The Complete Encyclopedia of Games 3
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^014@HUBIE for DOS
#015^063 Pushing:
Shift + Direction when next to something
(arrow on the number key pad)
#025^063 Crushing:
Ctrl + Direction (arrow on the number key
#043^063 Coptering:
7 for left or 9 for right (on the number
key pad)
#056^063 Climbing:
7 for left or 9 for right when next to
something (on the number key pad)
#031^063 Blowing:
Shift + Direction (arrow on the number key
To navigate Hubie to the Exit Door. Hubie must
manipulate and interact with the various objects on the
board to reach the exit.
Hubie is primarily a Pushing game. Ordinarily, objects
are moved by Pushing rather than pulling. Learning
Hubie's abilities and the properties of the objects are
important for success.
A WORD OF ADVICE: You should study each board
before moving or destroying objects. Without
forethought, you may inadvertently change a board and
not be able to complete it.
All boards included in the official Serendipity
Software Shareware and Registered versions ARE
^010The Game Board:
The board is broken down into invisible rectangular
units. Everything, including Hubie, will always come to
rest within these units. The edge of the screen is the
edge of the board.
^010The Properties:
Gravity is simulated. Objects rise and fall at the same
speed. Objects move at the same speed vertically as well
as horizontally.
If two objects should come to rest next to each other,
they will remain together until pulled apart, destroyed, or
one is moved vertically. Be careful, as only Magnets can
#009 Hubie is the creature you control. Hubie
has two feet and two antennae on top of its head.
Hubie can move to the left, right, copter, and
^009 Hubie's abilities detailed:
#015^063 Pushing:
Hubie can push most objects, but only one at a
time. This causes the object to move one unit
away from Hubie. Hubie is incapable of moving
more than one object. Only objects outlined in
black can be pushed or turned in place.
^009 Keyboard Default:
Shift + Direction when next to something
(arrow on the number key pad)
^002@* * * * ABILITIES are continued * * * *
^002 Hubie's abilities (continued):
#025^063 Crushing:
Hubie can crush cracked objects with its head.
#038 Crushing objects will disintegrate them.
Some objects cannot be crushed, instead they
will rotate within their space.
^009 Keyboard Default:
Ctrl + Direction (arrow on the number key
#043^063 Coptering:
Hubie can use its antennae to copter over a
space or a gap. Hubie will fly over one unit.
^009 Keyboard Default:
7 for left or 9 for right (on the number
key pad)
^002@* * * * ABILITIES are continued * * * *
^002 Hubie's abilities (continued):
#056^063 Climbing:
ONLY Green Vines and Dead Vines can be
climbed more than one unit up.
^009 Keyboard Default:
7 for left or 9 for right when next to
something (on the number key pad)
#031^063 Blowing:
Hubie can exhale a puff of air that moves
floating objects away one unit. Hubie can blow
objects any distance.
^009 Keyboard Default:
Shift + Direction (arrow on the number key
#021 Hubie can push, not pull, objects. When falling,
Hubie cannot be controlled but, can perform any
ability when springing up. Hubie will die if an object
falls on Hubie, or Hubie falls on Spikes or Fire.
^014 The Objects & Events:
&017^103 Exit Door:
When Hubie reaches the Exit Door, the board is
complete. The Exit Door is a background object
and can be covered or hidden.
&018^103 Exit Sign:
A neon sign that identifies the Exit Door. This
is also a background object.
&003^103 Bricks:
Relatively indestructible stationary objects
that support all objects.
&004^103 Cracked Bricks:
Bricks that Hubie can Crush.
&012^103 Icy Bricks:
Stationary light blue Bricks with a slippery
surface. If an object or Hubie moves
horizontally on these bricks, it will slide to the
end of the bricks. But, if an object falls onto
these bricks it will rest until pushed or pulled.
Fire, Lightning, Focused Light Beams, and the
One Ton Weight defrost Icy Bricks.
&044^103 Soil:
Similar to the Bricks, but indestructible.
&060^103 Wooden Paneling:
Just as the Bricks but flammable.
&032^103 Spring:
Anything that falls onto this metal spring will
bounce indefinitely on the Spring.
&002^103 Bouncy Ball:
Anything that falls onto this Ball will bounce up
with it. It is hard to stop this Ball from bouncing.
&011^103 Green Vines:
One inseparable unmovable object. Hubie always
climbs the length of Vines.
&010^103 Dead Vines:
Are only one unit each, usually they are
stacked. Any part may be Pushed out. Gravity
can affect these vines. Hubie always climbs
the length of Vines.
&013^103 Wooden Log:
A solid piece of wood.
&033^103 Charcoal:
A fragile, non-flammable object.
&035^103 Cork:
A wooden cork that plugs gaps one unit wide.
If the Cork comes between two objects that
are one unit apart, the Cork becomes stuck.
The gap is then filled by the Cork.
&015^103 TNT:
An explodable metal canister that can
disintegrate almost anything directly
surrounding it.
&014^103 Plunger:
A metal box with a pressure sensitive button
that when pressed will detonate all TNT.
&021^103 Metal Block:
Solid, cannot be disintegrated.
&046^103 One Ton Weight:
An object so heavy that it either cracks or
disintegrates almost anything it falls onto.
&007^103 Boulder:
A big rock.
&008^103 Cracked Boulder:
A big rock that Hubie can Crush.
&095&103^103 Tread Gears:
Rotating wheels that force anything on top
them to move in their direction.
&099^103 Tread:
A ribbon that moves between a pair of Gears.
Treads move everything on top along its length.
If something falls onto a series of treads all
items on the treads are bounced upward. In
this regard, Treads act like Springs.
&047&051^103 Straight Pipe:
Magical metal pipe that transports anything.
&040&049^103 Curved Pipe:
Just like the Straight Pipe but Hubie can
change the direction of the Pipe by Crushing it.
Curved Pipes can be rotated to face any
&077&079^103 Turning Pipe:
Just like the Curved Pipe but, it will change
direction whenever anything passes through it.
&024^103 Magnet:
Pull metal objects toward it. Hubie can rotate a
Magnet's direction by Crushing it. Magnets can
&025 only rotate horizontally. Magnets pull objects
the width of the screen. Magnets are the only
object that will pull other objects.
&016^103 Glass Block:
A fragile object. A Glass Block shatters if it
falls or if a One Ton Weight falls on it.
&009^103 Ice Cube:
A block of ice that once moved, slides along
any surface until blocked. Hubie cannot climb
an Ice Cube. Heat melts Ice Cubes.
&034^095 Fan: [Registered version only]
The complement of Magnets. A Fan pushes
almost any object. Hubie can rotate a Fan by
&043 Crushing it. A Fan can only rotate horizontally.
A Fan pushes an object the width of the
&019^103 Balloon:
Rises until blocked. One Balloon supports one
object. Two Balloons lift one object upward.
Three Balloons lift two objects upward, etc.
Hubie or a Fan can blow Balloons the width of
the screen.
&005&006^103 Spikes:
Stationary bricks that will kill Hubie or destroy
^095 Black Cloud: [Registered version only]
^207 Support:
This cloud can support objects. If Hubie or a
Fan blow the cloud, it can move carrying an
object on top of it one unit.
^207 Lightning:
&137 Shoots out of the Black Cloud if Hubie
crushes this cloud. The Lightning will shoot
&080 out away from Hubie. If Lightning hits
anything mechanical that object either stops
or starts. Lightning can create Fire. Mirrors
can change the direction of Lightning.
^095 White Cloud: [Registered version only]
^207 Support:
This cloud can support objects. If Hubie or a
Fan blow the cloud, it can move carrying an
object on top of it one unit.
&153^207 Rainbow:
If Hubie crushes a white cloud, it dissolves
&036 into a Rainbow. The Rainbow will beam away
from Hubie. Rainbows are magical "tubes," if
&036 an object is placed in the Rainbow's entrance,
the bright mass of pulsing colors, the object
moves to the end of the Rainbow. A Rainbow,
unlike a Pipe, will send objects only in one
direction. Mirrors and Pipes can change the
&061 path of a Rainbow. If the Rainbow passes
through a Diamond, the Rainbow becomes a
Focused Light Beam. Any object traveling
inside of a Rainbow may be lost if it goes
into a Diamond, Pipe or Mirror and can't exit.
^002@* * * * The White Cloud is continued * * * *
&041^002 White Cloud continued:
&039&027^207 Focused Light Beam:
High intensity light that starts Fire and melts
frozen objects. If a Focused Light Beam
goes into a Diamond it will become a Rainbow.
Focused light won't kill Hubie.
&023&031^095 Mirror: [Registered version only]
Metal reflecting dishes. A Mirror reflects all
light: Rainbows, Focused Light Beams, and
&022&030 Lightning. A Mirror can be rotated. Hubie can
rotate a Mirror to face any direction by
Crushing it.
&039^095 Diamond: [Registered version only]
Extremely hard objects. They cannot be
disintegrated. If a Rainbow or a Focused Light
Beam go into a Diamond it will become the other.
&029^103 Fire:
Ignites anything organically based, i.e. Green
Vines, Dead Vines, Wooden Paneling, Corks, and
Wooden Logs. Fire will spread. It disintegrates
some objects and transforms others. If it is
not present at the start of the board, Lightning
and Focused Light Beams can create Fire. If
Fire is on an object, it will burn out. Fire
will kill Hubie. An open flame is extinguished
if covered with an object. Burning objects
cannot be extinguished. Standing on Fire will
kill Hubie, but pushing a burning object or
standing near fire will not harm Hubie.