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dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File
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If the Appointment is for the Current Year , then enter Date like this example Jul 04....
If the Appointment is for next year , then enter like this example ... Jul 04, 1994....
Enter the Start and End Time Fields in the following format; 10:00am or 10:00 am
When Entering Notes , Please make sure that when you get near the end of the line
that you hit the ENTER KEY to create a new line otherwise the Notes will not print
properly.. When you use the Query Date Command you can use the following examples;
Typing "Nov" will Query the Appointments for the Month of November
Typing "Nov 0" will Query the Month of November with the date being 01 , 02 , 03 ,etc
Typing "Nov 1" will Query the Month of November with the date being 10 , 11 , 12 etc.
Typing "Nov 2" will Query the Month of November with the date being 20 , 21 , 22 etc
Typing "Nov 24" will Query the Exact Date of Nov 24...all years...
Typing "Nov 24, 1993" will Query Exact Date and Year
This is why you should enter the Date as a two digit number as; 01 , 02 and so on...
When you use the Query Appointment Command , just Enter the Appointment
Description or you can type the first few letters.. Example would be if you wanted to
Query all your Doctor Appointments then if you started all your Doctors Appointments
with " Dr. " , you could just Enter " Dr." or you could Query a specific Doctor by
entering say... "Dr. Spock"... Using the Query Day Command you need enter a weekday
such as "Monday" , "Tuesday" etc... will Query all your appointments for that day and
it will include all dates...