; /*execute selection flag*/
MENU_LIST* ml; /*menu list struct pointer*/
WIND* w; /*pointer to window*/
ml=md->menu_list; /*point to menu list*/
for (i=0;ml[i].str;i++) { /*get number of menu elements*/
md->wid=MAX(md->wid,hotlen(ml[i].str,HOTKEY)); /*check width*/
ml[i].hot=0; /*..reset hotkey*/
s=strchr(ml[i].str,HOTKEY); /*..find hotkey flag*/
while (s) { /*..check 'til no more &&'s*/
s++; /*....point to next char*/
if (*s!=HOTKEY) { /*....found a non-doubled hotkey*/
ml[i].hot=toupper(*s); /*......set it*/
break; /*......cut out on loop*/
} /*if*/
s++; /*....pass second &*/
s=strchr(s,HOTKEY); /*....look for next &X*/
} /*while seeking hotkey*/
} /*for each menu item*/
if (!i) return MEN_ERROR; /*no menu selections*/
md->siz=i; /*set up size*/
if (md->row==0xFFFF) md->row=getcrow();
if (md->col==0xFFFF) md->col=getccol();
if (!md->wnd_attr) md->wnd_attr=WND_ATTR;
if (!md->brd_attr) md->brd_attr=BRD_ATTR;
if (!md->sel_attr) md->sel_attr=SEL_ATTR;
if (!md->hot_attr) md->hot_attr=HOT_ATTR;
md->typ=MEN_VERTICAL; /*vertical selection list menu*/
wupd=0; /*disallow window updating*/
md->w=wopen( /*open the menu's window..*/
md->border,md->title, /*..border type, title string*/
md->row,md->col, /*..screen row, column*/
md->siz,md->wid, /*..height in rows, width in columns*/
md->wnd_attr /*..normal attribute*/
); /*wopen*/
w=md->w; /*readability*/
wupd=1; /*allow window updating*/
if (!w) return MEN_ALLOC; /*oops! no window*/
w->fl.wrap=0; /*no wrap*/
w->fl.scroll=0; /*no scroll*/
w->battr=md->brd_attr; /*border attribute*/
w->csiz=NO_CURSOR; /*no cursor in the window*/
wupd=0; /*reset updating*/
for (i=0;i<md->siz;i++) { /*go through each to write out*/
wsetcpos(w,i,0); /*go to start of row in window*/
wputshot(w,ml[i].str,md->hot_attr,HOTKEY); /*write it out*/
} /*to write out whole list*/
wupdate(w); /*update screen*/
while (!done) { /*go 'til done*/
if (md->cur>=md->siz) md->cur=0; /*start at top if bad*/
menshow(md); /*redraw window*/
exec=0; /*reset execute selection flag*/
do { /*only redo when need to*/
c=wgetc(w); /*get input character*/
if ((c>='a')&&(c<='z')) c-=0x20; /*upperize it*/
switch (c) { /*look at value*/
case _UPAR:
if (md->cur==0) /*if at top*/
md->cur=md->siz-1; /*wrap*/
case _DNAR:
md->cur++; /*go down*/
if (md->cur>=md->siz) md->cur=0; /*wrap*/
case _PGUP:
case _HOME:
md->cur=0; /*top of list*/
case _PGDN:
case _END:
md->cur=md->siz-1; /*end of list*/
case CR:
exec=1; /*execute selection*/
case ESC:
done=1; /*all done*/
for (i=0;i<md->siz;i++) if (c==ml[i].hot) break; /*look for hotkey*/
if (i>=md->siz) { c=0; break; } /*not found*/
md->cur=i; /*current window*/
menshow(md); /*redraw menu window*/
exec=1; /*execute selection*/
} /*switch*/
} while (c==0); /*if nothing pressed, try again*/
if (exec) { /*if we need to execute*/
if (ml[md->cur].fun) ml[md->cur].fun(md); /*call selected function*/
if (ml[md->cur].flags&MEN_CLOSE) done=1; /*if autoclose*/
if (ml[md->cur].flags&MEN_NEXT) md->cur++; /*if autonext*/
} /*if executing*/
} /*while not done*/
wclose(w); /*shut down window*/
if (c==ESC) /*if ESC pressed to exit..*/
return MEN_ESC; /*..return code*/
else /*otherwise..*/
return md->cur; /*..return selection*/
} /*menvert*/