The Complete Encyclopedia of Games 3
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3 - D e m o n
A Chase And Be Chased Game in 3D
John D. Price and Rick Richardson
3-Demon requires an IBM Personal Computer with at least
128 kilobytes of memory, one single-sided disk drive, a
color graphics adapter, and a black and white, or a color
To start 3-Demon, simply type 3-Demon at the DOS command
prompt. After a few seconds, you will be asked what type
of display you have. Press the "b" key if you have a black
and white display, or press the "c" key if you have a
color display. You will then be in the 3-Demon "attract"
mode until you select a game level.
To return from 3-Demon to PC-DOS, first finish playing any
game in progress (or end the game by pressing the "Esc"
key). Then press the "Esc" key to return to PC-DOS.
The object of 3-Demon is to descend through the various
mazes without being eaten by the ghouls. The measure of
your success is the number of points you accumulate before
all of your lives are devoured.
In 3-Demon you are not simply a voyeur, watching from a
safe perch above the action. You are the main character,
running through the hallways and fleeing from the ghouls.
The ghouls in 3-Demon chase you through the various mazes.
You must attempt to avoid them in your search for the food
dots. The power pills allow you to turn the tables on the
ghouls, chasing and eating them. Be careful. Your power
does not last forever. When you have eaten most of the
food in a maze, you will fall down to the next lower maze.
The radar display aids you in avoiding the ghouls. It
allows you to see around corners, giving you a slight
advantage over the ghouls who do not possess such advanced
Your movements are controlled using the keyboard. These
are the meanings of the keys that are used:
Up Cursor Move forward, down the hall. You cannot walk
through walls. If you hold this key down,
you will move forward as far and as fast as
you can, until you hit a wall.
-> Turn to the right. To turn down a hallway,
you must be next to the doorway. Otherwise,
you will turn and face a wall.
<- Turn to the left.
5 Turn around, facing where you came from.
Good to check for trailing ghouls, and to
change direction in a hurry.
Down Cursor Go down to the next maze. This only works if
you have eaten half the food in that maze.
Good for quick escapes.
Esc Give up and exit that game. Wimp.
Num Lock Quiet. Good for late night or you-really-
should-be-working games. Press Num Lock
again and the hallways become noisy places
to wander.
Scroll Lock Pause. Take a break. Press Scroll Lock again
to resume play.
H Help! What key do I hit to get that break?
Large + key Display the maze floor plan. Where am I? The
maze plan is always displayed so that
travelling forward would move you towards
the top of the screen.
The 3-Demon display screen is divided into two major areas
as depicted below:
| | 3-Demon |
| | LEVEL LL |
| | hh:mm:ss |
| | fd% score |
| | lives |
| 3D Display of Maze | |
| 2D Maze Map | +---------+ |
| | | | |
| | n| o | |
| | | radar | |
| | +---------+ |
| | |
The left side of the screen usually displays a three
dimensional (3D) view of the maze as it appears to you,
standing in a hallway. When the large plus key has been
pressed, this display switches to a conventional map of
the maze and play is paused. There is a slight penalty in
going to the 2D maze map, so use of this mode is recom-
mended only for finding those last few food dots. The
mazes are not very difficult, and you will soon learn them
by playing 3-Demon.
The right hand side of the screen contains several indica-
tions of how well you are doing. "score" is your accumu-
lated score. "LL" is your descent level in the 3-Demon
mazes. "hh:mm:ss" is the elapsed time since you began
playing. "fd" is the percent of food dots you have eaten.
You do not have to eat all of the food dots to descend to
the next level. When this number reaches 100%, you will
automatically descend to the next level. "lives" indicates
how many lives you have remaining. Each remaining life is
indicated by a smiling face on the display.
Below the status indicators are two instrument displays.
When you became trapped in the 3-Demon mazes, you weren't
left empty handed. You have a compass and a radar to
detect nearby objects.
The compass is a small arrow (marked "n" above) which
always points towards true north. It is useful for making
your way to a specific part of the maze.
The on screen "radar" display is useful to avoid becoming
trapped by a ghoul. Your position is always centered in
the display and marked by an open square ("o" in the
diagram above). Ghouls appear on the display as filled in
squares, and floating stars appear as 'x'. The radar
display is always oriented so that travelling forward
moves you toward the top of the radar display (top of
screen). The radar has a limited range and capability, and
will not show you the location of far away ghouls, walls,
power pills, or food.
There are ten levels of play, 0-9. Level 0 is for learning
only, with no monsters to distract you. Levels 1-9 are
gradual increases in difficulty. As play levels increase
you move faster, the mazes become more difficult and the
ghouls are smarter and quicker. Start out at a low play
Since the final objective of the game is to get the
highest score, an understanding of the scoring weights is
important to develop a good strategy. Here are the scores:
Food Dots 10
Power Pills 50
First Ghoul 200
Second Ghoul 400
Third Ghoul 800
Fourth Ghoul 1600
Floating Star At least 250
Finishing a Maze 80 * Depth
In addition, as your score passes 5000 you will gain
another life. After that, you will receive extra lives at
increasing intervals (greater that 5000 points).
Your 3-Demon disk will store the ten highest scores for
each play level. If you are skilled enough to be among the
top ten scorers at that play level, you will be given a
chance to enter you name in the list. Just type in your
name or nickname, and be immortalized.
Here are a few tips to help you get on the honor role:
1. Finish off the maze instead of using the down key. You
do not get points when using the down key.
2. Turn often when being chased by ghouls. If they cannot
see you down the hallway they soon forget you.
3. Be careful when you get to lower depths; the ghouls
move faster.
4. Learn to recognize the sounds. They can tip you off to
important events.
5. Use the radar screen. It allows you to "see" around
corners and avoid nearby ghouls.
6. Play at level 0 for a while to get the feel of the
three dimensional display. Use the maze map to help
you learn the floor plan of the maze.
7. Once you get proficient at using the keys, you will
find that the fastest way to move around the maze is
to hold the Up Arrow (forward) key down. To turn and
keep moving, simply time your press of the right or
left arrow keys so that you press them at the same
time as you reach a hallway. You do not need to
release the Up Arrow key to make a turn.