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206 lines
#include "vecutil.hpp"
void vecerror(char* s) { cout <<"RUNTIME ERROR: "<<s<<'\n'; exit(1); }
static Vec _rtnVec(40); //for calcs
Vec::Vec() //constructor
siz=0; //start with none
x=new double[DEF_SIZ]; //get memory for vector
loadcoord=0; //currently loading first coord
if (!x) return; //oops! no mem
siz=DEF_SIZ; //set size
Fill(); //fill'er up wid nils
} //Vec::Vec(int)
Vec::Vec(int n) //constructor
if (n<=0) n=DEF_SIZ; //bad sizension, use 3
siz=0; //start with none
x=new double[n]; //get memory for vector
loadcoord=0; //currently loading first coord
if (!x) return; //oops! no mem
siz=n; //set size
Fill(); //fill'er up wid nils
} //Vec::Vec(int)
Vec::~Vec() //destructor
if (x) delete x; //kill the coords
} //Vec::~Vec(void)
void Vec::Fill(double val) { //fill with value
register int i; //index register
for (i=0;i<siz;i++) x[i]=val; //store it
loadcoord=0; //currently loading first coord
} //Vec::Fill
void Vec::Show(void) //display as text
cout <<'('<<x[0];
for (int i=1;i<siz;i++) cout <<','<<x[i];
cout <<')';
} //Vec::Show(void)
void Vec::operator =(Vec& v) //assignment
int m=MIN(siz,v.siz); //check size
for (int i=0;i<m;i++) x[i]=v.x[i]; //copy each one that fits
for (;i<siz;i++) x[i]=0.0; //fill the rest with zeros
loadcoord=0; //currently loading first coord
} //Vec::=(Vec&)
void Vec::operator =(double a) //assignment, fill with double
Fill(a); //fill'er up
loadcoord=0; //currently loading first coord
} //Vec::=(double)
Vec& Vec::operator +=(Vec& v) //add to
int m=MIN(siz,v.siz); //find number to copy
for (int i=0;i<m;i++) x[i]+=v.x[i]; //add to
return *this;
} //Vec::+=(Vec&)
Vec& Vec::operator -=(Vec& v) //subtract from
int m=MIN(siz,v.siz); //find number to copy
for (int i=0;i<m;i++) x[i]-=v.x[i]; //subtract from
return *this;
} //Vec::+=(Vec&)
Vec& Vec::operator *=(double a) //scalar product
for (int i=0;i<siz;i++) x[i]*=a; //multiply through
loadcoord=0; //currently loading first coord
return *this;
} //Vec::*=(double a)
Vec& Vec::operator /=(double a) //scalar quotient
loadcoord=0; //currently loading first coord
if (a==0.0) return *this; //can't divide by 0
for (int i=0;i<siz;i++) x[i]/=a; //multiply through
return *this;
} //Vec::/=(double a)
double Vec::operator !(void) //scalar length
double dot=0.0;
for (int i=0;i<siz;i++) dot += x[i]*x[i]; //get dot product
return sqrt(dot); //return square root of dot product
} //!(Vec&)
Vec& Vec::operator <<(double a)
if (loadcoord>=siz) loadcoord=0;
return *this;
} //Vec::<<(double)
Vec operator +(Vec& u,Vec& v) //vector addition
int i;
if (u.siz<v.siz) { //if u is smaller..
for (i=0;i<u.siz;i++) _rtnVec.x[i]=u.x[i]+v.x[i]; //..copy up to u's coords
for (;i<_rtnVec.siz;i++) _rtnVec.x[i]=v.x[i]; //..finish with v's
else { //otherwise v is smaller
for (i=0;i<v.siz;i++) _rtnVec.x[i]=u.x[i]+v.x[i]; //..copy up to v's coords
for (;i<_rtnVec.siz;i++) _rtnVec.x[i]=u.x[i]; //..finish with u's
return _rtnVec;
} //Vec +(Vec&,Vec&)
Vec operator -(Vec& u,Vec& v) //vector addition
int i;
if (u.siz<v.siz) { //if u is smaller..
for (i=0;i<u.siz;i++) _rtnVec.x[i]=u.x[i]-v.x[i]; //..copy up to u's coords
for (;i<_rtnVec.siz;i++) _rtnVec.x[i]=-v.x[i]; //..finish with v's
else { //otherwise v is smaller
for (i=0;i<v.siz;i++) _rtnVec.x[i]=u.x[i]-v.x[i]; //..copy up to v's coords
for (;i<_rtnVec.siz;i++) _rtnVec.x[i]=u.x[i]; //..finish with u's
return _rtnVec;
} //Vec -(Vec&,Vec&)
double operator *(Vec& u,Vec& v) //inner (dot) product
double dot=0.0; //dot product
int m=MAX(u.siz,v.siz); //get smallest sizension
for (int i=0;i<m;i++) dot += u.x[i]*v.x[i]; //calculate dot product
return dot;
} //double *(Vec&,Vec&)
Vec operator *(Vec& v,double a) //scalar product
_rtnVec=v; //copy it
_rtnVec*=a; //scalar product
return _rtnVec; //give it to 'em
} //Vec *(Vec&,double)
double operator >>(Vec& u,Vec& v) //angle between vectors, radians
double dot=u*v; //dot product of u,v
double times=!u*!v; //product of lengths
if (times==0.0) return M_PI_2; //pi/2 if they're orthogonal
return acos(dot/times); //give'm the number
} //double *(Vec&,Vec&)
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,Vec& v) //for cout use
out << '(' << v.x[0];
for (int i=1;i<v.siz;i++) out <<','<<v.x[i];
out << ')';
return out;
} //operator<<(ostream& out,Vec& v)