Welcome to Sledrider! You have pressed the F1 key, which activates this help window. You are currently at the Main Menu screen. To make a selection on the Main Menu, use the arrow keys to move the pointer and press ENTER to select your option. Before playing Sledrider, be sure to browse through the instructions, located on the 'Info' screen.
Select the 'Start' icon to start playing Sledrider. To see a demo, select the 'Demo' icon. The 'Config' icon lets you configure sound cards. Select the 'Info' icon for instructions on how to play this game. Finally, use the 'Quit' icon to exit Sledrider.
In the 'Start Point' window, you can choose the game's starting level. The 'Difficulty' window determines how steep the hills are (an expert hill is steeper than a novice hill). In the 'Sound' window, you can choose which sounds will be played, and where they will play from; if the Sound Blaster option is chosen, you may be asked for the sound card port and IRQ numbers. In the 'Control' window, keys may be redifined by selecting the Customize option; erase the custom keys by selecting the Default option. The Quick Turns option, when selected, will make your sled turn without any delays.
The Information Screen
Use the up and down arrow keys to move the pointer and press ENTER to select your option. The ESC key will bring you back to the main menu.
Use the right arrow key to advance a page and use the left arrow key to go back a page. The ESC key returns you to the Information Screen.
Here are the default arrow keys for moving your sled:
LEFT: Move clockwise
RIGHT: Move counterclockwise
UP: Speed up
DOWN: Slow down
Note that these keys may be changed by selecting 'Custom...' from the Main Menu.
Other keys that may be used include:
F1: Bring up help
F2: Turn sound on or off
F3: Swap left and right keys
P: Pause game
ESC: Quit the game
On this screen, you may select which port and IRQ numbers to use with a Sound Blaster or compatible sound card. Most sound cards are configured so that port 220h and IRQ 5 are used. Please note that there is a possibility that your computer will freeze when the Sledrider game is started if incorrect port or IRQ values are chosen. If this happens, restart your computer, run Sledrider, and try different port or IRQ settings. Refer to sound card documentation and diagnostic software for assistance.
You may redefine the keys used to control the sled. To redefine a key, press a new key when prompted. If you wish to keep the same key, press the same key. To abort changes, hit the ESC key. To change the keys to their defaults, select 'Default keys' from the 'Control' window on the Main Menu screen. Please note that only arrow keys may be used to control the sled.