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// Text buffer (quasi-window) functions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "tbutil.hpp"
rows=MAX_ROWS; //max rows
cols=MAX_COLS; //max cols
txt=new (WORD[rows*cols]); //allocate space for text
if (txt==NULL) { //if no room..
rows=cols=0; //..reset things
return; //..exit
row=0; //start at upper
col=0; //left corner
att=DEF_ATT; //use default attributes
fil=DEF_FIL; //use default fill character
nam[0]=0; //don't set up a name
fl.wrap=1; //wrapping
fl.scroll=1; //scrolling
Clr(); //clear the whole buffer
} //TBuf default constructor
TBuf::TBuf(int rs,int cs)
rows=cols=0; //first indicate failure
if ((rs<MIN_ROWS)||(rs>MAX_ROWS)) return; //fail
if ((cs<MIN_COLS)||(cs>MAX_COLS)) return; //fail
rows=rs; //set rows
cols=cs; //set columns
txt=new (WORD[rows*cols]); //allocate space for text
if (txt==NULL) { //if no room..
rows=cols=0; //..reset things
return; //..exit
row=0; //start at upper
col=0; //left corner
att=DEF_ATT; //use default attributes
fil=DEF_FIL; //use default fill character
nam[0]=0; //don't set up a name
fl.wrap=1; //wrapping
fl.scroll=1; //scrolling
Clr(); //clear the buffer
} //TBuf constructor given size
TBuf::TBuf(int rs,int cs,BYTE a)
rows=cols=0; //first indicate failure
if ((rs<MIN_ROWS)||(rs>MAX_ROWS)) return; //fail
if ((cs<MIN_COLS)||(cs>MAX_COLS)) return; //fail
rows=rs; //set rows
cols=cs; //set columns
txt=new (WORD[rows*cols]); //allocate space for text
if (txt==NULL) { //if no room..
rows=cols=0; //..reset things
return; //..exit
row=0; //start at upper
col=0; //left corner
fil=DEF_FIL; //use default fill character
nam[0]=0; //don't set up a name
fl.wrap=1; //wrapping
fl.scroll=1; //scrolling
att=a; //set attribute to passed value
Clr(); //clear the buffer
} //TBuf constructor given corners
delete txt; //delete the text from memory
} //TBuf::~Tbuf
void TBuf::Name(char* s) //sets text-buffer name
int l=strlen(s); //length of name
if (l>=MAX_NAM) l=MAX_NAM-1; //make sure length is ok
strncpy(nam,s,l-1); //copy into window's name
nam[l]=0; //terminate string
} //TBuf::Name(char*)
void TBuf::Pos(int r,int c=0)
if ((r>=rows)||(r<0)) r=0; //check row
if ((c>=cols)||(c<0)) c=0; //check column
} //TBuf::Pos(int,int)
void TBuf::Clr(int dir) //clear buffer (beg=-1,all=0,end=+1)
WORD ca=(att<<8)+(BYTE)fil; //fill char and attribute
WORD* wp; //pointer into text window
WORD n; //number of cells
if (!dir) { //0==entire screen
wp=txt; //start at beginning
n=rows*cols; //go for entire screen
row=col=0; //reset cursor position
else if (dir<0) { //-1==from beginning
wp=txt; //start at beginning
n=row*cols+col; //go to current row and column
else { //+1==to end
wp=&txt[row*cols+col]; //set start to current row and column
n=(rows-row)*cols-col; //go to end of text buffer
while (n--) *wp++=ca; //clear the whole thing
} //TBuf::Clr(int)
void TBuf::ClrRow(int dir) //clear row (beg=-1,all=0,end=+1)
WORD ca=(att<<8)+(BYTE)fil; //fill char and attribute
WORD* wp; //pointer into text window
WORD n; //number of cells
if (!dir) { //0==entire row
wp=&txt[row*cols]; //start at beginning of row
n=cols; //go for entire row
col=0; //reset cursor position
else if (dir<0) { //-1==from beginning of row
wp=&txt[row*cols]; //start at beginning of row
n=col; //go to current column
else { //+1==to end of row
wp=&txt[row*cols+col]; //set start to current row and column
n=cols-col; //go to end of row
while (n--) *wp++=ca; //clear the whole thing
} //TBuf::ClrRow(int)
void TBuf::ScrollUp(int n)
WORD* wp1; //leading pointer
WORD* wp2; //trailing pointer
WORD nb=cols<<1; //number of bytes per row
if (!n) return; //no scroll!
int r=row; //save the row,column
int c=col;
if (n>0) { //check for scroll-up/scroll-down
if (n>=rows) { Clr(); Pos(r,c); return; } //huge scroll
wp1=txt; //point to beginning of buffer
wp2=&txt[n*cols]; //point to next available row
for (int i=n;i<rows;i++) { //go through each row to be scrolled
memcpy(wp1,wp2,nb); //copy it over
wp1+=cols; //increment row pointers
} //for
Pos(rows-n,0); //go to first new row
Clr(CLR_END); //clear to end of buffer
Pos(r,c); //restore cursor
} //if up
else { //scroll down
n=-n; //invert if scrolling down
if (n>=rows) { Clr(); Pos(r,c); return; } //huge scroll
wp1=&txt[(rows-n-1)*cols]; //point to last row of buffer
wp2=&txt[(rows-1)*cols]; //point to next available row
for (int i=n;i<rows;i++) { //go through each row to be scrolled
memcpy(wp2,wp1,nb); //copy it over
wp1-=cols; //decrement row pointers
} //for
Pos(n,0); //go to row
Clr(CLR_BEG); //clear from beginning of buffer
Pos(r,c); //restore cursor
} //if scrolling down
} //TBuf::ScrollUp(int)
void TBuf::IncCol(void)
col++; //increment column pointer
if (col<cols) return; //done if column is small enough
col--; //back down
if (!fl.wrap) return; //if not wrapping, leave hangin'
IncRow(); //wrap to next row
} //TBuf::IncCol(void)
void TBuf::IncRow(void)
int c=col; //save column position
col=0; //reset column for clears
row++; //wrap to next row
if (row<rows) return; //if row ok, great
if (!fl.scroll) { //if not scrolling, just wrap..
row=0; //set to first row
ClrRow(CLR_END); //clear the first row
col=c; //restore column
return; //all done
ScrollUp(1); //scroll up one row
row=rows-1; //set to bottom row
ClrRow(CLR_END); //clear bottom row
col=c; //restore column pointer
} //TBuf::IncRow(void)
void TBuf::Put(char c)
switch (c) { //see if special character
case '\r': //if CR, reset column
case '\n': //if LF, newline
col=0; //reset column
IncRow(); //go to next row
txt[row*cols+col]=(WORD)(att<<8)+(WORD)c; //put char into buffer
IncCol(); //point to next location
} //switch
} //TBuf::Put(char)
void TBuf::Put(char* s)
while (*s) Put(*s++); //just write each character
} //TBuf::Put(char*)
void TBuf::Put(char* s,int n)
int i; //local index
for (i=0;i<n;i++) Put(*s++); //just write each character
} //TBuf:Put(char*,int)
void TBuf::Printf(char *fmt,...) //formatted print
va_list va; //variable argument list
int l; //length of string
char b[256]; //buffer to hold string
va_start(va,fmt); //open va list
l=vsprintf(b,fmt,va); //write into a string
va_end(va); //close va list
Put(b,l); //put out string of l chars
} //TBuf::Printf