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C/C++ Source or Header
454 lines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "scrutil.h"
WORD far *scrseg=NULL;
/* ptrcmp */
/* This function determines if two pointers are equal. It is necessary */
/* under the Intel 80x86 bullshit segmenting. */
/* void *p first pointer to compare */
/* void *q second pointer to compare */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/* ptrcmp() returns 1 if the args point to the same place, 0 otherwise. */
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
int ptrcmp(void far *p,void far *q)
LWORD lp,lq;
lp=((lp>>12)&0x000FFFF0L)+(lp&0x0000FFFFL); /*shift down segment and add*/
lq=((lq>>12)&0x000FFFF0L)+(lq&0x0000FFFFL); /*shift down segment and add*/
} /*ptrcmp*/
/* memcpynf, memcpyfn, memcpyi, memcpyifn, memcpyfni */
/* These function are analogous to memcpy, but for mixed near:far or */
/* far:near pointers. Those which end in i are interruptable. */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
void memcpynf(void near *n,void far *f,WORD k) /*copies to near from far*/
BYTE far *bf;
BYTE near *bn;
bf=(BYTE far *)f;
bn=(BYTE near *)n;
while (k-->0) *bn++=*bf++;
} /*memcpynf*/
void memcpyfn(void far *f,void near *n,WORD k) /*copies to far from near*/
BYTE far *bf;
BYTE near *bn;
bf=(BYTE far *)f;
bn=(BYTE near *)n;
while (k-->0) *bf++=*bn++;
} /*memcpyfn*/
void memcpyi(void* dpp,void* spp,WORD n)
#if defined(__HUGE__)|defined(__LARGE__)|defined(__COMPACT__)
asm push si
asm push di
asm push ds
asm mov cx,n
asm les di,dpp
asm lds si,spp
asm movsb
asm loop looplin
asm pop ds
asm pop di
asm pop si
asm push si
asm push di
asm mov cx,n
asm mov di,dpp
asm mov si,spp
asm mov ax,ds
asm mov es,ax
asm movsb
asm loop looplin
asm pop di
asm pop si
} //memcpyi
void memcpyfni(void far* dpp,void near* spp,WORD n)
asm push si
asm push di
asm mov cx,n
asm les di,dpp
asm mov si,spp
asm movsb
asm loop looplin
asm pop di
asm pop si
} //memcpyfni
void memcpynfi(void near* dpp,void far* spp,WORD n)
asm push si
asm push di
asm push ds
asm mov cx,n
asm mov di,dpp
asm mov ax,ds
asm mov es,ax
asm lds si,spp
asm movsb
asm loop looplin
asm pop ds
asm pop di
asm pop si
} //memcpynfi
/* getkey */
/* This function returns the key pressed. If a special function key is */
/* pressed, it returns the scan code of the key + 256. */
/* Constants are defined in [cutil.h] for use with this function. */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/* Returns 256+scan code for special keys, ASCII value for others. */
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
int getkey(void)
int c;
if (c)
} /*getkey*/
/* getcrow */
/* This function returns the current absolute cursor row. */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/* getcrow() returns the current row as an unsigned int. */
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* Rows normally range from 0-24. */
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
WORD getcrow(void)
union REGS r;
r.x.bx=0; /*assume page 0*/
r.h.ah=0x03; /*indicate get-cursor-info*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*call Video Services interrupt*/
return (r.h.dh); /*return row (0=first row)*/
} /*getcrow*/
/* getccol */
/* This function returns the current absolute cursor column. */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/* getccol() return the absolute cursor column as an unsigned int. */
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* Columns usually range from 0-79. */
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
WORD getccol(void)
union REGS r;
r.x.bx=0; /*assume page 0*/
r.h.ah=0x03; /*indicate get-cursor-info*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*call Video Services interrupt*/
return (r.h.dl); /*return column (0=first row)*/
} /*getccol*/
/* setcpos */
/* This function sets the current absolute cursor position to the row and */
/* column specified. */
/* WORD row absolute cursor row on screen (usually 0-24) */
/* WORD col absolute cursor column on screen (usually 0-79) */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
void setcpos(WORD row,WORD col)
union REGS r;
r.x.bx=0; /*assume page 0*/
r.h.dh=row; /*cursor row*/
r.h.dl=col; /*cursor col*/
r.h.ah=0x02; /*indicate set-cursor-position*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*call Video Services interrupt*/
} /*setcpos*/
/* getcsiz */
/* This function finds out how big the current cursor is on the screen. */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/* getcsiz() returns the cursor size in an unsigned int whose most */
/* significant byte contains the first scan line of the cursor and whose */
/* least significant byte contains the last scan line of the cursor. */
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
WORD getcsiz(void)
union REGS r;
r.x.bx=0; /*assume page 0*/
r.h.ah=0x03; /*indicate get-cursor-info*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*call Video Services interrupt*/
return (r.x.cx); /*return cursor scan lines*/
} /*getcsiz*/
/* setcsiz */
/* This function sets the cursor size using the same format as is */
/* returned by getcsiz(). */
/* WORD siz cursor size (MSB: 1st scan line, LSB: last) */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
void setcsiz(WORD siz)
union REGS r;
r.x.bx=0; /*assume page 0*/
r.x.cx=siz; /*cursor size (start/stop scan line)*/
r.h.ah=0x01; /*indicate set-cursor-size*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*call Video Services interrupt*/
} /*setcsiz*/
/* getsmod */
/* This function returns the current video mode of the PC by making a */
/* call to the DOS Video Services interrupt. */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/* getsmod() returns the video mode as an unsigned int. */
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
WORD getsmod(void)
union REGS ir,or; /*register structs*/
WORD mode; /*mode value*/
ir.x.bx=0; /*assume page 0*/
ir.h.ah=0x0F; /*indicate get-screen-mode*/
int86(0x10,&ir,&or); /*call Video Services interrupt*/
mode=or.h.al; /*see about mode*/
if (or.h.al==TEXT_80_25) { /*see if need to check for special*/
switch(or.h.dl+1) { /*look at rows..*/
case 43:
case 50:
default: ;
} /*switch*/
} /*if checking for special*/
return mode; /*return video mode*/
} /*getsmod*/
/* setsmod */
/* This function sets the current video mode of the PC by making a call */
/* to the DOS Video Services interrupt. */
/* WORD mod video mode to be set */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 D. Rogers initial code */
void setsmod(WORD mod)
union REGS r;
if (mod>0x1000) { /*if special mode..*/
r.x.bx=0; /*..*/
r.x.ax=TEXT_80_25; /*..first force to text mode*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*..call video services interrupt*/
} /*if higher mode*/
r.x.bx=0; /*force page 0*/
r.x.ax=mod; /*video mode to set*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*call Video Services interrupt*/
} /*setsmod*/
WORD getsrows(void)
union REGS r; /*register-holding union*/
switch (getsmod()) { /*go rows via mode*/
case TEXT_40_25_BW:
case TEXT_40_25:
case TEXT_80_25_BW:
case TEXT_80_25:
case MONO_80_25:
return 25;
case TEXT_80_HI:
r.x.ax=0x1130; /*.*/
r.x.bx=0x0003; /*.*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*call video services interrupt*/
return r.h.dl+1; /*return number of rows on screen*/
default: ;
} /*switch*/
return 0; /*must be in a text mode*/
} /*getsrows*/
WORD getscols(void)
return *((WORD far *)SCRCOLUMN); /*columns per row*/
} /*getscols*/
WORD getsrowscols(void)
union REGS r; /*register-holding union*/
r.x.ax=0x1130; /*.*/
r.x.bx=0x0003; /*.*/
int86(0x10,&r,&r); /*call video services interrupt*/
r.h.dh=*((BYTE far *)SCRCOLUMN); /*columns per row*/
return r.x.dx+1; /*return number of rows & columns*/
} /*getsrows*/
/* setscrseg */
/* This function sets the screen (video) segment variable, scrseg, */
/* according to the video monitor available. */
/*-----------------------------Return value---------------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Global constants-----------------------------*/
/*-------------------Mod-------Global variables-----------------------------*/
/*-----------------------------Functions called-----------------------------*/
/* 1990.01.01 A. Turing initial code */
WORD far *setscrseg(void)
if (getsmod() == MONO_80_25)
scrseg=(WORD far*)SCRSEG_MONO;
scrseg=(WORD far*)SCRSEG_COLOR;
return scrseg;
} /*setscrseg*/